Board Minutes February 2021: Difference between revisions

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   |motion=To go in camera
   |motion=To go in camera
   |first= Rachel
   |second= Keith
   |yes= All
   |result= Carried

Revision as of 00:51, 16 March 2021

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for February 16, 2021

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021
  • Location: Google Meet To join by phone instead, dial ‪(CA) +1 778-732-6177‬ and enter this PIN: ‪‪387 835 066‬#
  • Start Time: 7:00pm

Please email if you cannot attend. Feel free to submit agenda items with a brief summary of what you would like to discuss. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Matt
  • Food by: n/a
  • Board attendance: Ken A., Andi E., Rachel K., Roy C., Sarah R., Matt H., Keith H.
  • Staff attendance: Chris C., Molly T., Coreen S.
  • Regrets: Annya H., Jarett S.
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Sarah at 7:11pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Monday, , 2021
  • Location:
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by: n/a


Approval of Agenda

To approve this February 16 agenda.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Andi
Aye No Abstain


Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes

To approve the January 2021 and the February 2, 2021 minutes.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Matt
Aye No Abstain



President's Report - Sarah (2 mins)

Treasurer's Report - Roy (2 mins)

  • No report provided

Executive Committee Report - Sarah (1 min)

  • No report submitted
  • Sarah gave a verbal update and referenced the contents of the President’s Report

HR Committee Report - Sarah (1 min)

  • Committee hasn't met since its last meeting
  • Staff performance evaluations are still underway

Governance Committee Report

  • Hasn't met yet
  • First meeting to likely occur in the first week of March
  • Roy to draft Terms of Reference
  • Separation of Shop Operational Policy from Organization Policy
  • Roy to discuss with Chris prior to the first meeting

Approval of Reports

To approve the President's, Treasurer's, Executive Committee, and HR Committee reports as presented above.

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Ken
Aye No Abstain


Current & Completed Business

Action Item Follow Up

Board Introductions for Bike Edmonton Website - Sarah (1 min)

  • Only five Board members have completed their Board Intro. I do not want to put this off any longer, so I will post the completed intros and just include names for the members who have not completed their intros.
Action Items
  • Sarah to work on posting completed bios to the website

New Secretary

  • Andi Eng was appointed to the Board at the February 2, 2021 meeting and she was appointed as our new Secretary.
  • Sarah needs to orient Andi to the Secretary position

Action Items

  • Sarah and Andi to schedule a virtual meeting to complete the orientation

Update on the Touch the Water Project - Keith & Matt (5 min)

  • Keith's update via email
  • What is our final position?
  • Touch the Water is not currently a campaign issue
    • Chances of any recovered funds moving to bike infrastructure are minimal
    • Keith points out that if it does come up we will show ourselves to care about cost and value engineering
    • If this were a bicycle infrastructure project specifically then it would be in our interest to issue a statement
  • How will we disseminate our position to the public/our membership?
    • General opinion voiced was that we let sleeping dogs lie
That the Bike Edmonton Board take no action on Touch the Water at this time.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Ken
Aye No Abstain
6 1


Action Items

  • None

New Business

Engaging our Membership - Sarah (10 mins)

  • Can we engage our membership separately from our advocacy?
  • Some ideas include spotlighting our social media followers by engaging them in tagging their posts with some specific hashtag and then selecting posts to feature (e.g. via a quote tweet). We don't have to come up with the content, so would not be too onerous for us to complete
  • Post Board member profiles one at a time as a weekly or monthly highlight?
  • Can we update our Facebook page? (Andi has extensive social media comms experience so she might have some suggestions). Can we create a new Facebook page and link them?

- Meeting Discussion -

    • Chris stated clearly that we do indeed need to reach out apart from advocacy. In fact, we need to have that relationship with them before we should ever reach out to them for advocacy
    • Molly will connect with Andi to discuss spring outreach for fundraising and community work
    • Facebook will not let us change our name since we have more than 5,000 likes. It is possible to merge duplicate pages but it can only move in one direction. We will lose all our followers from our current page. The calculation so far is that losing followers and content has not been worth the move
    • Searching Bike Edmonton in Google of Facebook brings us to the correct page
    • Roy suggested a quarterly or semi-annual newsletter
    • We will stick with the current Facebook page
    • Social media mining is a discussion still to happen


Christopher Chan

8:42 PM

That will get TONNES of engagement

THAT would be worth the resources.

Animals get a lot of engagement.

Keith Heslinga

8:43 PM

I can borrow a cat

Coreen — South Shop Manager

8:43 PM

OMG Andi! YES!

Christopher Chan

8:43 PM

Okay social media campaign: share pets & bikes

Roy Coulthard

8:43 PM

I could recruit internet-famous insta-cat Gary (from Canmore). maybe...

Rachel Keglowitsch

8:43 PM

I'm hoping to get a trailer for my dog and a basket on the front of my bike for my cat :)

Roy Coulthard

8:44 PM


I support this!

Andi Eng

8:44 PM

Gary is great, but there are so many local adventure cats.

There are three or four in Inglewood alone.

Christopher Chan


Poor Keith has been waiting with his hand up for so long

Roy Coulthard

8:45 PM

I move that the Board deputize Keith to "punch up" all the Board bios on the website

Christopher Chan

8:46 PM

The preferred route is: board writes content for our website blog. Then we can share through the appropriate channels: social media, newsletter, etc., depending on the content and timing.

Action Items

  • Animal videos?

Volunteer Retention - Ken (10 min)

Ken's discussion was well received
Alex and Coreen will be involved with the committee work moving forward

Election Advocacy - Sarah (5 min)

  • Chris has been working on some things they are:
  • Do we want to focus on any specific election advocacy?
  • If we do, is there anything we want to add change about Chris' work so far? What would our focus look like?
    • Could be a good idea to encourage our membership to signup for Edmonton's Insight Community to be notified of City of Edmonton surveys that they can engage in if it interests them
  • Should we have a Advocacy Committee?

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Action Items

NPBI Update - Keith (10 mins)

  • Shelah and Carmen have been working with Keith on a Table of Contents for all of the policies
    • Current
    • Archived (5 years or older)
    • In development (drafts)
  • Looking into Board manuals as guides
  • Communications policies
    • internal and external
  • The interns need direction from the Governance Committee as to what the next steps are for the interns

Action Items

  • Governance Committee to invite the interns to the upcoming committee meeting and provide them with direction

Staff/Operations Update - Chris (10 min)


We're doing stuff. We don't have word back on grants yet. We don't know what money we will have coming in, which will dictate what our outreach will be. Planning fundraising activities and applying for grants is where we're at


  • Applied for grants and Canada Summer Jobs grant money. The CSJ grant is 2 x $14,000
  • Safe passing law at Council tomorrow
  • Recently switched our payroll provider. Now I have access to this portion of the financials
  • Ramping up planning for upcoming spring demand


  • Still selling steadily
  • Repairs are slowing down, more parts consultation than anything else downtown
  • Received some hydraulic brake repair training
  • Parts shortages are a current challenge

In Camera

To go in camera

Moved: Rachel
Seconded: Keith
Aye No Abstain

To go out of camera

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Board Volunteer Hour Tracking - ALL BOARD (2 min)


To adjourn the meeting.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.