Board Minutes January 20 2022: Difference between revisions

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* Questions from Bike Edmonton Board and Paths for People
* Questions from Bike Edmonton Board and Paths for People

* What plans, if any, are in place for those with physical limitations to be able to access River Valley pathways for recreational and utility cycling without a steep descent/ascent?
* Q: What plans, if any, are in place for those with physical limitations to be able to access River Valley pathways for recreational and utility cycling without a steep descent/ascent?
** This is something that the City has heard about. There are some plans looking at these questions, specifically the Downtown Public Places Plan. We are currently looking at ways to make the River Valley more accessible. The River Valley is managed separately from the City. The City has also gotten feedback from the Paralympic Sports Association. The wide range of bikes that are on the market today (hand pedal, e-bike, fat bike, etc). We are working to better accommodate these varieties of bikes.  
** A: This is something that the City has heard about. There are some plans looking at these questions, specifically the Downtown Public Places Plan. We are currently looking at ways to make the River Valley more accessible. The River Valley is managed separately from the City. The City has also gotten feedback from the Paralympic Sports Association. The wide range of bikes that are on the market today (hand pedal, e-bike, fat bike, etc). We are working to better accommodate these varieties of bikes.  

* Is Administration proposing E-bike programs or subsidies to facilitate this access by those with physical challenges?
* Q: Is Administration proposing E-bike programs or subsidies to facilitate this access by those with physical challenges?
** This is not part of the Bike Plan Scope. But there may be some project work happening elsewhere within the City.  
** A: This is not part of the Bike Plan Scope. But there may be some project work happening elsewhere within the City.  

* Will a prioritized costed list of active transportation projects and missing links be included in the implementation plan if not where will this information be found?  
* Q: Will a prioritized costed list of active transportation projects and missing links be included in the implementation plan if not where will this information be found?  
** A costed list will not be available at this time. There are higher level cost estimates, but we are not yet at the level to break down the costs for those pieces yet. The prioritization of the list is in the Bike Plan that is going to be publicly available.  
** A: A costed list will not be available at this time. There are higher level cost estimates, but we are not yet at the level to break down the costs for those pieces yet. The prioritization of the list is in the Bike Plan that is going to be publicly available.  

* Will the city be sharing their prioritization methodology?  
* Q: Will the city be sharing their prioritization methodology?  
** There is some detail in the implementation guide.
** A: There is some detail in the implementation guide.
* Q: Can you share 3 of the top 5 projects in your opinion?
** A: Connections to the North; 102 Ave Valley Line connection
* Q: Administration is going in front of council for the 4 year budget cycle in early 2022, what percentage of the total bike plan estimated costs is Administration proposing to be “above the line” or funded in the 2022 to 2026 budget cycle? (rough number)
** A: This is not something we can answer today as there is a lot that goes into the budget planning
* Q: What percentage of bike lane project costs is Administration proposing to come from stand alone bike lane projects vs partnering with other capital projects such as neighbourhood renewal or LRT projects?
** A: That is also something that will depend on budget
* Q: Of the projects that are below the line how will the Administration be ready to bring them above the line if council moves additional money into active transportation?
** A: As funds come available we are moving projects above the line. We have a list and we are starting to pick them off.
* Q: Of the 11,500 Edmontonians who gave their feedback about biking, is there a breakdown of demographics, age, gender, and how they identify themselves (i.e. Caucasian, Indigenous, Asian, Indian, etc.)? Is this information kept in house or is it in a "what we heard" report?
** A:

== <i>In Camera</i> Session ==
== <i>In Camera</i> Session ==

Revision as of 01:51, 21 January 2022

Please note: Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes receive approval via Board Motion at the following Board Meeting. Please view the following Board Meeting Minutes to determine the approval status of the minutes you are currently viewing.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2022

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members.

