Greetings from the Board. Updates!

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Bike Edmonton


Greetings from the Bike Edmonton Board of Directors! 
We are a passionate group of people dedicated to fulfilling the Bike Edmonton mission: making everyday cycling in Edmonton safer and more widespread by providing bicycle services, education, and civic representation. We are very excited for the upcoming year, and would like to share some updates as well as opportunities for member participation. 

Update: Bike Edmonton welcomes Mike Züge as new Executive Director!
At our Annual General Meeting in November 2021, we announced and welcomed a new Executive Director, Mike Züge. Hiring for this position was a focus for the 2021 Bike Edmonton Board and we look forward to working closely with one another. Mike is working hard with staff and volunteers to continue the excellent tradition that Bike Edmonton has developed over 40 years, as well as to make Bike Edmonton more valuable to you through our shops, programs, and advocacy work.

Renew your membership
Bike Edmonton membership offers you discounts on shop fees and Bike Edmonton events like bike repair courses. As a member, you also contribute to a collective voice to help us improve access to cycling in Edmonton. Membership fees are crucial to support and expand our services and programming (e.g., courses, youth programs, advocacy, and many others). Please consider renewing your membership and let other cyclists know about us too!

Visit the Bike Edmonton Community Workshops
Did you know we operate the oldest community bike shop program in North America? We have two bike workshop locations. Make an appointment to work on your bike, shop for bikes or bike parts, donate bikes or bike parts, and learn from our volunteer bike mechanics. Visit us by appointment during shop hours!

Submit your questions about the City of Edmonton Bike Plan
Bike Edmonton has invited the City of Edmonton to present their plans to implement the Bike Plan on January 20th at 6pm MT. We are preparing a list of questions to ask the City of Edmonton staff at this meeting and we invite submissions from our members. If you are interested in watching the Board meeting as a guest there are limited spots available for the general membership in our teleconferencing software. Question submission and RSVP deadline is Sunday, January 16, at 2pm. Form to submit questions or RSVP is HERE

Join the Bike Edmonton Advocacy and Outreach Committee
We are seeking a member of the Bike Edmonton community to join the Advocacy and Outreach Committee. This is a great chance to volunteer with our Board members and get a feel for non-profit board work without the time commitment of becoming a board member. If you are interested, please email the committee at using the subject heading “AOC member-at-large” with a brief description of why you’d like to join.
Thank you for your participation!
On behalf of the Bike Edmonton Board of Directors

Membership info for
Name: (no membership found or name unknown)
Expiry: (expiration unknown)

Purchase or renew your membership