Our AGM is online. Please RSVP.

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Bike Edmonton

Our online AGM is coming up!

November 18, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.


Please RSVP to get the meeting link!

We will elect new members to the Board of Directors and discuss our 2023/2024 budget.

All Bike Edmonton members are invited to attend. Members in good standing who are present at the meeting (no proxies) may vote. 

Members in good standing are regular members who have been members for at least one calendar month and any honorary members. A regular member who has lapsed for no more than six months shall also be considered a member in good standing immediately upon payment of their dues.

The AGM is online. PLEASE RSVP to get the AGM meeting link.

Thank you for your support!

Please consider making a donation to Bike Edmonton. You can donate via PayPal or visit our donations page.

Membership info for info@bikeedmonton.ca
Name: (no membership found or name unknown)
Expiry: (expiration unknown)

Purchase or renew your membership