On Jan 20, 2022, The City of Edmonton will be presenting the implementation of the Bike Plan to Bike Edmonton at an extraordinary meeting of the board.

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Bike Edmonton

Greetings from the Bike Edmonton Board of Directors,

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the City of Edmonton at an extraordinary board meeting on January 20th, 2022. The city will be providing a short (~20min) presentation on the Bike Plan, focusing on the bike plan implementation. After the presentation, the Board will be asking questions with the City of Edmonton staff providing answers.

In preparation for this meeting, we are in the process of curating a list of questions we plan to ask of the City of Edmonton. We would like you — the Bike Edmonton members — to help us in this process. Please take the time to fill out our Call For Questions.

If you are interested in watching the board meeting as a guest there are approximately 75 spots available for members in good standing. There is an option to RSVP in the above Call for Questions. This meeting will be held virtually (via Google Meets). The public portion of the meeting will be approximately 60 minutes starting at 6pm MT. 


Thank you for your participation!

On behalf of the Bike Edmonton Board of Directors

Membership info for info@bikeedmonton.ca
Name: (no membership found or name unknown)
Expiry: (expiration unknown)

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