Board Minutes October 2010

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In attendance: Adrian Pearce, Brett Rosenberger, Bernadette Blakey, Stephanie, David Feldman, Chris Chan, Neil Carey, Keith Hallgren, Derek Pluim, Kevin Schmidt, Alex Choby, James Phillips, Alex Hindle, Anna Vesala

Absent: Keegan McEvoy

EBC October 20, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

6:38 Introduction by Chair Feldman

6:40 Approval of September minutes Moved by Derek, seconded by Stephanie

6:42 Personal introductions including involvement with EBC, reason for joining board, strengths...

7:00 Chris Chan explains various mailing lists and internet resources, how to set up an EBC email account, etc.

7:10 Chair Feldman leads discussion on board ground rules for meetings and behaviour. Group brainstorm on groundrules. Three identified:

  1. Respect for time; be time conscious, arrive on time, etc.
  2. Respect who is speaking
  3. Be prepared

More rules will be added as needed in the future.

7:20 Tour of building for new board members

7:31 Neil Carey presents the possibility of outsourcing the payroll which would allow for direct deposit. He has received quotes of approximately $50 per month on average which included remittance to the government, records of employment, etc.

Neil notes that some money in the budget has been freed up by the overestimation of rent by approximately $45 per month.

Discussion of how such services work and how employees would use it. Monthly payment would be somewhat cheaper than biweekly payments.

Neil moves to authorize a budget line of around $600 a year to switch to direct deposit using an outside payroll service. Keith seconds the motion and it is passed unanimously.

Neil to follow through with information on changing banks to replace the RBC account which has monthly fees.

7:46 Chair Feldman discusses Anna Vesala's time limitations

7:49 Discussion of food. Does the board want to continue to prepare their own food for monthly meetings? Yes, this will stay the same.

7:52 Board meeting times. Will be Wednesday once per month. Michael Janz will attempt to arrange meeting space at the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues building. The 3rd Wednesday is the target date and the next meeting is schedules for November 24th at 6:30 PM. Keith Hallgren to prepare the food.

December meeting planned for December 15th.

8:00 Board retreat. Planned to occur Sunday November 7 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Location TBA with a 'surprise' potluck.

8:09 Board positions. Neil to remain Treasurer. Chris to remain President. Adrian to be Vice President. Stephanie to be Secretary.

8:15 Signing authority. With regards to the Operating and Gaming Accounts, Stephanie moves to delegate signing authority to the four board executives with 2 signatures required. Keith seconds. Passed unanimously.

Operating Account. Should Anna Vesala have signing authority for this account? No.

8:25 Can Bike and the devolution of Can Bike to provincial cycling authorities. Should EBC get an Alberta Cycling Association membership? More information needed but EBC will pay the membership fee if needed.

8:35 BikeWorks Guide. Timeline update: content of the guide is finished. Guide needs formatting and distributing. Should be completed before Christmas.

8:45 Alberta Cycle building as second workshop location. November 16th deadline. Space available in the short and long term. We want a north side shop. Discussion of cost of second shop in terms of supplies, staffing, etc. In the short term, we would use the space jointly with the Spoke.

Derek moves that we pursue long term space in the building. Stephanie seconds. Unanimously passed.

Alex Hindle to complete the application.

9:06 etc.

Short term Cycle Building space. Discussion of branding, timeline, security issues, permanence,

James moves that pursue (not necessarily approve) short term space. Derek seconds. Motion passes. Neil not in favour.

9:22 Community Service Learning partnership. Visual anthropology student to do photo project using BikeWorks as location.

9:28 Committees are important and need to be determined. Will be discussed at the retreat.

9:30 Meeting adjourned.

Action Items

  1. ALL: contact Chris for assistance setting up mailing lists, e-mail accounts, etc.
  2. Neil: supply bank account numbers.
  3. Neil: set up outsourced payroll system.
  4. Neil: Investigate changing from RBC to a cheaper bank.
  5. Chris, Neil, Adrian, Stephanie: Change signing authority.
  6. Alex and Chris: Complete draft Alberta Cycle application by November 5.
  7. Someone??: Investigate ABA membership??
  8. ALL: bring potluck item for November 7 meeting.
  9. Keith: prepare food for November 24 meeting.
  10. David: Contact Janz to arrange meeting space.
  11. Board retreat date: Nov 7, 2010
  12. Next monthly meeting: Nov 24, 2010
  13. Following monthly meeting: Dec 15, 2010