Board Minutes January 2010

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EBC Board of Directors minutes, Jan 7

Edmonton Bicycle Commuters' Society Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes – January 7, 2010

Attendees: Chris Chan Erich Welz Neil Carey Lauren Price David Feldman Keegan McEvoy Jason Ponto Sharon Barker Derek Pluim Bill Sellers Jim Storrie

Davidcalls the meeting to order at 6:49.

Keeganmoves to approve the agenda and last meeting's minutes. Lauren seconds. Passed.

David directs Jimto send meeting minutes out over Google Wave with a voting option, in order to facilitate more efficient approval. Davidwill assume that if a board member has not voted disapproval within one week of the minutes' posting, they approve of the minutes as posted.

Jim reports that the Christmas party planned by Alex Hindleand Leila Sidiwas a full success. All expenses were recouped and there was a moderate profit. ACTION:Christo get actual dollar amounts of expenses/profit, for the record.

Jim proposes applying for an Eco-Trust youth grant to plan a 'build-a-bike' youth workshop, to be planned by Jimand overseen by EBC.

David suggests that the actual schedule of the plan be decided by whatever instructor is hired.

Keegan moves that the board approves Jim'sproposal. Sharonseconds. Jasonand Derek request cc's on the application. ACTION:Jimto write application and send to Jason and Derek for review, then submit.

Neil reports that EBC has lost approximately $5000 in the first quarter, which he explains is reasonable. Neilsuggests however that EBC may not have sufficient funds to increase our mechanics' paid hours, as it has taken on significant new expenses: increased paid hours during the winter, renovations in BikeWorks, and recently the paid hours on womens'/transgendered persons' Sundays.

Keegan reports that Alex Hindle has requested more paid hours, and moves to go in camera to discuss. Erich seconds, the board votes and passes.

After some discussion, Jason moves to to continue the meeting in public. Sharon seconds. Keeganmoves that due to EBC's increased expenditures, the board should decline to alter Alex Hindle'spaid hours. Laurenseconds. The board votes, and the motion passes.

David tables the long-term purchasing discussion for lack of time.

Chris reports that Alex has begun building bikes and Esjay continues building bikes for spring.

Chris reports that EBC has D&O insurance: $2 million directors' liability, $5 million general liability.

Chris reports that he presented project opportunities to two Community Service Learning classes at the University of Alberta, and expects at least two volunteer interns who will be working on a media project and on the development of EBC's point-of-sale/database system.

Chris reports that King's College has asked us to donate to, and table at, their Environmental Stewardship Challenge. He has agreed, and the board approves. ACTION: The event takes place on February 26, and the volunteer committee (co-chairs: Keeganand Lauren) will arrange for volunteers.

ACTION:Keegandirects Jimto draft a letter to the editor in regards to the news article Steve Andersonforwarded us, and to send to Chris, Derekand Keeganfor approval.

The board wishes to remind itself to follow up with Karly Coleman in regards to tabling at Mountain Equipment Co-op.

ACTION:Jimwill share the draft of the HR handbook with the board of directors via Google Wave.

ACTION:Chrisdirects Jimto research whether it will be legally necessary for EBC to provide helmets along with bicycle rentals.

No committees met in December.

Davidrequests that all committee chairs be given access to post to EBC's general Google Calendar. ACTION:Chris will do this.

ACTION:Jimand Sharonwill provide food at the next EBC board meeting.

Keeganmoves to adjourn. Sharonseconds.