Board Minutes May 2011: Difference between revisions

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** MAR UPDATE: Outreach, Inclusion, Adcocacy, Info Mgmt are up. To be done: Education, BikeWorks.  Chris to put ones we have on the wiki.
** MAR UPDATE: Outreach, Inclusion, Adcocacy, Info Mgmt are up. To be done: Education, BikeWorks.  Chris to put ones we have on the wiki.
** APR UPDATE: Chris updated wiki. Missing are: '''Outreach, Inclusion, Advocacy, Education & Safety'''. BikeWorks and Volunteer are somewhat incomplete.  CHRIS to e-mail everyone to resend if available.
** APR UPDATE: Chris updated wiki. Missing are: '''Outreach, Inclusion, Advocacy, Education & Safety'''. BikeWorks and Volunteer are somewhat incomplete.  CHRIS to e-mail everyone to resend if available.
** MAY UPDATE: Chris  
** MAY UPDATE: Chris will ask board members to resubmit directly to Chris.
=== New action items ===
=== New action items ===
* <span style="background: lightgrey;">ACTION:</span> ANNA to put EBC priorities into online doc
* <span style="background: lightgrey;">ACTION:</span> ANNA to put EBC priorities into online doc

Revision as of 22:32, 22 June 2011

These minutes are not yet approved.

Action Items from Last Meeting

Carried Forward

  • ACTION: Anna to contact ABA about CANBIKE
    • MAR UPDATE: Anna call again.
    • APR UPDATE: Scheduling underway.
    • MAY UPDATE: CANBIKE instructors must pay ABA membership ($40/yr – possibly paid by EBC)
    • if EBC asks instructors to offer program, we will pay for their ABA fee for the year
  • ACTION: All committees to write up their own Terms Of Reference (1-2 pg)
    • MAR UPDATE: Outreach, Inclusion, Adcocacy, Info Mgmt are up. To be done: Education, BikeWorks. Chris to put ones we have on the wiki.
    • APR UPDATE: Chris updated wiki. Missing are: Outreach, Inclusion, Advocacy, Education & Safety. BikeWorks and Volunteer are somewhat incomplete. CHRIS to e-mail everyone to resend if available.
    • MAY UPDATE: Chris will ask board members to resubmit directly to Chris.

New action items

  • ACTION: ANNA to put EBC priorities into online doc
    • APR UPDATE: Not done yet.
  • ACTION: Alex to update Bike Building metrics with correct numbers so that we can re-analyze
    • APR UPDATE: Can't be done.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for May 25, 2011

  • Time: 6:30pm
  • Location: ENTS (#201 10575 114th Street)
  • Food by: Chris
Attendance: Chris, David, Neil, Derek, James, Alex C, Anna, Michael Brisbois, Jayson de Vera
Regrets: Brett, Kevin, Bernadette, Stephanie 
Next meeting Thursday June 23, location TBD (not BIkeWorks, it is booked)
James shall bring food but as he brough food in the past few months, other board members should try to take this on.

Intros for new staff

Action Items from Last Meeting
- ABA membership
	- CANBIKE instructors must pay ABA membership ($40/yr – possibly paid by EBC)
	- if EBC asks instructors to offer program, we would pay for their ABA fee for the year
- Alberta Cycle building
	- black mould in the building – at least 9 months (Feb 2012) until ArtsHab would take over
- Spoke
	- has received some significant grants
	- need to relaunch by June 15 to keep momentum going – need space to operate in
	- looking at space on 118 ave – possible space behind The Carrot (1600-1800 sqft) to share with another tenant (Spark, a promotions company).
  MOTION (Neil): To allow EBC delegate (David) to negotiate space for the spoke for temporary use (up to $700 per month for up to 1 year from EBC general funds).  Seconded by Alex C. Motion passed unanimously.
	- possible to buy a shipping container ($3,800) and park at EPS (willing to pay power, water, etc) or at a partnering school?
- Board retreat and planning for next year’s board
	- retreat’s main purpose would be to create a mission statement and long term strategic plan
	- discuss and plan what we need from the board, what commitment and responsibility is needed
	- recruitment for next year since many members are leaving
	- spoke position on the board?
	- we will reserve one hour at end of each board meeting (June, July, Aug, Sept) to do the strategic plan. Chris, David, Anna to list what we need to have for the strategic plan.
- Charitable Status
	- Anna to have a timeline of completion for charitable status by June 3. 
Report from President
- attended downtown LRT hearing today at City Hall. Very little changes to alignment which will affect bike infrastructure
- Volunteer party to kick off Bike Month last weekend
- Staff training on CANBIKE
- attended Youth Summit on Sustainable Transportation
- video for Emerald Awards about EBC
- received $4,000 grant from YES 
- TPRAC meeting – new river valley maps which show which paths are plowed in winter 

