Board Minutes December 2021: Difference between revisions

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== Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes ==
== Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes ==
   |motion=To approve the [[Board Minutes September 2021|September 2021]] and the [[Board Minutes September 28 2021|September 28]] minutes.
   |motion=To approve the [[Board Minutes October 2021|October 2021]] minutes.
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* Templates
* Templates
* [ President's Report]
* [ President's Report]
Verbal Report:
* most of the last month has been spent with the HR committee finalizing the Exec Dir recruitment, culminating in the hiring of Mike Zuge (who is present this evening).
* Mike signed on as our new Exec Director effective 18 Oct 2021
* Met with Nancy McCalder from ACSN re: Bylaws. We did not make deadline for Bylaw change at AGM. If necessary, we can hold a special meeting to approve Bylaw changes or wait until next year's AGM
** Nancy and Jeff from ACSN will review our bylaws and policies.
* Assisted with Volunteer appreciation recognition certificates for volunteers with >100hrs in the last 18 mos

=== Treasurer's Report - Roy C. (2 mins) ===
=== Treasurer's Report - Roy C. (2 mins) ===
* [Treasurer's Report]
* [ Treasurer's Report]
* Report deferred to the discussion of the 2022 Budget conversation later in the agenda

=== Executive Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min) ===
=== Executive Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min) ===
* [ Executive Committee Report]
* [ Executive Committee Report]

=== HR Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min) ===
=== HR Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min) ===
* [ HR Committee Report]
* [ HR Committee Report]
* We hired a new ED!
* Next goals are working with Mike and Chris re: terms of transition and possibility of Chris staying on as an employee of Bike Edmonton.
* Next HR Committee Meeting Monday, 25 Oct 2021, 7pm, Google Meets. Mike will be there as a guest

=== Governance Committee Report - Roy C. (2 min) ===
=== Governance Committee Report - Roy C. (2 min) ===
* [ Governance Committee Report]
* [ Governance Committee Report]
** Committee has not met.
** waiting on feedback from ACSN

=== Executive Direct Report - Chris C. (5 min) ===
=== Executive Direct Report - Mike Züge (10 min) ===
* [ Executive Director Report]
* [ Executive Director Report]
* Verbal Report:
** Finishing up the bookkeeping for Sept; sent to bookkeepers.
***Will include late deposits that were received in August and July, so these funds will need to be amended.
** Shops are winding down a bit as summer is over
*** South Shop is still pretty full; Revenue has been fairly steady
** Hired South Shop Asst mgr: Brittany; with us until 7 Jan 2022 as a Canada Summer Job grant fund. Looking to possibly keep her on afterwards.
** Volunteer Appreciation Party last Friday
*** Catered by Northern Chicken; everyone was very happy
** Bike Builders are working steady hours and teaching courses that have been filling up
** Bike Sales numbers for Sept not currently available
*** More bikes were available in Sept, and more bikes sold. Bikes continue to sell.
** Sidewalk sale at Downtown shop
*** Not as successful as we would have liked, but still relatively well received
*** made about $500; did not sell as much stuff as we would have liked
*** really a trial run to see what the interest would be; we will likely recommend something for the future
** Events: SUTS final concert; Taste of Edmonton street festival; Last Boyle Street Tuneup; No Ever-Active courses for kids, as kids were back to school in Sept; Courses: 3 in Sept, 14 Participants; one Rack sale; Drone shoot;
** Casino night: We don't know yet what we will make from the Casino. This is pooled from all casinos across the province. It will likely be less than what we have made in the past.
*** Casinos may change in the future, it may be up to 3 years out; We have a good relationship and reputation with AGLC. As soon as we know, Molly will report to the board.
** AGM Notice has gone out
*** We are currently verifying membership via RSVP
** We are now "Bike Edmonton" on Facebook!
*** Name was changed from Edmonton Bicycle Commuter Society in 2018
*** This has been a process over the last three and a half years
*** It was not due to not trying. And it finally worked!
** Municipal Election last night

=== Approval of Reports ===
=== Approval of Reports ===
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* Posting Board Intros to the website is still pending
* Posting Board Intros to the website is still pending

==== Bikes and Animals Social Media Campaign (1 min) ====
==== Bikes and Animals Social Media Campaign (2 min) ====
* Further discussion still needed with Chris
* What are our thoughts on this? Does the AOC want to take this on?
=== Executive Director Recruitment (1 min)===
* This is now complete. A warm welcome to Mike Züge as the new Executive Director of Bike Edmonton!

