Information Management Committee

Note: Split Information about social media used by EBC to IMC_Social_Media_Integration. This page should only describe the commitee work. Information about the 2010 version of the Committee can be found here.


Information Management Committee 2011-2012

  • Chair: James Phillips
  • Members:
    • (your name here)
    • (call today!)

Topics of focus

  • Document where and how data is stored in the organization
  • Plan data retention and security
  • Maintenance of EBC's IT infrastructure.
  • Network with other organizations experiencing similar challenges

Terms of Reference

General Purpose

While recognising that EBC is not primarily an Information Technology organization, the goal of this committee is to ensure that all functions of EBC relying on timely access to information function smoothly. Because some information is sensitive, planning data security is within the scope of the committee. Since some information is transient, planning data archival and destruction is also within the scope of the committee.

The committee must not overlook Free and Open Source Software (FOSS ), nor open data formats. Using FOSS where practical will increase the reliability of EBC’s IT infrastructure in the long-term. Since the use of FOSS may sometimes involve some customization, EBC will work with other organizations experiencing similar challenges to share the costs of such development.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Selection and maintenance of computer equipment used by EBC.
  2. Selection and maintenance of paper/microfiche handing equipment.
  3. Selection and maintenance of software used by EBC.
  4. Document any web services used by EBC, including any Terms Of Service or Privacy Policies that apply (review annually).
  5. Developing a security policy for access to sensitive documents, taking into account Board turn-over.
  6. Develop a data archival and destruction policy. Automate as much as is practical.
  7. Improve organizational transparency with open data initiatives (
  8. Collaborate with other organizations facing similar challenges to those above. (For example, the EFF has an almost dead program to track TOS and Privacy Policy changes) Bike Calgary has expressed interest in collaborating with us in the past. has apparently developed some kind of shop management system we may want to investigate.
  9. Work with other committees to help them with any data storage needs
  10. Maintaining websites (stolenbikes, brb, cycleedmonton, edmontonbikes,,
  11. Find or develop a program to send event notices to Website, (Google) Calender, Facebook, and Twitter all at the same time (Use RSS feed?).
  12. Document how we went about opening the second location so that others can benefit from our experience.
  13. Migrating primary EBC website to new platform (Wordpress)
  14. Maintain phone and network equipment
  15. Monitoring and archiving media
  16. Maintain EBC Library/bookshelves
  17. Some data entry, collection of photos for EBC use.
  18. Audit IPv6 compliance.
  19. Audit bandwidth usage as needed.
Level of Authority

Much of this committee's work is very public-facing, and may be the first interaction people have with EBC. Any major, public-facing changes, therefore (such as a website redesign) should be passed before the board for review, though decisions can be made by the committee without a board vote once a reasonable amount of time has been given for review (unless the board indicates otherwise during this review period). Decisions involving a significant new financial cost or liability to EBC must first be recommended to the board for approval. Decisions involving significant privacy or security concerns must also first be recommended to the board for approval.

Reporting Relationship

The chair of the committee shall submit written reports to the board prior to each board meeting.

Composition and Appointments

The chair will be selected by the board of directors based on open nominations. The chair may appoint anyone to the committee. The president and executive director are ex officio members.


At least once every 2 months.



$210/yr for hosting, $50/yr for domain names, $150/yr for infrastructure, $1600/yr for phone and Internet access (two locations). subject to change


Volunteers to do:

  • web development
  • systems analysis
  • data entry
  • IT support
  • statistics
  • security analysis

Support from the Treasurer and Secretary in ensuring digital copies of documents are properly archived, and that significant paper documents are digitized and/or copied to microfiche (where it is likely to be useful and reasonable).

Specific Annual Objectives

The above list may be too long and general. Things to be accomplished by the AGM should be listed here

Document the establishment of Bikeworks north

By August 31, 2012, the IMC will have added information about setting up the second location to: Chris Chan explains in a January 24, 2012 e-mail: “I know it's additional work to something that's already a lot, but EBC is in a position to really contribute to bike collectives internationally, since (which runs the ThinkTank mailing list and is a hub of discussion for things like Bike!Bike!) is pretty heavily referenced even though it's pretty slim on actual information. So a little bit of info from us would heavily influence all the community bike shops springing up over Canada and the US.” Neil Cary started this documentation on the wiki:

Document where information is stored

By August 31, 2012, the IMC will have documented where information in teh organization is stored. The aim is to develop a strategy for preservation of information that should be preserved and destruction of information that should not be kept.

Reports and Target Dates

Report detailing activity over the year should be available 1 month ahead of AGM (fall).

Review and Evaluation Process

  • How will progress and projects be evaluated?
    • When?
    • Who?
    • How often?
    • Using reports?
    • How will stats be collected?

Approval Date and Review Date

  • When was this TOR approved by the board?


Meeting Minutes