  • Location: [Google Meet]
  • Start Time: 6:00pm

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah R
  • Minute-taker: Andi
  • Food by: n/a
  • Board attendance: Max Myre; Keith Heslinga; Matthew Hoyt; Byron Vass; Roy Coulthard; Andi Eng; Sarah Rebryna
  • Staff attendance: Mike Zuege; Chris Chan; Coreen S;
  • Regrets: John R
  • Absent:
  • Guests: Jason Wang (Paths For People); Dallas Karhut (City of Edmonton); Julie Cournoyer (City of Edmonton); Madeline Stout (Paths for People); Nathan Smith (City of Edmonton); Pablo Orozco (City of Edmonton); Roozbeh Montakhab; Daniel Auger; Hank Binnema; Joanne Hampton; Tom Forbes; Tyrel Brochu; Conrad Norbert; Michael Janz; Emma Pyke

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Sarah at 6:02 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: February 16, 2022
  • Location: Google Meet
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker: Andi
  • Food by: n/a


Approval of Agenda

To approve this January 20 agenda.

Moved: Keith
Seconded: Max
Aye No Abstain
8 0


Guest Presentation

  • Welcome and Introduction of Guest presenters from the City of Edmonton
    • Nathan Smith, Senior Engineer, Urban Planning and Economy
    • Dallas Karhut, Senior Engineer, City of Edmonton
    • Julie Cournoyer, Strategy Implementation Coordinator
    • Pablo Orozco, General Supervisor, Mobility Unit
      • Plan going before committee on February 15
  • Presentation


  • Questions from Bike Edmonton Board and Paths for People
  • Q: What plans, if any, are in place for those with physical limitations to be able to access River Valley pathways for recreational and utility cycling without a steep descent/ascent?
    • A: This is something that the City has heard about. There are some plans looking at these questions, specifically the Downtown Public Places Plan. We are currently looking at ways to make the River Valley more accessible. The River Valley is managed separately from the City. The City has also gotten feedback from the Paralympic Sports Association. The wide range of bikes that are on the market today (hand pedal, e-bike, fat bike, etc). We are working to better accommodate these varieties of bikes.
  • Q: Is Administration proposing E-bike programs or subsidies to facilitate this access by those with physical challenges?
    • A: This is not part of the Bike Plan Scope. But there may be some project work happening elsewhere within the City.
  • Q: Will a prioritized costed list of active transportation projects and missing links be included in the implementation plan if not where will this information be found?
    • A: A costed list will not be available at this time. There are higher level cost estimates, but we are not yet at the level to break down the costs for those pieces yet. The prioritization of the list is in the Bike Plan that is going to be publicly available.
  • Q: Will the city be sharing their prioritization methodology?
    • A: There is some detail in the implementation guide.
  • Q: Can you share 3 of the top 5 projects in your opinion?
    • A: Connections to the North; 102 Ave Valley Line connection
  • Q: Administration is going in front of council for the 4 year budget cycle in early 2022, what percentage of the total bike plan estimated costs is Administration proposing to be “above the line” or funded in the 2022 to 2026 budget cycle? (rough number)
    • A: This is not something we can answer today as there is a lot that goes into the budget planning
  • Q: What percentage of bike lane project costs is Administration proposing to come from stand alone bike lane projects vs partnering with other capital projects such as neighbourhood renewal or LRT projects?
    • A: That is also something that will depend on budget
  • Q: Of the projects that are below the line how will the Administration be ready to bring them above the line if council moves additional money into active transportation?
    • A: As funds come available we are moving projects above the line. We have a list and we are starting to pick them off.
  • Q: Of the 11,500 Edmontonians who gave their feedback about biking, is there a breakdown of demographics, age, gender, and how they identify themselves (i.e. Caucasian, Indigenous, Asian, Indian, etc.)? Is this information kept in house or is it in a "what we heard" report?
    • A:

In Camera Session

To move in camera with guests from City of Edmonton and Paths4People

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

To move out of camera discussion.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


Meeting adjourned by at pm