=== Downtown Shop Mural - Sarah R. (5 min) ===
=== Downtown Shop Mural - Sarah R. (5 min) ===
* [ Mural Fundraiser]
* [ Mural Fundraiser]
* Mural installation happened, however, there was a slight issue with the installation that we are working on getting resolved
* The Executive Committee asked Sarah to provide a few different options to have the Board vote on:
Discussion notes:
** Artist has been paid in full
** Sarah is currently working on the project document so that this can be used for donation solicitation purposes.
** We are currently going through the list of volunteers with qualifying hours to start getting volunteer names on to the mural

=== AGM Planning - Sarah R. (5 min)===
=== Membership Drive - Sarah R. (2 min)===
* At least one more meeting needs to be scheduled with the AGM Planning Committee before the AGM
* This was never sent out. A new version would need to be developed at this point as the previous version is now out-of-date
* The Bylaws were not updated in time for the required 21-day notice to the Membership
* Would this live with the AOC?
Discussion notes:
** We do need at least one more meeting before the AGM
** There will be a contingency plan for those who lack the tech or skills to attend virtually

=== Board Year-End Assessment - Sarah R. (2 min)===
* [ 2020-2021 Board Member Year End Assessment]
* Only three Board members have filled this out
* The nomination form is needed for the AGM

=== Update on Progress of Membership Drive - Chris C. (2 min)===
== New Business ==
* No updates

=== Promo Video Update - Chris C. (2 min)===
=== Appointment of 2021-2022 Board of Directors Executive - Sarah R. (2 min)===
*Promo shoot went well
The Board held the election for the Executive at its Board Retreat on November 21, 2021 with the following results:
*Michael, the volunteer who shot the video with his drone, sent the video to Chris, however, Chris does not currently have a computer that is capable of viewing the video, which is in an ultra-HD format
*President: Sarah (Acclaimed)
*Chris feels the video shoot was successful in capturing his vision for the project
Vice President: Roy (7 - elected)
Treasurer: Byron (Acclaimed)
Secretary: Andi (Acclaimed)
Member at Large: Keith (Acclaimed)

== New Business ==
{{Motion To appoint Sarah Rebryna as President, Roy Coulthard as Vice President, Andi Eng as Secretary, Byron Vass as Treasurer, and Keith Heslinga as Executive Committee Member-at-large as the 2021-2022 Board of Directors Executive.
New Business
Meeting Etiquette
Rusty’s Rules
=== Update Signing Authorities for Financial Accounts - Sarah R. (2 min)===
* Update signing authorities for Bike Edmonton's financial accounts. Note that historically Bike Edmonton signing authorities have been members of the Executive, however, signing authority is not restricted to only those on the Executive. Any director may serve as a signing officer.
* An important consideration in appointing signing officers is, among other things, ensuring that they are capable and competent to manage financial matters, especially payments, in a timely manner.
* Important Considerations for Signing Authorities:
** Signing authorities should be reviewing any and all payments they are signing off on to ensure that all payments are legitimate
** If the expense payment is to one of the signing authorities that person cannot authorize payments to themselves
{{Motion To update the signing authorities from Sarah Rebryna, Matthew Hoyt, and Roy Coulthard to Sarah Rebryna, Roy Coulthard, and Byron Vass
=== Update Access Permissions for Financial Accounts - Sarah R. (2 min)===
Bike Edmonton's financial accounts are accessible through various online accounts. Some of these accounts provide direct access to Bike Edmonton's funds while others simply provide <i>view only</i> access. It is up to this Board to determine who shall have access permissions for both Bike Edmonton's direct access and view only financial accounts
{{Motion To update all financial accounts with new account access permissions from Sarah Rebryna, Matthew Hoyt, Roy Coulthard, and Chris Chan, to
=== Meeting Etiquette - Sarah R. (2 min)===
* Rusty’s Rules
Rotating Chair? - vote
Rotating Chair? - vote
Motion from the Board to update all financial accounts with new signing authorities from Sarah Rebryna, Matthew Hoyt, and Roy Coulthard to Sarah Rebryna, Roy Coulthard, and Byron Vass [and Mike Züge?]
Motion from the Board to update all financial accounts with new account access permissions from Sarah Rebryna, Matthew Hoyt, Roy Coulthard, and Chris Chan, to Sarah Rebryna, Roy Coulthard, Byron Vass, and Mike Züge
Google Drive Updates:  
Google Drive Updates:  
My Drive
My Drive
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=== Onboarding and Orientation of Mike to the Executive Director Role - Sarah R. (5 min)===
Discussion notes:
*Mike and Chris will get things sorted out between themselves. Sarah offered her support as needed
=== FY2022 Budget - Roy C. (5 min)===
* [ FY2022 Budget]

   |motion= To recommend the FY2022 Budget as presented above to the membership at the AGM on 7 Nov 2021.
   |first= Roy
   |second= Andi
   |yes= 7
   |no= 0
   |abstain= 0
   |result= Carried



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