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==Documents Worth Considering from Other Organizations==
This space will be for the policy itself, once we have one. For discussion/drafting click the "discussion" tab above.
These are NOT position statements drafted or adopted by EBC.
Board members could use the "discussion" tab at the top of this page to jot down their reactions to any of these points.
===Policy Statements of the Toronto Cyclists Union []===
*'''Infrastructure Creation'''
The Toronto Cyclists Union advocates for adequate funding and political support for cycling infrastructure. It should be well designed, well marked, and safe, with the goal of making a complete road system. We want the City of Toronto to encourage new cyclists, not just accommodate existing traffic.
*'''Infrastructure Enforcement'''
The Toronto Cyclists Union wants the City of Toronto to enforce existing laws concerning infrastructure, such as ticketing and towing cars that park in the bike lanes. Those vehicles provided with special exemption from the City of Toronto to park in bike lanes, such as public utility vehicles, should use pylons to re-create a safe bicycle lane around them.
*'''Infrastructure Maintenance'''
The Toronto Cyclists Union wants the City of Toronto to repair the pavement in the bike lanes, keeping it free of potholes, and repainting the lines when needed. In the winter, the lanes should be kept clear of snow and ice, and in the summer, clear of glass and garbage. The park trails should be opened and maintained all year round.
*'''Cycling on sidewalks'''
We believe that cycling on sidewalks puts both pedestrians and cyclists at risk, and urge cyclists to avoid riding on sidewalks.
In Toronto, children riding bicycles with a bicycle tire size under 61 cm (24 inches) may ride on the sidewalk. We encourage parents to teach their children safe, respectful and responsible cycling practices.
In some situations, the road may be so unsafe that the cyclist's safest option is to ride on the sidewalk. In such a case, we recommend that cyclists:
- reduce speed
- cede right of way to pedestrians
- warn approaching pedestrians
- pass pedestrians and others with the greatest of care and respect
- dismount and walk their bike when conditions warrant it
- return to the road at the earliest safe opportunity to do so
*'''Bike Licensing'''
We are opposed to the licensing and registration of cyclists on the grounds that it creates a disincentive to cycling, creates unecessary administrative burdens and costs to taxpayers while not providing any discernible benefit. Neither the City of Toronto nor the provincial Ministry of Transportation have supported such a scheme.
Cyclists, designated as vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act, are already subject to the same rules and fines for infractions as are motor vehicles. Existing legislation, by-laws, and police powers, if used rigorously and to their full extent, are sufficient to keep active transportation safe. Read more
We support and encourage the use of helmets by cyclists of all ages, but also recognize an adult’s right to make their own choice.  By law in Ontario, only those 17 years of age or younger are required to wear a helmet while cycling.  We are opposed to making helmet use mandatory for adults.
*'''E-bikes / 2-wheeled Electric Scooters
We support electric power-assisted bicycles (as distinct from electric scooters aka: scooter-style e-bikes) as an alternative to larger, less environmentally friendly motor vehicles, especially for people with impaired mobility.
We do not believe electric scooters should be permitted to use infrastructure intended for active transportation, as their speed, size and weight make them hazardous to others within those confines.
We encourage the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario to prohibit the use of electric scooters on infrastructure intended for active transportation, such as recreational trails and paths and bike lanes.