Write to your councillor by Monday to let them know they have your support in making 102 Ave people-first.

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Bike Edmonton

Help make 102 Ave people-first

Write to your councillor by Monday, June 6

Rendering by @newfangl3d of 102 Ave in front of the Milner Library with no cars and pedestrian activation.During the May 31 meeting of City Council’s Urban Planning Committee, the committee voted 3-2 in favour of the following motion:

Moved by:A. Salvador

That Urban Planning Committee recommend to City Council:
That Administration implement a pilot, as soon as possible, of the full closure of the traffic lane on 102 Avenue between 99 Street to 103 Street for the purpose of establishing a pedestrian-friendly corridor and that Administration prepare a road closure bylaw for the full closure of the traffic lane on 102 Avenue between 99 Street to 103 Street for a one year pilot, and work with the Downtown Business Association and stakeholders to utilize Downtown Vibrancy funding for activation.

This means that the motion now goes to City Council on June 7 for further discussion and another vote, this time by council as a whole.

While Council does not normally hear from public speakers during Council meetings (the public normally speaks at committee meetings, like the one on May 31), you can still make sure your voice is heard by contacting your councillor before Tuesday, June 7 to express your support for 102 Ave as a pedestrian-friendly corridor.

Even if you know your councillor supports this motion already, please still write to let them know that you support this. They need to hear voices in support to strengthen their position!

Sample message

Paths for People has created a sample message and some tips on what you can write to your councillor! They have also published an opinion piece in the Journal.

Look up your ward’s councillor by address here.

You can read more about the plan in this CBC story, as well as listen to discussion about it in the latest episode of the Speaking Municipally podcast.


Learn more about how to advocate for this in the latest Paths for People newsletter and on our website.

Pedal Poll 2021 Edmonton ResultsPedal Poll

Annual National Count of Cycling

June 7-12, 2022

Vélo Canada Bikes, the national voice for everyday cycling, is looking for volunteers to help between June 7-12 in its annual national count of cycling! Volunteers will observe cyclists at key locations using a simple phone app.

Sign-up to count here.

Pedal Poll was developed with a team of professionals and academics across Canada, representing a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. Team members are motivated to create a bike-friendly Canada and are committed to making cycling more equitable.


E-bikes have arrived!

E-scooters have returned to Edmonton streets, and now you can also find e-bikes, with up to 400 rental e-bikes to help cover longer distances more quickly and comfortably.


Upcoming Events

On Saturday, June 4, meet at Eleanor & Laurent (10926 88 Ave) at noon for a Bicycle Tour of north papastew with Councillor Janz! Visit some great bakeries and cafes, and meet new friends. And check out this great video from last month's family bike meetup!


Try out an e-bike on June 5 with Pedego E-bike Rentals and Tours. Proceeds will be donated to Bike Edmonton! Separately, Linda Hoang is also leading food and landmark e-bike tours of Edmonton!

Pedal Poll

The 2022 Pedal Poll national cycling count takes place June 7-12. Volunteer to count to ensure everyone is included!

Boulders Climbing

Charity Climb Tuesdays in June at Boulders Climbing supports Bike Edmonton!

Membership info for info@bikeedmonton.ca
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Expiry: (expiration unknown)

Purchase or renew your membership