Board Minutes July 2017

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These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for July 2017

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room ED 221.
  • Call to order 6:40

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Derek
  • Minute-taker: Jeremy
  • Food by: Nancy
  • Board attendance: Michael Pybus, Adrian, Derek, nancy, Michael Cenkner
  • Staff attendance: Chris
  • Regrets:Jonathon, Geoff, Jasmine, Alexey,Dan
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Derek at 6:41 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: August 14th
  • Location: Room 113, Education South
  • Chair: Michael Pybus
  • Minute-taker:Derek
  • Food by:Jeremy

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this June meeting agenda, and the June 2017 minutes June Minutes, and committee reports as presented below.

Moved: Nancy
Seconded: Adrian
Aye No Abstain
5 0 1


=== President's Report - Jon no report

  • [(add link)]

=== Treasurer's Report - Geoff no report

  • [{add link)]

H.R. Committee Report - Nancy

=== Administrative Committee Report - no report

  • [(add link)]

Strategic Planning Committee Report -

Michael would be willing to draft a Q&A for the presentation

Please create reports in Google docs before saving

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone sign reports that you have reviewed each month.
    • everyone please log monthly hours. Chris Chan will create a specific volunteer hours logn and mail the link out to board members
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.

New Business

New Business Item 1: [Board Succession Planning] (Nancy 30 min)


Discussion on board succession planning. -review of board job descriptions, Pres, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. Opportunity to ask questions of roles.

Presidents Job Description

Vice President Job Description

Secretary Job Description

Treasure Job Description

Discussion of new board member recruitment, resources available and inventory of needs

Director Job Description

    • Executive board members need to provide an update on their term and their intentions.

New Business Item 2: [Board Evaluation Activities] (Nancy/Jasmine xx min)

  • discussion of evaluation activities in development
  • participation in self assessment tool
  • add to August agenda

New Business Item 3: [OHS Update] (Adrian 10 min)

In Camera: (Geoff 15 min)

  • Discussion notes:
To go in Camera

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


To adjourn the meeting at x:xx pm.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unrecognized word "all".