Board Minutes July 2009

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EBC Board of Directors Meeting July 9, 2009

Steve Andersen, Michael Kalmanovitch, James Storrie, Ryan Kerwin, Chris Chan, Scott McAnsh, Scott Harris, Erich Welz, Bill Sellers, Keegan McEvoy, Ang McCartney

Apologies: Alex Hindle

Introduction of paid summer staff

Ryan Kerwin – Outreach Mechanic James Storrie – Project Coordinator

Board Development programme

Michael met with a woman from Action for Healthy Communities. She recommended that we go through this program Province of Alberta offers 'development mentors' with this program Michael would like the board to go through this after the AGM so that it will be more organised Some board members have done this program with other boards and said it was interesting but not useful board agrees some board development needs to occur but that this program does not meet our needs

Meeting length

Michael does not want meetings to be rushed and thinks that board members should set aside three hours All board members agreed to make this commitment

Meeting procedures

Chair needs to keep the board on course Board members need to focus on discussions Discussions need to be followed by decisions, reading of the decision and action items so there is more clarity From now on Scott Harris will be a much stricter chair. Board members need to raise their hands and be recognised by the chair to speak

Hiring Committee report

Chris Chan moves that the board proceed in camera. Scott Harris seconds. Minutes of this discussion not available.

Bike Month update

VELO meeting was last night there was a risein numbers at all events except salons VELO was pleased with EBC's Volunteer Coordinator Lauren Price Areas to improve for next year are communication between EBC and VELO

Employee Supervision

Michael will be away July 10-22 Erich Welz will take over his supervision duties

Bike Works Orientation

Two have been held One and a half hours long 3 volunteers recruited 5 keys handed out every shift now has two key holders Erich will hold one more to catch any one who missed it Michael would like to see these held at least twice a year Chris & Erich will write an article for the newsletter


Nothing has happened yet Scott McAnsh will draft a new one in the next two weeks

Membership database

Kent sent a form Scott Harris did not understand it and has not had a chance to follow up Scott H will email Kent within 3 minutes of the meeting asking for it in EXCEL Scott H will be the Director in charge of the Database


Ang has been the only person on the committee since February Some work was done before burn out Ang will send an email in two weeks either forwarding all work or asking for more help Erich moves that James work on creating a procedures manual Some members thought it was too much to give James in the beginning of his contract Erich withdraws the motion. He believes it's premature in their contracts


Chris set the date September 13, 2009 He is looking at trying to book a hall and requests $300 for hall rentals Scott McAnsh moves that EBC allocate $600 for the AGM. Scott Harris seconds Passed unanimously Board Election procedures were discussed This year we will be trying to recruit new board members and bylaws will be followed strictly Steve will create a mail out article for the newsletter and website in two weeks


We are insured with Cooperators 5 million liability $13000/year no sports insurance insurance for events and bike works

Bissell Centre

wants tools for an in house program Chris Chan moves that EBC donate excess tools to the Bissell Centre. Scott Harris seconds Passed Chris will convince Alex to do this.

Bicycle Sound System

$5000 for a pedal powered stage Michael will ask James to try finding funding for this purchase

Bike Rental program

9-12 bikes are ready to go insurance does cover this James will research contracts and babysitting options Erich will email James This program will be up and running within three weeks

New Signs

no one available to speak on the issue

MEC Bikefest/bike swap

Chris is loading trailers and going down to sell stuff on behalf of EBC


NAA meeting is Sunday at 4:30pm we have no lease Utilities need to be reconciled Bill Sellers and Alex Hindle will go on behalf of EBC Scott McAnsh will forward the lease he prepared to Bill Sellers

Bike Trailer

Was stolen at a bike month event will we replace it? Scott Harris moves that we buy an adjustible trailer and spare hitches. Erich Welz seconds. Passed Steve Andersen will place an order

August meeting food

Steve Andersen will get the food Scott Harris will not be attending

Scott Harris moves to adjourn the meeting at 7:41pm