Bylaws (2010): Difference between revisions

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changes to elections
(changes to elections)
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   <li>The election of the Board shall take place at the AGM of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society.</li>
   <li>The election of the Board shall take place at the AGM of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society.</li>
   <li>The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM.  Any member may nominate from the floor any member in good standing who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve.</li>
   <li>The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM.  Any member may nominate from the floor any member in good standing who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve.</li>
  <li>If fewer candidates are nominated than there are available board positions, board members will be deemed acclaimed, and no vote will be required.</li>
   <li>Election shall be by secret ballot.  All members in good standing who are present at the AGM shall be eligible to vote.  Ballots with more than the number of directors to be elected shall be deemed to be spoiled.</li>
   <li>Election shall be by secret ballot.  All members in good standing who are present at the AGM shall be eligible to vote.  Ballots with more than the number of directors to be elected shall be deemed to be spoiled.</li>
   <li>The elected members of the board shall normally hold office for two years, or until their successors have been elected.  One half of the board shall be elected at each AGM unless there are vacancies on the board.  When vacancies occur, one half of the board shall be filled, for two year terms, by those persons receiving the highest number of votes; the remaining elected members shall serve a one year term. Should the board not be defined after the first ballot, a runoff election will be held.</li>
   <li>The elected members of the board shall normally hold office for two years, or until their successors have been elected.  Should the board not be defined after the first ballot, a runoff election will be held.</li>
   <li>No board member who has served four years of more consecutively shall be eligible for re-election.</li>
   <li>No board member who has served four years of more consecutively shall be eligible for re-election.</li>
   <li>Candidates for election to the board must satisfy the minimum legal requirements to serve on the board.</li>
   <li>Candidates for election to the board must satisfy the minimum legal requirements to serve on the board.</li>
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*3.a. - the size of the Board has been changed from 5-11 to 7-12.  A list of secondary director portfolios has been removed.
*3.a. - the size of the Board has been changed from 5-11 to 7-12.  A list of secondary director portfolios has been removed.
:'''Rationale''': Board quorum is 5 people, a five person board would rarely have quorum, and<br /> the list of secondary portfolios was rigid and unable to change with the organization.  Most particularly, the portfolio of "office director" was irrelevant in an organization with staff.
:'''Rationale''': Board quorum is 5 people, a five person board would rarely have quorum, and<br /> the list of secondary portfolios was rigid and unable to change with the organization.  Most particularly, the portfolio of "office director" was irrelevant in an organization with staff.
*6.c. - Added this section and renumbered subsequent subsections.  This provides allowance for acclamation.
:'''Rationale''': If someone enough people are opposed to some board members nominated, they can nominate more and force an election.  Acclamation simplifies the process if fewer people are nominated than there are openings.
*6.e. (formerly 6.d.) - Shortened to simply provide for 2 year terms without the requirement for 50% election every year.
:'''Rationale''': The old bylaws required that, in the event that some board members resigned and more than 1/2 the board was up for re-election, some board members would only be elected to 1-year terms.  This was administratively complicated (required a secret ballot vote even if there were no more candidates than board positions), and seemed that it would be hurtful to those who were elected, but only for one year.
*10.a. - Removed "and payments made by cheque, signed by two officers of the board."
*10.a. - Removed "and payments made by cheque, signed by two officers of the board."
:'''Rationale''': The world has changed since 1995.  Electronic payment is now the norm.  Removing this clause allows the board to set financial policies to ensure sufficient controls, while still allowing us to use conveniences like web banking, automatic withdrawal (which we already use to pay the phone bill, in violation of the bylaw) and direct deposit paycheques.
:'''Rationale''': The world has changed since 1995.  Electronic payment is now the norm.  Removing this clause allows the board to set financial policies to ensure sufficient controls, while still allowing us to use conveniences like web banking, automatic withdrawal (which we already use to pay the phone bill, in violation of the bylaw) and direct deposit paycheques.


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