President Report September 2012

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The biggest news in the President's Report is that... we have a new president. With the resignation of Adam Burgess on August 28, I moved from Vice President to President.

Media Will go on Alberta@Noon on CBC Radio One to talk trail safety on Tuesday, September 11 . There was recently a pretty serious bike- pedestrian accident in Calgary with the cyclist getting the worst of it which precipitated the half-hour talkback segment. Briefed by Chris Chan, who was very helpful in preparing me.

Memorial Ride The memorial ride for Isaak Kornelsen was a touching event. Hundreds of cyclists came out to show their support. Close friends of the victim and complete strangers stood together for a short moment in solidarity. I was glad that EBC took part and helped organize this event even if it did involve contorting our own policy on Critical Mass like events. It was worth it.

Advocacy Committee - Since, I'm now the president and the chair of the advocacy committee you get both reports tied into one. The Advocacy Committee Minutes from August can be found here - Advocacy Committee Minutes 2012 Chris gave a full version of his Velo-City inspired presentation. The plan is to workshop this into a shorter, more traffic safety oriented version that volunteers can take to their own community leagues with the goal of finding community partners for neighborhood greenways.

Position Statements - An action item coming out of this meeting was to draft position statements on a number of cycling related issues to help out our spokespeople and to provide clarity to membership, city staff and interested people.

Push for better data - A new project of mine. Building a coalition with the U of A, the local planning group and interested citizens and urbanists to get the city to collect better and more public data on cyclists and pedestrians. The eventual ask would be for a bike barometer in a highly visible location ie. The High Level Bridge

Transition - Meeting up with Adam Burgess on Sept. 18 to have a proper transition meeting.

Fishing for Directors - Have had beers and meetings with several potential director candidates. Some should bite.