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== Philosophy ==
== Philosophy ==
"Some boards neglect their duty of evaluating the director. They may fear conflict, be
at a loss for the tools, or lack the tradition. All are poor, if common, reasons to avoid
evaluation. That’s too bad, because evaluation offers numerous benefits, including:
* Ensuring that the board is meeting its duty to actively lead the organization
* Monitoring whether organizational goals are being achieved
* Providing an opportunity to set new annual goals
* Maintaining a formal, documented, fair, and pragmatic process for providing
feedback to the executive
* Helping the executive understand the board’s perspective on his or her
strengths and limitations
* Providing direction for specific improvements in skills and performance
* Providing documented processes that help the board retain, improve, or retire the
executive, as well as justify changes in compensation and other matters of record
* Maintaining a process and documentation that can help protect the board if they
let a chief executive go and the chief executive decides to sue the organization
* Helping board members examine the executive’s accomplishments rather than
* Laying the foundation for an improved working relationship between board
and executive
* Identifying opportunities, strengths, challenges, and strategic questions before
they become troubling issues."
[ Source (pdf)]