Board Chair Job Description

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  • The Board meets regularly in order to fulfill its mission. Effective meetings require effective chairpersons!
  • The board chairperson(s) shall chair no more than two meetings in a row.
  • Selection of the board chairperson(s) shall be decided by consensus by the directors’ previous meeting.

The duties of the board chairperson shall include:

  • Facilitating the drafting of the agenda with input from the President and the Secretary.
  • Allocating time for each agenda item.
  • Reviewing [Rusty’s Rules] and ensuring the meeting is following them.
  • Facilitating board meetings:
    • Guiding the board through its meetings to help fulfill EBC’s mission.
    • Encouraging members to participate in their preferred capacity. Helping members of the board be aware that the meeting’s success is the mutual responsibility of the whole group.
    • Listening actively to each person’s contribution and encouraging active listening among committee members.
    • Regulating the flow of discussion – checking in with quiet people, or those with the most relevant expertise, and limiting those who tend to speak often.
    • Keeping discussion on topic and meeting on time.
    • Clarifing and summarizing points, testing for agreement among members, and formalizing decisions by vote.
    • Chair may pause the meeting in order for the Secretary to collect pertinent information.
    • Staying neutral in discussion, providing a governance perspective when necessary. Casting a vote only in the event of a split vote.
    • When the chairperson decides to join the conversation and make non-objective, non-process related arguments, the chairperson must step down from the chair position and designate a temporary chair.
  • Recognizing each board member's contribution to the group’s work.
  • Ensuring that the board remains motivated and completes their action items from previous meetings.
  • Knowing staff members' roles and making sure they have an opportunity to be heard before recommendations are made.
  • Making sure meeting minutes with action items, decisions and other relevant information are recorded, submitted to the Secretary, and distributed to board members in a timely manner.
  • Orienting the new board chairperson.

Dates of Effect

Date Approved, Revisioned and Active

Approved February 27, 2013

Date Expired

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