Board Minutes January 2018: Difference between revisions

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*Jonathan to provide a short verbal report
*Jonathan to provide a short verbal report
*There is an Administrative committee meeting scheduled for Jan 10th - A written committee report will provided prior to the next board meeting
*There is an Administrative committee meeting scheduled for Jan 10th - A written committee report will provided prior to the next board meeting
'''Administrative Committee Report Discussion'''
* Waiting to hear from Servus account manager to change over signing authority
* Board planning result results were shared at the last Bike Edmonton staff meeting; staff were keen to help facilitate the implementation of certain measures and should be looped in as the projects move forward.


Revision as of 03:56, 9 January 2018

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for January 2018

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: Room 113 Education South Education South, University of Alberta
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Jeremy
  • Minute-taker: Jasmine
  • Food by: Jeremy
  • Board attendance: Ali, Jonathan, Nancy, Jeremy, Mike S., Jasmine, Helen, Geoff
  • Staff attendance: Chris
  • Regrets: Michael C, Mike P., Kabir
  • Absent:
  • Guests: Karli G.

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Jeremy at 6:43pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Monday Feb 12, 2018 6:30
  • Location: U of A, Education South 1-13
  • Chair: Helen
  • Minute-taker: Jasmine
  • Food by: Mike S.

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this January 8 agenda, the December 2017 minutes, and reports as presented below.

Moved: Nancy
Seconded: Jonathan
Aye No Abstain
6 0 0


President's Report - Jeremy

H.R. Committee Report - Nancy

  • H.R. Committee Report December 2017
  • There is an HR committee meeting on January 4th- so a verbal report will be made at the board meeting with updates from that committee meeting. There will be no written report for January.

HR Report Discussion

  • First couple shifts can be very stressful, and could contribute to the attrition. How can we make the first few shifts fun and not stressful? Problem is more around retention, not recruitment.
  • Next steps: Karli will do some preliminary research into volunteer retention factors within Bike Edmonton; talk with staff
  • Volunteer retention/training strategies are know; it's more about implementing them. Examples are: 1:1 mentor when you start (with handbook), written documentation for bike mechanics, more regular volunteer socials, complete outline of day-to-day shop running
    • Helen has volunteered to help create the day-to-day shop running (rental process, where things are, step-by-step procedures)
    • Chris to put together to-do list of things to be done (top priorities).
    • Karli's project TBD based on the aforementioned list (start with a survey of Bike Edmonton members who indicated interest in volunteering

Treasurer's Report - Geoff/Ali

  • Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report Discussion

  • Met with Neil and looked at revenues at the end of 2017 compared to the previous year
  • Take rent payments from casino revenue
  • Responsibility of who carries out payroll was discussed, and Neil was decided upon.
  • Plan on conducting an audit with 2 non-board, non-staff individuals in 2018

Administrative Committee Report - Jonathan/Ali

  • Jonathan to provide a short verbal report
  • There is an Administrative committee meeting scheduled for Jan 10th - A written committee report will provided prior to the next board meeting

Administrative Committee Report Discussion

  • Waiting to hear from Servus account manager to change over signing authority
  • Board planning result results were shared at the last Bike Edmonton staff meeting; staff were keen to help facilitate the implementation of certain measures and should be looped in as the projects move forward.

Business Item 1: Transfer of YCR2 funds to Goodwill Industries -

  • Discussion notes:
    • Asset transfer agreement has been signed, and all funds have been reconciled.
    • Transfer all but $1; do this to keep YCR2 account open to facilitate fund transfer. No service fees associated with this account.
To issue a cheque to Goodwill Industries in the amount of $41,365.38 representing funds owned by the YCR2 program to conclude the transfer of the YCR2 program from EBC to Goodwill Industries as per Asset Transfer Agreement dated Oct 1 2017.

Moved: Jonathan
Seconded: Geoff
Aye No Abstain
6 0 0


New Business: Committee Expectations, reporting and document templates -

  • Terms of reference, workplan templates, monthly reporting discussion
  • Discussion notes:
    • Workplan Template
      • All committees' workplans due at February's board meeting
      • Workplan
    • Terms of Reference
      • Template located on the Wiki
      • Add your committees' Terms of Reference if it doesn't exist
    • Monthly Reporting
      • Use the workplans as monthly reports; notes and progress function at the far right to indicate progress

New Business: Board Evaluation

  • We will propose an initial board evaluation tool for the February meeting.

New Business: BWN Shop Update (Geoff)

  • Mike S. to lead strategic planning component of this
  • Need to decide what to do prior to August (renew lease or consider moving)
  • Replacement of BWN; one option being considered is close to MacEwan.
    • Fronts onto 105 Street, with little foot traffic or car traffic. Would there be enough foot traffic at this location?
  • Potential to create informal subcommittee in considering finances of various options
  • Strike a working group to investigate new spaces
  • Would like to see rationale/business case behind any decision
  • Mike S. to put in conditional offers on different spots
Empower Mike S. Chris, Geoff, and Ali to enter into non-binding negotiations for a lease for BikeWorks North as soon as possible. No final agreement can be signed without board approval.

Moved: Jonathan
Seconded: Ali
Aye No Abstain
6 0 0


Board Strategic Planning Session - Jeremy (25 min)

  • Retreat Planning (April)
    • Dates are April 6 evening (3 hours) and April 7 morning (3 hours), with the option of a 3-hour follow-up
    • Planning would be looking at what we do, why we do it, and long-term visioning
      • Part one would be affirmation of the mandate, and how internal systems are working to support that
      • Parts two and three are what direction we'd like to go in and how to achieve it
    • Any action items from this planning would be set in motion in the following year; starting fall 2018
    • Would be beneficial for our board's future
    • Valuable for Bike Edmonton staff to attend

  • Discussion notes:
    • Notes below from December 2017 Board Meeting

Strategic Planning Session (March/April)

   What should the focus of the session be
   Agenda preparation/ad hoc committee
  • Discussion notes
    • How much time? Is there a set agenda?
    • Who is the facilitator? Can we request someone in particular?
    • Like the idea of planning this , so we can focus on near term/this year items in our planning session in Nov
    • Jeremy will inquire into dates, and time commitments
  • Action Items: Jeremy will inquire into dates, and time commitments for strategic planning sessions.


To adjourn the meeting at 8:52.

Aye No Abstain

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