Board Minutes November 2010: Difference between revisions

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# ALL: contact Chris for assistance setting up mailing lists, e-mail accounts, etc.
# ALL: contact Chris for assistance setting up mailing lists, e-mail accounts, etc.
## Done.
# Neil: supply bank account numbers.
# Neil: supply bank account numbers.
## '''TODO'''
# Neil: set up outsourced payroll system.
# Neil: set up outsourced payroll system.
## Done.
# Neil: Investigate changing from RBC to a cheaper bank.
# Neil: Investigate changing from RBC to a cheaper bank.
## '''TODO'''
# Chris, Neil, Adrian, Stephanie: Change signing authority.
# Chris, Neil, Adrian, Stephanie: Change signing authority.
## '''TODO'''
# Alex and Chris: Complete draft Alberta Cycle application by November 5.
# Alex and Chris: Complete draft Alberta Cycle application by November 5.
## Done.
# Someone??: Investigate ABA membership??
# Someone??: Investigate ABA membership??
## '''TODO'''
# ALL: bring potluck item for November 7 meeting.
# ALL: bring potluck item for November 7 meeting.
## Done.
# Keith: prepare food for November 24 meeting.
# Keith: prepare food for November 24 meeting.
## Done.
# David: Contact Janz to arrange meeting space.
# David: Contact Janz to arrange meeting space.
## Done.
# Board retreat date: Nov 7, 2010
# Board retreat date: Nov 7, 2010
## Done.
# Next monthly meeting: Nov 24, 2010
# Next monthly meeting: Nov 24, 2010
## Done.
# Following monthly meeting: Dec 15, 2010
# Following monthly meeting: Dec 15, 2010
## Done.

= November 7 Board Orientation =
= November 7 Board Orientation =
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== Approval of agenda ==
== Approval of agenda ==
* Approved.
== Approval of minutes ==
== Approval of minutes ==
=== August board meeting minutes ===
=== August board meeting minutes ===
* Approved.
=== AGM minutes ===
=== AGM minutes ===
=== September Minutes ===
=== September Minutes ===
* Approved.
=== October Minutes ===
=== October Minutes ===
* Approved.

== Tasks From Last Meeting ==
== Tasks From Last Meeting ==
=== ABA Membership/ CANBIKE administration ===
=== ABA Membership/ CANBIKE administration ===
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Anna''' will send ABA contact info to Steph. '''Steph''' will contact ABA.
=== Volunteer Policy Manual ===
=== Volunteer Policy Manual ===
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Keith''' will go over with '''Alex''' to complete.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''All board committee chairs''' to look over the policy manual with an eye for their committee. Send to '''Alex''' by '''Dec 22'''.  '''Alex''' to have complete manual for approval at January Board meeting ('''Jan 19, 2011''').
=== Alberta Cycle building application ===
=== Alberta Cycle building application ===
* Submitted!
* We are already a foot in the door there (as our work with The Spoke).
* Other applicants that we know of include the Edmonton Small Press Association, a ceramics guild, theatre group, dance group.
=== Board Retreat ===
=== Board Retreat ===
* Structured as a board orientation.
* Should we have a retreat in 6 months (March) to do our Vision for the next year?
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> Mission needs to be formally written up. Sub-committee to do this by '''Dec 15: Steph, Alex C, Chris'''.
=== Meeting Space ===
=== Meeting Space ===
* 102, 9707-110 St (unless a class is booked; David will notify)
* 6:30pm is best
=== Committees ===
=== Committees ===
* How often should committees meet? Every two months
* Each committee to set goals (what do we want to see happen?) and milestones (deadlines to help achieve that goal) and what powers do you have (what needs to be approved by Board vs. what can committee decide on its own?)
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''All committees''' to write up their own Terms Of Reference (1-2 pg) before next Board Meeting, Dec 15
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''David''' to send the TOR template by Nov 26.

==== Advocacy ====
==== Advocacy ====
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== Reports ==
== Reports ==
=== President ===
=== President ===
* Busy month!
=== ED ===
=== ED ===
* Advocacy: downtown LRT downtown consult
* Edmonton Immigration Services Association is interested in partnering
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Alex''': rental program credit card deposits need to be checked through EGS—check if EGS is ok with this and make sure this is written the contract.
* <span style="background:light red;">MOTION:</span> Rental program will be available to members and non-members. Motion passed.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> Rent to minors? We may need additional insurance to rent to minors.  Parent must sign?  Parent rents it, operated by parent, teen or kid?  Chris sent Keith the insurance company contact info; '''Keith''' ask insurance company what they would cover. contact info for insurance.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Derek''' to send MEC a report to update on rental program grant.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> We want EBC stickers on all bikes sold from BikeWorks, like we used to do.  '''Alex''' to get quotes for this (to be approved).
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Alex''' will look in MEC grant for the amount that we specified for branding stickers.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> Bike storage under a tarp outside. '''Alex''' to get volunteers to install tarp.
=== Treasurer ===
=== Treasurer ===
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Neil''' to send report to Anna.

== Business ==
== Business ==
=== Spoke ===
=== Spoke ===
* Application for $40,000 grant has been submitted.
* Operates every Tuesday, 5:30-8pm
* Sports Central might become a big supporter of The Spoke because they directly deal with low income youth.
* Will The Spoke committee merge with the Community Liaison Board Committee or the BikeWorks Committee?
* If EBC does not get the Alberta Cycle space, we will have to review our specific obligations but we want to support it.
* <span style="background:light red;">MOTION by Chris, seconded by Derek:</span> EBC will take on the Spoke with the conditions that Chris outlined in a previous email. Passed.
=== Ghost bikes ===
* Responses to public inquiries (general info), media, and inquiries of a political nature must be handled differently.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Chris''' to ask Michael not to send messages from public.  We still appreciate that he coordinates media and replies to them.
* More information on the ghost bikes are required to help tell why the ghost bike is there.
* Laminate paper with info about the ghost bike program, EBC, website, etc.  Zip tie to each ghost bike.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Anna''' to write a more detailed webpage about ghost bikes. Get Michael's press release to update if necessary.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Chris''' will write an email to the woman who emailed her concern to us saying we will go reassess the location of the ghost bike.  Keith will go look at it.
=== E-mail (info@) policy ===
* Professional voice is important!
* Policy is now that Anna, Alex, Chris will be the only ones to reply to public inquiries. Board and others are encouraged to send their thoughts/feedback to the internal email list but the staff will reply to the public.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Chris''' will email info@ recipients to inform of new policy.
* <span style="background:light red;">MOTION by Neil, seconded by Keith:</span> Any response coming to info@ email will be sent by staff or Chris, unless they delegate to someone else.  Neil moves.  Keith seconds. Motion passed.
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Derek''' will add outgoing communication policy in wiki before '''Dec 15'''.
=== Time sheets ===
=== Time sheets ===
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Neil''' to reformat the timesheet to reflect the stuff in David's timesheet template for '''Dec 15'''.
=== Policies ===
=== Policies ===
(I can’t find record that they have all been approved so I would like to have them passed in at this meeting
* <span style="background:light gray;">ACTION:</span> '''Derek''' reviewing policies on wiki (ongoing).

=== Archives ===
=== Archives ===
* Edmonton Archives will be coming to our January meeting to discuss how we can better preserve our documents.
== Food for next meeting ==
* Derek

== Food ==
== Next meeting date ==
== Next meeting date ==
6:30pm. December 15, 2010
* Bring your agenda for 2011 to Dec meeting so that we can set our regular meeting dates.
* 6:30pm. December 15, 2010

== In Camera ==
== In Camera ==

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