Cycling Event Promotion Policy

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Purpose of the policy

This policy regulates which events are to be promoted by EBC personnel using EBC resources.


One of EBC's core goals is to promote cycling culture in Edmonton, and the promotion of cycling events organised by other groups is an important part of fulfilling this mandate. However, EBC also encourages all cyclists to use their bicycles in a safe and legal manner, and some cycling events promote riding habits that are inconsistent with this goal.


  1. EBC does not organize or promote any event where participants are encouraged to violate traffic or other laws.
  2. No EBC Leader may participate an event with an illegal component during paid hours, or as a representative of EBC, nor can they promote such an event on behalf of EBC.
  3. If an EBC Leader is unsure whether an event contains an illegal component, they are to err on the side of caution. The Executive Committee may be consulted and make a definitive ruling.

Definitions of key concepts or terms used in the policy

  • An EBC Leader includes all staff, contractors, and Board members. Other volunteers may be considered leaders, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, if their role in the organisation makes this designation appropriate.
  • An Illegal Component is any part of a cycling event where participants are expected or encouraged to violate any of the laws of Canada, Alberta, or relevant municipal bylaws. This includes, but is not limited to, ignoring traffic signals or exceeding the speed limit.


This policy applies to all EBC Leaders.

Permissible Exceptions

EBC does not edit postings to websites or bulletin boards which allow third parties to post event notices – including, but not limited to, our website calendar, shop bulletin board, and Facebook “Wall.” However, EBC employees, contractors, and board member may post a notice for events with any illegal component.

Positions in the organization responsible for implementing and monitoring the policy

The Executive Committee is responsible for monitoring the policy.

Dates of Effect

Date Approved, Revisioned and Active

Current an unapproved draft policy.

Date Expired

No Expiry