Board Minutes September 2023

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for September 2023

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Location: Google Meet
  • Start Time: Sept 11, 2023 7pm

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Kelly Granigan
  • Minute-taker: Alexandra Stout
  • Board attendance:Marcel, Charlotte, Stephen, John, Matt
  • Staff attendance: Greg
  • Regrets:
  • Absent:
  • Guests: Nazz Baksh

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: October 9, 2023, 7pm
  • Location: Google Meets
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:

Discussion of agenda (5 min)

Consent Agenda (5 min)

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

H.R. Committee Report

South Shop Ad-hoc Working Group

  • Army and Navy Bldg was suggested, currently for sale
  • A couple of spaces available 99-101 St 81-79 Ave, Marcel is going to keep checking down to 68th Ave
  • Worthwhile looking at Dirk’s space
  • Checking with Bonnie Doon, City, UofA
  • Consider working with a Property Broker?
  • City has recommended two spaces
    • Further west than ideal
    • Potentially good as storage spaces
  • Bonnie Doon was ideally looking for a summer project, need to reassess potential
  • Might be able to build some synergy with UofA Bike Library

Reports to be reviewed, not in the consent agenda

Executive Director's Report (10 min)

Governance Committee Report

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this September agenda, the July 2023 minutes, the August 2023 minutes and reports as presented

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Michelle
Aye No Abstain

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Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting, Reminders (5 min)

  • Everyone log your volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to Bike Edmonton Events calendar (unless the event must explicitly be private: then use "Bike Edmonton Internal" calendar)
  • Committee Chairpersons to ensure wiki is up-to-date with committee TOR.
  • Reminder of our Code of Conduct
  • Reminder of conflict of interest policy

Casino (5 minutes)

  • Completed. Thanks to Greg and Marcel for organizing, and everyone who volunteered. $73-75K expected in November. Rent to come out of Casino account starting in December.

Audit (10 mins)

  • Draft Report received
  • Auditor has shared results and made recommendations
  • Finance committee is going to request the Auditor to attend the next meeting to clarify some points (with John and Robin in attendance)

In Person Strategy Meeting (10 min) (move to next meeting?)

  • The parts of the strategy process were:
    • A: Awareness - common definitions to ensure we're speaking the same language, and awareness of what is going on around us
    • B: Baseline - What is the current state of Bike Edmonton
    • C: Compelling Vision - What would we like Bike Edmonton to be like in the future?
    • D: Deciding on priorities - Pick a few actions to prioritize and work on
  • We completed parts A-C at last months meeting. Today we need to complete D - Deciding on priorities.

New Business

Executive Director Performance Review, Contract Renewal (10 min)

  • Use Performance Agreement as basis for review
  • Need to start process ASAP
  • Andi is willing to be involved in performance review, as is Matt
  • Finalize ad hoc subcommittee for review at board meeting

Staff/Volunteer appreciation event

  • Last one we had was in 2021
  • Currently have a modest budget for it
  • Might be liability issues for group rides
  • Potential schedule the event and arrange a separate meeting place before riding over
  • Maybe have event at the South Shop just before lease is up, or at a new shop before move-in
  • Could do partial pot-luck, partial catered picnic site gathering
  • Have store credit from Earth’s General that might be well suited
  • volunteers to organize?

AGM Planning

  • Would be ideal to have this years finances reviewed by an accountant (like an audit, but less costly, and doesn't take as long)
  • Propose November timing to allow time for financial review, this is allowed by bylaws
  • would be less transition time between new board/old board
  • Volunteers to organize?

Budget (15 min)

fundraising update (15 min)

In Camera Session

To move into in camera session with Dr. Greg Glatz as guest

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
  • no items
To move out of in camera session

Aye No Abstain

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