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Split Social media integration to IMC Social Media Integration
(Split Social media integration to IMC Social Media Integration)
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* migrate mailing list
* migrate mailing list
* point of sales
* point of sales
====Membership Database====
====Migrate Mailing list====
====Archives and File Security====
Nothing to put here at the moment except a link to the [[Document Storage Policy]].
====Websites and Social Media Integration====
=====Websites controlled by EBC=====
EBC controls the following websites:
*[] The main Edmonton Bicycle Commuters website/portal.
*[] A non-partisan advocacy page.
*[] Promotional website. Initial AD campaign donated by [ DDB]
Do we want to make Mobile/low-bandwidth versions of the above pages? Will these be generated automatically from the same content as the main page?
We should keep a list of websites we really should be linking too, especially if a cross-promotion agreement was agreed to.
====Social Media Used by EBC====
EBC has always made extensive use of social media. It is how we get our message out on such a low advertising budget.
=====Information Tables=====
During the summer, we try to maintain a presence at many festivals and events. Information tables typically include the following media:
*Banners with our name, logo. We also have a banner briefly describing what we do (the stand is broken for that one).
*Glossy Brochures describing what we do, and including a registration form. (expensive)
*Business Cards with our contact information. (website/e-mail address and Bikeworks Address/phone number)
*[ Cycle Edmonton] Bike maps. This year they were kind of out-of date. It appears the City is in the process of developing a new, streamlined map.
*[ Bikes on Buses] Brochures from ETS.
*Several issues of [ Momentum Maganzine].
*EBC Badges (for sale)
*On occasion we stuck "complements of EBC" stickers on the Cycle Edmonton Map.
*This summer we also offered free minor bike tune-ups at some events. Major repairs should be referred to Bikeworks or a commercial bike shop.
In the past, we mailed out paper newsletters. These were canceled in an aborted attempt to move to a "newspaper" format. In recent years, the mail-out happened bi-annually.
Currently, we send out newsletters by e-mail monthly. As of November 17, 2010, we started using [ MailChimp]. The November, 2010 e-mail included [ link tracking] and a [ web bug]. This was so MailChimp could provide lots of fancy charts.
The December newsletter dropped the one-pixel web bug and moved to a different, more transparent kind of tracking link. The string "<small>?utm_source=EBC+Newsletter&utm_campaign=9b7fe86a0c-&utm_medium=email</small>" is appended to all of the urls. That string will show up in the server logs of servers controlled by EBC and third-parties alike. PHP and CGI scripts not expecting that string should ignore those fields if properly written. It appears that string does not store enough information for per-user tracking. On the other hand, the 25 digit hex string stored in the image urls does appear to store enough information for per-user tracking. Readers can be assured that it is not tracking them specifically since the string "<small>90810127c168b11d15b5444f4</small>" is only used to identify images from EBC. The number of opens (assuming the display of images) can still be counted.
=====Event Participation=====
Sometimes we participate in an event or put one on ourselves to raise awareness about our organization.
*We are an active participant in the [ Bikeology Festival]
*We usually have a "flotilla" of bicycles during the Silly Summer Parade put on by the [ Old Strathcona Foundation].
*At the 2010 [ folk fest] we attached handbills to bikes in the area. We noted grievous repairs needed at that time (The was a checklist on the handbill).
*Currently, we are [ asking for bike art submission] by distributing hand-bills at various events folk-artists are likely to attend. Events we would still like to visit in the next two weeks (Early Dec, 2010) include the [ City Centre Winter Market] In Churchill square and [ Butterdome Craft Fair] at the UofA. stunts=====
In addition to the Web design, the campaign included:
*A picnic set up at events featuring a lone bike sporting a sign.
*Buttons including white "DING DING ca" and green "Ring my bell. <small></small>"
*Plain white business card with a cryptic phrase like "Zero Interest in speed dating," with a mention.
*Plain white T-shirts with a saucy message, and link. I think "Ring my bell" was the most tame, but I don't recall the others.
EBC has a [ Facebook Group] which is now depricated; though many are still subscribed.
EBC has a [ Facebook fan page] which is better suited for larger organizations, but does not allow you to push event notices.
EBC also has a [ Facebook Person] to do things that a fan page can't.
EBC has a [ Twitter feed].
=====Google Apps=====
*Currently, EBC has a public [ Google Calendar].
*EBC has the following public mailing lists/google groups:
**[ EBC Members] Low-volume mailing list
*EBC has the following private mailing lists (aliases are
**[ EBC Advocacy] mailing list for the advocacy committee. (Alias: ebc-advocacy)
**[ EBC BikeWorks] mainly BikeWorks Volunteers. (Alias ebc-bikeworks)
**[ EBC Board] mailing list for board members. (Alias: ebc-board)
**[ EBC Core] Higher volume mailing list; receives inquiries from the public as well (alias: info). Keep in mind only designated people and the president or vice-president of EBC should respond directly to such inquiries. Discussion on the list is still valuable and encouraged. See the [[Official Spokesperson Policy]] for more information.
**[ EBC Employees] mailing list for staff members. (Alias: ebc-employees)
**[ EBC Volunteers] includes anyone who checks off that they are interested in volunteering on their membership registration (some have done the basic orientation, some have not). Generally used to send out volunteer opportunities. (Alias: ebc-volunteers)
*EBC also uses some Google apps internally.
====Broadcast media====
Broadcast media used by EBC includes:
*Posters used to advertise events and workshops.
*An [ RSS feed].
*The DingDing.campaign was supposed to include some Ad-buys sponsored by ddb.
====Wiki Maintenance====
Does the Official Spokesperson policy apply to this as well?
====Point of sales====

=== Terms of Reference ===
=== Terms of Reference ===


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