Board Minutes June 2020: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:39, 9 June 2020

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for June 2020

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Date: Monday, June 8, 2020
  • Location: n/a - Held over Zoom
  • Start Time: 7:00pm

Please email if you cannot attend.  Feel free to submit agenda items with a brief summary of what you would like to discuss. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Matt
  • Timekeeper:
  • Minute-taker: Jasmine
  • Food by: Mike P.
  • Board attendance: Husam, Matt, Jeremy, Mike S., Jasmine, Annya, Talha, Mike P.
  • Staff attendance: Molly, Chris, Coreen
  • Regrets: Sarah, Rachel
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Matt at 7:05pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: July 13, 2020 @ 7:00pm
  • Location: Zoom
  • Chair: Husam
  • Minute-taker: Jasmine
  • Food by: Mike P.

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this June 8 agenda, the May 2020 minutes, and reports as presented below.

Moved: Jasmine
Seconded: Mike S.
Aye No Abstain
7 0 0


President's Report - Jeremy

  • Seem to be doing alright financially, with the financial aid that's been offered - we have received some funds from the Gov of Canada as a wage subsidy (1 month), and we also have the $40,000 loan.
  • As an exec, we'll aim to get financial statements to board monthly so the board can see the status.
  • For south shop, we haven't had a 70% drop in revenue since last year, which makes us ineligible for a subsidy.

Treasurer's Report - Talha

  • In May, actual revenues were higher than budgeted, and expenses were lower than expected
  • Based on how Bike Edmonton has been doing financially, we're set to have a mild deficit by the end of the year based on the budget (not counting the loan), unless we make more money by year-end.

Program Review Committee - Rachel/Matt/Annya

  • Program Review Committee Task Tracker
  • Sarah applied for Non-Profit Board Internship to get 1-2 interns, and would like them to work on a marketing strategy (if it interests them).
  • Goal of understanding volunteer cohort, recognition, volunteer engagement; looking at what's been done in the past to work towards volunteer engagement in the future.
  • Program Review - have a drafted survey tool to evaluate Bike Edmonton workshops and staff input is required. Hoping to update Spoke survey to match general survey.

Exec Committee - Jeremy

  • Not much to report on at this point. Have been tracking operations and finance, determining paths forward.

Current and Completed Business

Operational Updates - Chris/Molly (20 min)

  • Shops
    • Downtown shops is up and operational; they're selling parts (new and used), doing repairs for folks by appointment.
    • South shop is selling bikes (only out of this shop to maximize selection).
      • Bike builders work on shops at the North Shop (10 hours/week); contracts have been extended from early June to the end of August due to the wage subsidy.
      • Both shops are full of bikes to be fixed up and sold.
      • For month of June, have sold 21 bikes
    • Receiving many donations, increasing volunteer involvement.
  • Wage Subsidy
    • May - August is the extension period, though no more information has come out on the website
    • We're operating on the assumption that the wage subsidy will continue as it started off.

Fundraising - Molly (20 min)

  • Recently updated the fundraising campaign to be released. Have lowered the fundraising targets, given we've already moved into North Shop. Messaging has shifted away from paying for the north shop, to helping us keep things working.
  • In staff meeting discussions, plan was to delay fundraising until June.
  • One component of the fundraising is to celebrate the new shop in a party there. May delay that component until it's safe to do so.
    • Could plan for an outdoor gathering, which would be safer in the face of COVID, while delaying the kick-off party until it's safe.
  • Mural fundraising could be shifted to a separate campaign so that it's not competing with other fundraising.
  • Aspects of fundraising
    • Community Investment: contribution up-front that then leads to 50% for the member later
    • Limited Edition Membership Card with graphics
    • Purchases of rare/cool items from the shops like bike stands

Board Volunteer Hour Tracking - Jasmine (10 min)

New Business

Bike Edmonton Statement re: Defunding - All

  • Paths for People put out a public statement regarding public transit, city staff, in response to COVID and the economic situation. They go on to talk about system changes they would support, in relation to practices that
  • Consider avoiding getting political. Is there a way to support areas that directly align with our vision, without putting out a political statement.
  • Our volunteers and our members are impacted this, so should consider sticking up for them.
  • Many statements that are being put out come across as insincere, and we want to tread carefully.
  • See consequences of discrimination in our shops, and supporting the initiatives will show our solidarity.
  • Some of the statement is about funding, and how future funding might come about.
  • Will the statement alienate some of the membership? Likely not.
  • Feel that affirmative statements are fine, but we'll need to draft something and have it reviewed.
  • Staff to draft a statement and share with board to review.

Non-Profit Board Internship - Sarah (10 min)

  • Tabled to July.

Schedule a time to meet with your committees - ALL BOARD (10 min)

  • This will be a standing agenda item during board meetings to encourage some momentum in committees

In Camera:

To go in camera

Moved: Jasmine
Seconded: Mike S.
Aye No Abstain
7 0 0

To go out of camera

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.


To adjourn the meeting.

Aye No Abstain

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.