These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2016

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room 213 Education South, University of Alberta
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Dan
  • Minute-taker: Derek
  • Food by: Karl
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets: Jon, Nancy
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Wed Feb 17?
  • Location:
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

  • Motion: To approve this January agenda, the Dec 2015 minutes, and reports as presented below. Moved by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

President's Report - Jon

  • [President's Report (Month) (Year)]

Treasurer's Report - Geoff

  • [Treasurer's Report (Month) (Year)]

Executive Director's Report - Chris

  • [ED Report (Month) (Year)]

H.R. Committee Report - Nancy

  • [H.R. Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Policy Committee Report - Dan

  • [Policy Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Strategic Planning Committee Report -

  • [Strategic Planning Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your 2015 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Everyone sign reports that you have reviewed each month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.
  • May 2015: Geoff, Nancy will draw up an Executive Director performance plan by June 30 2015.
  • May 2015: Dan, Anna, Rachel will review existing TOR and draft new TOR and Policies to clarify responsibilities and accountabilities for committees and board members by September 30 2015.
  • Jul 2015: Jon, Nancy, Anna, Geoff, Chris Chan will meet to get an orientation and see if Asana can be used for board tasks/to do list too
    • Dec 2015: Anna will book 30 min meeting before Jan board meeting for Asana orientation by Exec.
  • Sep 2015: Anna to post final financial policy to wiki.
  • Oct 2015: Anna will post the board vacancy (Alexey/Rachel/Nathan) to website.
  • Dec 2015: Geoff will create 2016 availability survey for board to see if diff monthly date works better for Feb-Dec.
  • Dec 2015: Geoff update budget line item for professional fees.
  • Dec 2015: Anna update budget doc for Bike Builder start & end date.


  • Dec 2015: Jasmine will type up Board Retreat notes.
  • Dec 2015: Anna add Geoff's motion to Jan agenda.

Strategic Plan for 2016 (20 min) Jon TABLED TO FEB

  • Tabled from December meeting.
  • Review of board retreat outcomes
  • Review of committee goals and timelines
    • HR:
    • Policy:
    • Strategic:
  • Discussion notes:

Business item 1 (_ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:

New Business

Budget Increase for Coordinator Salaries (10 min) Geoff

  • HR Committee would like to retroactively apply additional 10 hours to two Coordinator positions.
  • See FY2016 Budget
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

AB Bicycle Commuters Conference update (5 min) Karl

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Canada Bikes (5 min) Karl

  • Canada Bikes doing federal advocacy to fund cycling infrastructure. 5 recommendations submitted to Minister of Infrastructure Jan 19 2016. See letter.
  • Canada Bikes partner organizations listed on p5 of letter, including EBC
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Bike-friendly businesses (__ min)

Adrian would like to discuss a bike-friendly business program idea.

  • Discussion notes:

In Camera Session

  • Motion: To go in camera. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • Anna (10 min)
    • Name (___ min)
  • Motion: To close the in camera discussion. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting at pm. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.