Board Minutes March 2013

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These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for Wednesday March 20, 2013

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room 327, Education South building (on north side of 87 ave between 112 st and 114 st), U of A main campus
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Bernadette
  • Minute-taker: Adam
  • Food by: Anna
  • Board attendance: Duncan, Adam, Bernadette, Neil, Lee, Anna, Sarah
  • Staff attendance: Chris Chan
  • Regrets: Paul, Leila, Micah, Justin, Chris Corrigan,
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Bernadette at 6:40 pm.

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion: To approve agenda by Sarah. Seconded by Duncan.

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

  • Motion: to approve (month)(year) minutes by Adam. Seconded by Neil.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date:
  • Location: TBD (ACTION item for Micah)
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker: Micah
  • Food by:

ACTION ITEM: Bernadette to send out doodle poll, had to reschedule due to April 17 bike lanes consultation.


President's Report (5 min)

Preisdent's Report March 2013

  • Discussion notes:
  • Was the doctors' letter released to the media with names? Neil-- it was.
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Treasurer's Report (10 min)

Executive Director's Report (10 min)

Executive Director's Report March 2013

  • Discussion notes:
  • Why no summer student? CSJ will be oversubscribed, it's a long application. Hiring student for events hasn't been super-effective in the best. If we hire anyone it will be Tara for Spoke, and/or someone for adaptive bike program.
  • Do we need to put together a coalition in support of bike lanes for next time? We know who those people are from this time. We need women there!!! We don't necessarily want a go-to list, we want fresh people every time.
  • Should board members take on finding partnerships? Chris: there's a standard-issue email. The only real criteria: it can't be one-sided, has to be a reasonable discount for the promotion we give them. Doesn't have to be an on-going membership sponsorship, it could be in-kind donations for us. Sarah: could we get a copy of your standard email to share. Chris: yes.
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

BikeWorks Report (10 min)

BikeWorks Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Yay there's no more cash missing.
  • MEC is offering free bike maintainence seminars. Can we get some promotion there, for people to come use their new skills? Chris: some of the mechanics mention us. Their courses have been really popular. But the free one is not even hands-on. The hands-on one will be paid. Chris will try to have Bikeworks cards avail to distribute.
  • Chris: Volunteer Orientations will focus on soft skills, the actual procedures will come from documentation, which is not quite there yet. Bern: can we pair new volunteers with mentors? Chris: yes for mech skills, no for procedures because they keep changing. Adam: motivation and belonging important for new volunteers. Chris: yes, that's why orientation will focus on principles.
  • Proposed Spring sched seems ambitious. Some volunteers at BWN seemed a little concerned about have enough help. Does Coreen enforce a minimum # of volunteers per shift? Yes, two, hopefully 3-4.
  • Adaptive Bikes have already made $63 for us (donations). Institutions will pay, individuals not.
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

HR Policy Committee (5 min)

HR Policy Committee Report

  • Reviewing examples of Executive Director performance evaluations.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Just a brief update. That's it.
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Advocacy Committee Report (5 min)

Advocacy Committee Report March 2013

  • Discussion notes:
  • Focus on Complete Streets groups. Getting routes in the right places, traffic calming. The 83 ave one will have an open house when it gets nice, door-knocking, etc ... so we don't get a repeat of 76 ave. Next (and future) AdvCom meeting will be at United Cycle. Meeting coming up with Grant Mac rep (head of sustainability).
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Adhoc Volunteer Appreciation Committee (verbal) Report (5 min)

  • Micah, Lee, Anna, Coreen met in March to discuss the planning.
  • Discussion notes:
  • What is the budget for this? There's room in "event costs," etc in the budget. $400 def ok (for 2 events, spring and fall), if you have a great idea for a $500 event let us know.
  • We'll do a survey of volunteers. BW dance party, house party? hot tub party? Bike prom? Ride?
  • Important to be inclusive of older volunteers, etc.
  • Lee idea: lead a bike ride to elk island, camp in their tipis, bike back, all in a 24h timeframe. Possible July retreat idea?
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Anna will send out possible July dates for mid-year goals check-in before March meeting. DONE
  • Paul will coordinate new signing authorities with bank before March meeting.
  • Paul (voluntold?) will review Bylaws and draft edits re: board election of members in good standing by July 30.
  • Micah will find some good links/resources to board on how to use wiki and how to save folders/docs in Google Drive. Deadline: March 19th.
  • Anna will post all approved job descriptions and code of conduct to the wiki before next meeting. DONE

Business Item 1 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business

Meeting Agendas and Reports (5 min)

  • Anna: could we have a practice of having the Chair send out a role call check, draft agenda, and call for reports 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting? Last minute stuff is tricky and stressful.
  • Anna: could reports be submitted as a Google Doc that is 1) shared with board and staff 2) linked on the wiki agenda? Is this format useful? Easy? Efficient? What other formats are suggested?
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Review EBC 2013 Goals (5 min)

  • Review the 3 S.M.A.R.T. goals for the board/organization that we created at the January retreat, since we have never seen them all together yet.
    • Sarah typed up the SMART goal for the Charitable status goal.
    • Duncan typed up the SMART goal for the financial goal.
    • Justin typed up the SMART goal for the HR goal.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

AB Bicycle Commuters Conference (7 min)

  • I am interested in organizing a conference for the fall of 2013 to gather bike commuters from across AB to share ideas.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Appoint Acting President and VP (5 min)

  • In light of Duncan taking a leave of absence.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

In Camera Session (__ min)

  • Motion:


  • Motion: