Board Minutes May 2024

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These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for (month)(year)

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Keith
  • Minute-taker: Adam
  • Board attendance: Adam, Marcel, Heather, Keith, Jonathan, Matt, Sarah
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets:
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Keith at 705 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: June 10th
  • Location: Google Meet + IN PERSON!!! (deets TBD)
  • Chair: TBD
  • Minute-taker: Adam

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this May agenda, the April 2024 minutes, and reports as presented below.

Moved: Jonathan
Seconded: Matt
Aye No Abstain
all none

Expression error: Unrecognized word "all".
To recognize Stephen's and Nazz's resignations from the board, and to recognize Keith as president and Sarah as vice-president (as agreed to at the recent Board Retreat).

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

President's Report

  • [President's Report (Month) (Year)]

ACTION ITEM: Someone to take over the outstanding CIP grant reporting & communicate with outgoing president Stephen as to the status of that.

ACTION ITEM: Keith to email membership re: audit, what’s going on with BE’s governance, and special volunteers we might be looking for (pending further discussion tonight).

Treasurer's Report

  • [Treasurer's Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Bergeron paid off after bike sale?
  • Utility payments to come out of Casino acct?
  • OSBA window repair grant went through?
  • Does the CIOG grant we gratefully recieved have reporting requirements or other deliverables the board needs to be aware of and implement?

H.R. Committee Report

  • [H.R. Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Storage lease signed?
  • Matt to obtain building permit for downtown minor renos?

Finance Committee Report

  • [Strategic Planning Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Everyone sign reports that you have reviewed each month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to Bike Edmonton Events calendar (unless the event must explicitly be private: then use "Bike Edmonton Internal" calendar)
  • Committee Chairpersons to ensure wiki is up-to-date with committee TOR.
  • Reminder of our Code of Conduct
  • Reminder of conflict of interest policy

WRR & 20 Bike Clinics Projects (__ min)

  • HR Committee was to liaise with staff regarding feasibility, scheduling.
  • Discussion notes:

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:


Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).


Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

New Business

Fundraising Committee TOR

  • Discussion notes:
To approve the new Fundraising Committee TOR as present by Colin, and recognize Colin as the chair with Heather and Matt as members.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

HR & Operations Committee TOR

  • Discussion notes:
To approve the revised TOR converting the previous HR Committee into the HR & Operations Committee, chaired by Matt, with __ as members.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Pedal and Sea Adventures offer (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
To authorize the fundraising committee to further assess and communicate with the company about this opporunity.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

#YEGBikeCoalition requesting letter of support for bike navigation app thing (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:

Bike Valet Parking on Saturdays for the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market

  • Discussion notes:

In Camera Session

To move in camera.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • Name (___ min)
    • Name (___ min)
To move out of camera] discussion.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


To adjourn the meeting at __pm.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.