RSVP to attend our AGM this Sunday. Bike repair courses, winter riding workshops. Contact your new councillor!

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Bike Edmonton

Annual General Meeting

Sunday, November 7

1pm-3pm, Virtual, RSVP

The Bike Edmonton Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held Sunday, November 7, 2021, from 1-3pm virtually on Google Meet. (No account necessary. If you participate from a computer, you don't need to install any software, but if you want to join from a tablet or smartphone, you'll need to install the Google Meet app.)

To register, please RSVP here. RSVPing is strongly encouraged so that we can verify your membership status and issue your secret ballot for voting.

If you wish to participate but do not have the technical means to participate via Google Meet, please contact us so we can make arrangements for your participation.

Everyone is invited to attend, meet our new executive director, hear updates about the past year, where we're headed in the future, and vote on important business. Only members-in-good-standing are eligible to vote: check your membership status (and renew your membership) here.

If you are interested in helping to set the direction of our growing organization, or know someone eager to help build Edmonton as a better city for cycling and walking, please visit our board of directors nominations page for details about the roles and responsibilities. Candidates can also be nominated from the floor at the AGM. Directors will be elected by our membership at the AGM.


Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Or dial-in: +1 647-734-0020‬ ‪(this is a California phone number: your phone plan rates for calling USA will apply)

PIN: ‪381 549 084‬#

More phone numbers:

Winter cycling courses and repair courses

Repair 101 & 201 courses this weekend

We hosted two winter cycling workshops recently: one online and one in-person. They focus on answering questions for people who are interested in riding into the winter, from dealing with cold fingers to winterizing your bike! Did you miss the workshops, but have questions? Let us know: we plan to offer more courses this season, but want to gauge interest.

We are also hosting two repair courses this weekend:

New Edmonton City Council


Congratulations to Edmonton's new mayor and councillors! With only 4 out of 13 returning as incumbents, we are looking forward to the direction this new council sets.

The new council includes Mayor Sohi, who has supported active transportation in the past, as well as many councillors who have actively worked, both directly and indirectly, to support active transportation initiatives and related goals in Edmonton. If you're curious about the priorities of the new councillors, you can view their (pre-election) Taproot Edmonton Survey responses here

Your work isn't done yet though. Please contact your councillor: let them know that they have your support to pursue the goals of the City Plan, including 15-minute neighbourhoods, and building more equitable transportation options. For councillors, simply having the desire to do the right thing often isn't enough: they need to know that their constituents desire it. Councillors need to hear you asking for investment in active transportation, even the ones who you believe already support it.

(Forgot which ward you're in? Look it up here.)

Councillors are elected to four year terms. Establishing a relationship with your new (or returning) councillor now means having a connection you can more easily turn to for the next four years!

Speaking Municipally is conducting introductory interviews with the new councillors. You can listen to their interviews with Keren Tang (Karhiio) and Ashley Salvador (Métis) in this week's episode, and Mayor Sohi in last week's show.

Membership info for
Name: (no membership found or name unknown)
Expiry: (expiration unknown)

Purchase or renew your membership