Board Minutes September 2015

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These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for September 16, 2015

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: Room 113, Education South, UofA
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Adrian
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: Dan
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets:
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

Annual General Meeting

  • Date: Sunday October 4, 2015
  • Location: TBA
  • Chair: Jon
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: TBA

Board Meeting

  • Date: Wed Oct 21
  • Location: Room 113, Ed South, UofA
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

  • Motion: To approve this September agenda, the August 2015 minutes, and reports as presented below. Moved by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

President's Report - Jon

  • [President's Report (Month) (Year)]

Treasurer's Report - Neil

  • [Treasurer's Report (Month) (Year)]

Executive Director's Report - Chris Chan

  • [ED Report (Month) (Year)]

H.R. Committee Report - Nancy

  • [H.R. Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Policy Committee Report - Dan

August/September 2015

1) Dan followed up with Chris Chan on the final few comments regarding the financial management policy. The policy version for board approval can be found at: here

2) Dan met with Anna regarding existing committee Terms of Reference (TORs) for existing (and inactive) committees on September 9th. Dan is reaching out to the committee chairs through the rest of September to draft proper TORs for active EBC committees, with an emphasis on an active review and renewal process for those TORs.

Strategic Planning Committee Report - Alexey

  • [Strategic Planning Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your 2015 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Everyone sign reports that you have reviewed each month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.
  • May 2015: Geoff, Nancy will draw up an Executive Director performance plan by June 30 2015.
  • May 2015: Dan, Anna, Rachel will review existing TOR and draft new TOR and Policies to clarify responsibilities and accountabilities for committees and board members by September 30 2015.
  • May 2015: Jon, Neil will conduct a complete EBC Budget Review by September 30. The review should be conducted after EBC Charitable Status and BWN lease issues have been addressed.
  • Jul 2015: Jon, Nancy, Anna, Chris Chan will meet to get an orientation and see if Asana can be used for board tasks/to do list too.
  • Jul 2015: Jon will connect with Janine and the bank to get clarity on accounts. Chris Ch will follow up with where YCR2 cheques are begin deposited.
  • Jul 2015: Anna will investigate north side venues within the AGM budget line. Will update by August meeting.
  • Aug 2015: Nancy will update the Strategic Plan doc with completed things and in progress things by Sept meeting.
  • Aug 2015: Anna will share HR folder of past bookkeeper.
  • Aug 2015: Neil will update draft budget with changes that we discussed and send us update to pass at Sept meeting.
  • Aug 2015: Nancy, Anna will work on wording for bylaw amendment to board term max for exec positions only.


  • Aug 2015: Jon and Nancy will sign and return copy to landlord by Sept 1.

FInancial Management Policy (10 min) Dan

  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

AGM Plans (10 min) Anna

  • AGM reports should be out 21 days in advance (Sunday Sept 13) for circulation to members. This will require internal board approval prior to Sept 13, which is before out Sept 16 board meeting.
  • Annual Report check-in on drafts so far...
    • President's Report (all governance overview) (Jon and board)
    • ED's Report (all operations overview) (Chris and staff)
    • Financial Report (Neil)
    • Proposed 2015-6 Budget
    • See example of past Annual Reports:
  • Discussion notes:

New Business

New Business Item EBC Casino Dec 30 − 31 2015 ( 10 min) Jonathan/Chris

  • Determine responsibility for organizing Casino
  • Discussion notes:
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

New Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:

In Camera Session

  • Motion: To go in camera. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • Name (___ min)
    • Name (___ min)
  • Motion: To close the in camera discussion. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting at pm. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.