Board Minutes June 2013

Revision as of 09:30, 17 June 2013 by Anna Vesala (talk | contribs)

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for June 2013

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: BikeWorks North, 2nd floor office
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Adam
  • Food by: Lee
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets: Leila
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion: To approve agenda. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

  • Motion: To approve (month)(year) minutes. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Logistics for Board Retreat

  • Date: Saturday July 7 @ 10am-3pm
  • Location: TBA
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:
  • Topics tabled for the Retreat from past meetings"
    • (June 2013) Hiring 3rd staff for fixing up bikes for sale
    • (June 2013) Rental program?
    • (June 2013) AGM logistics: Date (Sunday Sept 22, 29, Oct 6), location, budget, board member recruitment, etc.

Logistics for Next Regular Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday July 24
  • Location: BikeWorks South, 2nd floor lounge
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:


President's Report (__ min)

President's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) President's report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Treasurer's Report (__ min)

  • Treasurer's Report
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) Treasurer's report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Executive Director's Report (__min)

Executive Director's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) ED report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

BikeWorks Report (__ min)

BikeWorks Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) BikeWorks report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Board Retreat Committee Report (__ min)

Committee 1 Report

  • Review logistics
  • Review possible agenda and any prep work required by board members
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) _____ Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Committee 2 Report (__ min)

Committee 2 Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) _____ Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Leila will send Coreen Cam W's contact info. Coreen will arrange to receive the cement blocks he would like to donate for BWS yard.
  • Chris Co will send Cam W the google group invitation for Complete Streets lists and info for upcoming Advocacy Meetings.
  • Chris Ch will contact Kornelsen family to discuss Memorial Ride in August.
  • Paul (voluntold?) will review Bylaws and draft edits re: board election of members in good standing by July 30.
  • Leila will ask Paul about timely reimbursements, getting a credit card for staff to make larger purchases, and thoughts on hiring a book keeper.
  • Chris Co will help with membership mailouts.
  • Justin will take the steps to become a signing authority as new Secretary.
  • Chris Ch will update website with new board positions.
  • Adam will contact Matt McCrank regarding interim board member position.

Business Item 1 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business

New Business Item 1 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

In Camera Session (__ min)

  • Motion: To go in camera. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.