Report from Executive Director
- much of the same as Chris
- keeping up with event requests and coordination
- summer staff interviews, hiring, training
Report from Treasurer
The Spoke
- have 15 people on wait list for next program
- HP has donated time and touch screens for the program
- participants will have a physical manual about bike repair and access to the touch screens in the shop
- spoke postcards being printed
- spoke nominated for RatCreek Connect award. Need board member to attend to represent EBC. May 27 @ Artery @ 6:30pm, tickets are $10.  Chris will attend
- spoke is being highlighted in Edmonton Community Foundation AGM
- due to Alberta Cycle building renos, all spoke supplies need to be stored somewhere else
Bike Rental Program
- forms almost finished
- volunteers need instructions on how to rent the bikes
- Forms to be done by end of May and volunteer info on how to by end of May
- numbers for reporting are required asap
Summer hours
- should not happen if we cannot cover it with volunteers!

NAA Lease
- Alex sent out NAA contact. Anna to contact them ASAP. Prefer a 2 year lease.
- $1105 + 300 utilities (we would like to see the utility bills!)
- We do all of the maintenance (no leasehold improvements have been done). We have been in the space since 2000.  Two years ago we lost space (minimal) and paid same price.
- We are actively looking for a second location. Potential location is being negotiated.
- Anna to negotiate – must bring the offer to the board for approval
- MOTION (Chris): To give Anna authority to negotiate a new lease, up to $1200 plus $300 utilities. Seconded by Neil. Motion passed unanimously.

Bike Month MOU
- Anna to send most recent draft to board
- Anna to check in with Karly on agreement
- Anna to update the exact number of hours per week of EBC staff hours that can be for Bikeology.

Signing Authority for Executive Director
- update to MOTION (Chris): To rescind the motion from April 2011. Seconded by James. Motion passed.
- MOTION (Chris): Executive Director to have full signing authority for EBC within the purview of the objectives of the Society's bylaws, policies and budget. Seconded by Derek.  Motion passed.

Staff Reports
- not getting reports done at all or on time
- need for legacy purposes, need for board updating, need for identifying issues and projects, need for keeping board meetings to a timely schedule.
Artist In Residence Funding Proposal
- Kim and Leila presented proposal for a collaborative position.
- Anna will update them when the board makes a decision.

Below this line is just the template from the previous meeting.

Call to order


  • Regrets:

Approval of agenda

  • Motion to approve by BLAKEY. Seconded by CHAN.

Approval of minutes

  • Motion to approve March 2011 minutes by BLAKEY. Seconded by CAREY.

March board meeting minutes

Action items from last meeting

Next Meeting Date

Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 6:30pm Location: (TBD - BikeWorks, ENTS?)

  • Chris will arrange ENTS booking.

Food For Next Meeting

  • Neil? if at ENTS...



