Board Minutes January 2012

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These minutes were approved in the Board Minutes February 2012.


  • Meeting Chair: Bernadette
  • Minute-taker: Chris Corrigan
  • Board attendance:Micah Cooper, Duncan Kinney, Bernadette Blakey, James, Lee Vilinski, Paul Grovenlock, Alex Choby, Chris Corrigan, Neil Carey, Adam Burgess
  • Staff attendance:Anna Vesala
  • Regrets:Steph Gregorwich
  • Absent:Brett (late)
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Time: 6:35 pm

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion:

Paul, Alexandra 2nd

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

James, Kris 2nd

Date, Location & Food for Next Meeting

February 9th, Room 101 Law Centre, Micah to arrange for food


President's Report

President's Report

-I can do an oral review of what was e-mailled.

-Discussion of our options regarding the Spoke. (this could be moved to "new business")

Treasurer's Report

  • Report from December 2010 to be completed by Neil
  • There will be a shortfall on The Budget since there is not yet a North Location
  • Recommendation to have only One Summer Student for 2012, instead of two, as in 2011
  • We (EBC) must 'Watch our Pennies!'

Financial Report for November 2011

The month ran remarkably close to the expected budget, so I don't think there's much to be said about it. The only item that stands out is a substantial negative ($1500) in the cash over/under. This is the first month I've completed a physical cash count since the end of August - numbers between now and then are all from the cash sheet, and the over/under number came from the daily count, usually done by Alex. There had been a substantial positive ($1300) in September, and I suspect that at some point, someone triggered the "move money to safe" function, but didn't actually move any money, resulting in a double count that wasn't caught and corrected until now. I don't think we've been robbed.

YTD, we're also running quite close to budget. I've rescheduled budget items relating to the North shop. If we do get a north shop going in May, I think we'll be fine, but do keep in mind that if the North shop gets delayed past the summer, we'll finish the year roughly $10k short of our target.

File:November 2011 Financial Report.xls

Items in Mailbox

1 - There was a card from Ian's mother, and a $100 cheque included. She said that they're intending to give us some of the money from Ian's estate once it's settled up. I'd appreciate it if someone who knew him better than I could please send a response.

--> I suggest Bryan; he is not a board member but he was a very good friend of Ian's and is still an EBC volunteer as far as I know. Perhaps he and a board member could collaborate. I wouldn't mind doing this. -Micah

2 - There was a mail-in membership renewal who said they tried to renew at the shop, but we wouldn't accept their cheque. The only thing strange about it is that it's from an account with the Christian Credit Union, but I can't see why that would matter. Is there a cheque policy that I don't know about, and if there's not, could Alex please include something in his next volunteer mailout to the effect that we do accept cheques.

Executive Director's Report

Executive Director's Report

BikeWorks Report

BikeWorks Report

Informantion Management Commitee

  • Has done nothing over the past month.
  • James would like to split the existing Information Management Committee page into sub-pages such as "IMC_Where_information_is_stored", "IMC_Access_Controls_data_retention", "IMC_Installed_software_and_configuration". Needs more thought.
  • Would like to expand the scope to include outreach/collaboration with other organizations experiencing similar challenges.
  • Would like authorization to use up to 6 hours of staff time and up to $40 for food expenses for a meeting to hash out the updated terms of reference. James will write a draft proposal as a starting point.

ACTION: Request denied. James will hold informal meetings as needed for completeting the Terms Of Reference instead.

Current & Completed Business

Action Items from Last Meeting

  • The Board is to read the past minutes, identify any omissions or errors, amend as necessary and vote to approve the minutes by December 15, 2011.
  • Anna to speak with Kris Andreychuk about interim options to continue with the Spoke.
  • Anna to take the board off the Chris Chan forwarding.
  • Duncan to ask Chris to email Board-specific emails to the Board.
  • Neil to take old board members off EBC Board mailing list.
  • Anna to ask the Artists in Residence to create this manual. Adam to email Anna a further explanation of what is envisioned.
  • Anna to send the raw data from the August retreat to the board as well as what is remembered from the October retreat. Attendees of the October retreat will read and provide their recollections of the decisions made.
  • The Board will wordsmith Neil's version of the Illegal Bikes Policy for next meeting.
  • Anna to send Chris information about the Walterdale Bridge Advisory committee and meeting.

Committee Terms of Reference

  • Micah to talk to Alex regarding the Bikeworks ToR.
  • Paul to post Membership ToR on wiki.
  • Duncan to continue working on the Advocacy ToR.
  • Alex to continue working on the Inclusion Committee ToR.

Action Items from Older Meetings

  • Alex Has the [rental program] info but needs to put it into formal report. Will complete by Dec 1 meeting.
  • Alex will get all MEC grant info from DEREK.
  • Alex Will try new [BikeWorks user] sheets. Review in January.

(No report was available from Alex in December)

New Business

Should we protest SOPA?

  • SOPA and the Protect-IP acts are bills working their way through Congress in the United States. They are aimed at shutting down websites facilitating Copyright and Trademark infringement, yet fall outside US jurisdiction. The bills are controversial because it is believed that they will erode the DNS system, which resolves human-readable domain names into IP addresses.
  • reddit has set January 18, 8am–8pm EST (1300–0100 UTC) as a day of action.
  • Does the board want to do a partial or complete black-out of on that date? Should we encourage people to contact their Member of Parliament about this issue?
  • Questions raised over whether this really is of any concern for the Executive or EBC in general, since we do not actively encourage infringements of such a kind, and that we are not an American website. Motion passed 7-4 however, as the blackout is only for a half-day and members seem to suggest that this will show solidarity with all other persons or groups who believe the internet shall remain 'open & free' of such restrictions.

ACTION: James will facilitate a complete black-out of on Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 from 6am through 6pm MST; in solidarity with reddit. We will NOT encourage people to contact their Member of Parliament.

Purview and membership of committees (Micah)

  • During the latest Bikeworks committee meeting, questions were raised about a) what decisions should be made at what level (board > committee > BW coordinator) and b) composition of committees i.e. board members : non-board members.


Future/Possible/Probable EBC Bikeworks/SPOKE North Location...

- The SPOKE program is complicating our own wish for a Bikeworks North Location, even though we support it. - SPOKE Leader Kris has proposed a Shipping Container as an innovative & edgy home, as befitting a program for persons who may feel out of place in a more traditional community league or school setting. - Rentable space at 111 Avenue & 93rd Street already seen by at least one board member. Rent will be between $1500.oo & 1800.oo/ month depending on whether we require additional services, such as snow removal, or not. All Executive Board members encouraged to review this space for themselves en mass very soon. - The AB Cycle Building on 118 Ave may still be a possibility but there has been a long wait. - Bill Rees YMCA also mentioned as 'contender' for future SPOKE space


  • Advocacy Day, February 20 (Family Day) at Metro Cinema (Garneau Theatre)

Featuring Film Vignettes of Cycling & Sustainable Transit from Motion Passed by Micah, Chris 2nd

Board Development Workshop

To be held on January 27 & 28 to be held in Room 134 Telus Centre on U of A Campus. 75% of our Committee must attend.

In Camera Session


  • Motion: