Staff Performance Review Policy

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Policy Statement

The following steps will be implemented (a) before the completion of the staff member’s probationary or trial period, as specified in their contract; and (b) on completion of approximately 12 months and each subsequent 12 months worked in his/her position.

  1. The HR Committee, including the Staff Liaison, will initiate the evaluation process and describe the process with staff member. The ED joins the committee for reviews of other staff.
  2. An evaluation survey will be distributed to the staff member for self-evaluation. The same evaluation will be distributed to other staff members, board members, volunteers, and community partners who have worked with staff member being evaluated. (Evaluators, particularly those from outside EBC, should be provided with direction as to which topics they might be most able to speak to, but are free to comment on any topics in the evaluation.)
  3. The HR Committee will collect and compile evaluation surveys. Raw survey results are only accessible by the HR Committee and the Board Executive.
  4. The HR Committee will meet in person with the staff member to discuss the results of the evaluation surveys, including a recognition of their success and areas for development. a.) HR Committee will synthesise results and share with staff member. b.) Performance will be compared against job description that was signed in contract and goals set in the last performance review cycle. HR Committee will receive recommendations for updates/amendments to job description and bring to the board as needed. c.) Review staff member’s goals for remainder of contract and discuss opportunities for professional development. d) The committee will produce a written performance review based on the feedback received and conclusions reached in their in-person meeting with the staff member. The written review will be shared with the board and kept on file, along with raw feedback forms.
  5. The Staff member has a right to include a written rebuttal up to two weeks after the evaluation is completed.
  6. The HR Committee puts forward recommendations to Board for staff member’s contract (termination, extension, renewal, upgrade, etc).

Purpose of the policy

This policy is designed to ensure that staff performance is supported and evaluated through fair, consistent and timely reviews.


EBC’s success is dependent in part on the performance and contribution of every employee. Effective performance management involves a continuous two-way process of communication between an employee and the Board via the Staff Liaison focused on:

  • (a) the direction and goals of EBC and the employee's contributions in the coming year;
  • (b) clear, reasonable expectations for performance and accountability;
  • (c) learning and development needs;
  • (d) recognition of employee contributions; and
  • (e) guidance and support to enhance employee performance.

"Some boards neglect their duty of evaluating the director. They may fear conflict, be

at a loss for the tools, or lack the tradition. All are poor, if common, reasons to avoid evaluation. That’s too bad, because evaluation offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Ensuring that the board is meeting its duty to actively lead the organization
  • Monitoring whether organizational goals are being achieved
  • Providing an opportunity to set new annual goals
  • Maintaining a formal, documented, fair, and pragmatic process for providing

feedback to the executive

  • Helping the executive understand the board’s perspective on his or her

strengths and limitations

  • Providing direction for specific improvements in skills and performance
  • Providing documented processes that help the board retain, improve, or retire the

executive, as well as justify changes in compensation and other matters of record

  • Maintaining a process and documentation that can help protect the board if they

let a chief executive go and the chief executive decides to sue the organization

  • Helping board members examine the executive’s accomplishments rather than


  • Laying the foundation for an improved working relationship between board

and executive

  • Identifying opportunities, strengths, challenges, and strategic questions before

they become troubling issues."


Definitions of key concepts or terms used in the policy


This policy applies to all EBC staff.

Permissible Exceptions

Positions in the organization responsible for implementing and monitoring the policy

Dates of Effect

Date Approved, Revisioned and Active

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Date Expired

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