Board Minutes July 2021: Difference between revisions

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Line 83: Line 83:
   |motion=To approve the President's, Treasurer's, Executive Committee, HR Committee, Governance Committee, Volunteer Committee, and Executive Director's reports as presented above.
   |motion=To approve the President's, Treasurer's, Executive Committee, HR Committee, Governance Committee, Volunteer Committee, and Executive Director's reports as presented above.
   |first= Matt
   |second= Roy
   |yes= 8
   |no= 0
   |abstain= 0
   |result= Carried

Revision as of 02:01, 20 July 2021

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Date: Monday, July 19, 2021
  • Location: Google Meet To join by phone instead, dial ‪(CA) +1 778-732-6177‬ and enter this PIN: ‪‪387 835 066‬#
  • Start Time: 7:00pm

Please email if you cannot attend. Feel free to submit agenda items with a brief summary of what you would like to discuss. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Andi E
  • Food by: n/a
  • Board attendance: Jarret S; Michelle B; Roy C; Rachel K; Sarah R; Matt H; Andi E; Sarah R
  • Staff attendance: Chris C; Coreen; Molly T; Vaughn H
  • Regrets: Annya; Keith H
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Sarah at 7:09 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Monday, August 23, 2021
  • Location: In person (TBD); Google Meet option
  • Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Andi
  • Food by: n/a


Approval of Agenda

To approve this July 19 agenda.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Matt
Aye No Abstain
8 0 0


Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes

To approve the June 2021 minutes and the July 6 2021 minutes.

Moved: Rachel
Seconded: Matt
Aye No Abstain
8 0 0



President's Report - Sarah R. (2 mins)

Treasurer's Report - Roy C. (2 mins)

  • [ Treasurer's Report]
  • Due to ongoing need for additional time to prepare financials, starting in August 2021, we will start presenting the financials from the month two months previous. i.e.: In August, we will present the complete June Financials; In Sept, present July Financials; etc.

Executive Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min)

HR Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min)

Governance Committee Report - Roy C. (2 min)

  • [ Governance Committee Report]

Volunteer Committee Report

Executive Direct Report - Chris C. (5 min)

Approval of Reports

To approve the President's, Treasurer's, Executive Committee, HR Committee, Governance Committee, Volunteer Committee, and Executive Director's reports as presented above.

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Roy
Aye No Abstain
8 0 0


Current & Completed Business

Action Item Follow Up

  • Posting Board Intros to the website is still pending

Bikes and Animals Social Media Campaign

  • Further discussion still needed with Chris

Plan to Sell Bikes from the Downtown Shop

  • Board met with Chris on July 6, 2021 and a plan was discussed and minuted in that meeting

HR Consultation with ACSN - Sarah R. (2 min)

  • The HR Committee has a final meeting with Bill Clark scheduled for July 27 to wrap up work on the organization mind map
  • Al McCalder has found two volunteer consultants who are willing to help us with our bylaws and policies review and update, however, the aren't available until September 2021. This may be too tight of a timeline as the AGM usually happens in October and we'd need to circulate any Bylaw amendments to the membership. Thoughts?

Renewal with Seniuk - Chris C. (2 min)

  • Chris to provide an update

Downtown Shop Mural - Sarah R. (5 min)

  • Mural Fundraising Plan
  • I get the sense that Jason would still prefer to do the monochromatic colour palette as he thinks the sponsorships will stand out better - Is this important?
  • The City of Edmonton Economic Recovery matching grant was approved for $1,000
  • Corporate Sponsorships
    • Stantec - confirmed
    • The Brick - pending??
    • Shaw - pending approval
    • EPCOR - application pending
    • CN - application pending
    • Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation - can only fund registered charities
    • Rogers - closed to funding requests
  • Small & Medium Business Sponsorships
    • Earth's General Store - confirmed for $200

Action Items

  • Matt did you connect with the printers to finalize the details around the electrical outlets and covers?

Youth @ The Table Board Mentorship Program - Sarah R. (1 min)

  • We have been shortlisted and our participation will be contingent on whether we get matched with a youth or not

Update on progress of Membership Drive - Chris C. (3 mins)

Action Items

New Business

The posting for the Executive Director position has gone out - Sarah R. (2 mins)

Action Items

Fiscal Year End is fast approaching - Sarah R. (2 min)

  • Chris, what support do you need from the Board?

Action Items

OH&S Policy - Sarah R. (5 mins)


Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Action Items

In Camera

To go in camera

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
To go out of camera

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Board Volunteer Hour Tracking - ALL BOARD (2 min)


Meeting adjourned by at pm