Advocacy Committee

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Advocacy 2011-2012

  • Chair: Duncan
  • Members:

Topics of focus

  • Media relations
  • Municipal government relations
  • Communications with the media, government actors, advocacy committee volunteers and interested members of EBC and Edmonton cycling community

Terms of Reference

General Purpose

To communicate with the local government about issues relating to bicycle infrastructure and policy. To inform the membership about ways that they can make the needs of the cycling community known to the government and help to have their voices heard. To work with the local media to promote positive cycling behaviours and events. To increase public acceptance of the bicycle as a legitimate mode of transportation. To establish relationships with both elected and appointed officials in the municipal government in order to facilitate the above.

Reporting Relationship

The advocacy committee will report to the board at monthly meetings.

The Terms of Reference (TOR) is used by a committee as a tool to help it guide its own direction, as well as to make clear its powers, boundaries, and role within the broader organization. It should answer most general questions that would arise during its work regarding the committee's relationship to the rest of EBC's governance structure. (e.g. does the hiring committee directly make job offers, or does it simply make hiring recommendations to the Board?)) It should also answer, "what will this committee accomplish, what can I do as part of this committee, and why do we want to do this?"

  • The TOR must be clear, specific, and tangible. The purpose of it isn't to be a meaningless form: it should provide clear guidelines and measurable goals.
  • The following questions are examples of the kinds of considerations to make. The TOR doesn't have to answer every question, or go into every detail, nor are the questions exhaustive.

General Purpose

The raison d'être for this committee?

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Level of Authority
  • Is the committee's work public-facing?
    • Can the committee make decisions regarding public-facing matters?
    • Is board approval required?
    • Publications, blogs, and public representation?
  • What authority does the committee have to make decisions involving cash? Limits, thresholds?
  • What powers regarding privacy, security?
  • Access to member information?
  • Can the committee enter into contracts (verbal included) on behalf of EBC?
    • What kind?
    • Board approval required?
Reporting Relationship
  • Who will submit reports?
  • How often will reports be made?
  • When will they be submitted?
  • How will they be submitted (written, oral)?

Composition and Appointments

  • How will the chair be nominated?
  • Who will select the chair from nominations?
  • Who should be ex officio members?
  • How will members be selected?
  • Can the chair appoint members?
  • How many members should there be?
  • Who should individual committee members represent? e.g. 1 person from the mountain biking community, 1 person with urban planning experience, etc.


  • How frequently will the committee meet, at minimum?


  • How much money, and over what time period, will the committee need to complete its goals?
  • How many volunteers will be needed?
  • How many hours of volunteer time?
  • What are the key volunteer roles?
  • What kind of paid staff time is needed?
  • Are paid staff required for meetings?
  • How many hours of staff time is needed?

Specific Annual Objectives

  • Goals with numbers, dates (e.g. 200 new members by June 2010)
  • Goals made measurable (e.g. 20% improved BikeWorks user satisfaction, measured using a survey developed by the committee)
  • Reason for prioritizing of these goals, if not clear

Reports and Target Dates

  • e.g. user satisfaction report published one month prior to the AGM

Review and Evaluation Process

  • How will progress and projects be evaluated?
    • When?
    • Who?
    • How often?
    • Using reports?
    • How will stats be collected?

Approval Date and Review Date

  • When was this TOR approved by the board?


Meeting Minutes