  • Allison from Carbon meeting
  • Bike & Bake sale success!
  • EBC MEC night: ~30 members, sold 1 membership
  • SEF update

Executive Director

  • April busy event month. Lots of Volunteer org. events. Offsite events have been poorly attended; payment of mechanics isn't working great yet.\
  • STEP funding for Events position. 12 wks, budgeted amount awarded.
  • Part-time for other positions possibly, no additional funding yet.
  • Business plan requested from Artist in Res.
  • Education position should help pay for itself.
  • Target date for resolving hiring: mid-May.
  • Planning for Bikeology through May
  • Shop hours for 118 Ave needs to be considered

BikeWorks Coordinator

  • BikeWorks is getting very busy
  • Over $1000 on Saturdays, almost $10000 for the month
  • Lots of new volunteers
    • Well attended orientations, online application forms
  • Seems like most people are paying hanging fees
    • ACTION: Will try using a hanging clipboard from bike stands
  • Volunteer pricing questionable
  • First bike rental
    • ACTION: Will update website
  • Met with Linda Huffman
  • E-mailed Scott Peters, haven't heard back, will call
  • Neil: Can we post hours, rental, etc. information sheet by the telephone
    • ACTION: Will post info by phone


Attached are the numbers for March. The Art Auction took place in March, so both revenue and expenditure are well above their budgeted numbers. Crappy weather kept Bikeworks revenue somewhat below budget. Wages are a bit higher that budgeted to account for the additional overtime that we now owe to Anna. Other items are more or less as expected. End result is that the bottom line was about $1400 better than expected.

As always, let me know if you have any questions.

File:EBC Financial Report - March 2011.xls

New Business

BikeWorks policy on safety equipment

  • Reminder

Bike to the Symphony

  • Ticket sales slow
  • Partnerships strong
  • Espresso cart in Da Capo parking lot
  • Donation of prizes from redbike
  • Best dressed cyclist contest?
  • Backstage tour
  • Poster distribution

Rental bike program reporting

  • Derek's happy
  • Will wait for some more data from launch
  • Financial: Alex to report to Derek
  • ALEX to update webpage with bike rental details and photos

Alberta Cycle Building Update

  • MOTION: (via e-mail on April 8, 2011) CHRIS CHAN moves that EBC begin negotiations with the City of Edmonton to acquire space in the Alberta Cycle building in the immediate short term.


  • ALEX: no response yet from City. Will call.
  • Fair number of people ready to help setup. Not concerned about shift volunteers.
  • Not there until June, likely.
  • Spoke awarded Stollery. Spoke will invoice the City to be reimbursed.
  • 2 days a week, plus the Spoke.
  • After confirming space, start ordering equipment/parts.
  • QBP distribution?

Board retreat

  • No date set yet.
  • New doodle poll?

Instructor course fees

  • RE: fees paid to instructors teaching courses primarily at BikeWorks (not offsite events)
  • In Feb., BikeWorks & Outreach committee meeting decided on payment to instructors.
  • Alex understood: instructor paid 70% of gross revenue from instructor, incl. membership sales.
  • BLAKEY moves that instructors are paid 75% of course fees (considering new member payments as if they paid non-member rates). PLUIM seconds. Carried.

Governance of The Spoke

  • David has been meeting with Kris.

Bike building

  • Will continue through summer

Update on charitable status

  • Anna hasn't looked at the work from the U of A legal students yet. They mostly rehashed the research we had already done. Forms, application, etc. not done. Planned work for May.

Bike month contract/MOU

  • Draft MOU is written and edits are complete/nearly finalized. Almost ready to be signed.


  • CHAN moves that Anna Vesala is granted authority to enter into contracts on behalf of EBC. Contacts which entail a financial commitment greater than $500 must be approved by another member of the executive committee. Seconded by PHILLIPS. Approved.

Hiring committee

  • Derek Pluim, Bernadette Blakey, Keith Hallgren, James Phillips.
  • BLAKEY moves that hiring committee be given authority to decide and hire. HALLGREN seconds. Approved.

In Camera

CHAN moves to go in camera. Seconded by HALLGREN. Approved.


End of Meeting

  • CHAN moves to adjourn. Seconded by HALLGREN. Adjourned.