Board Minutes January 2013: Difference between revisions

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* Review of our meeting process (Rusty's Rules) (10 min) - Leila?
* Review of our meeting process (Rusty's Rules) (10 min) - Leila?
** Board member job description
** Board member job description - Sarah
* Discussion and decisions on meeting hand signals (10 min) - Sarah
* Discussion and decisions on meeting hand signals (10 min) - Sarah
* Review of group agreement and accountability (10 min) - Anna
* Review of group agreement and accountability (10 min) - Anna

Revision as of 06:39, 18 January 2013

Guide to formatting wiki pages

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2013

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

For EBC members interested in attending this meeting, here are the logistical details:

  • Location: Room 327, Education North, U of A campus
  • Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Food by: Duncan


  • Meeting Chair:
  • Minute-taker: Sarah
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets:
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion: To approve agenda by . Seconded by .

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

  • Motion: to approve (month)(year) minutes by . Seconded by .

Date, Location & Food for Next Meeting

  • Date:
  • Location:
  • Food:

Meeting Process

  • Review of our meeting process (Rusty's Rules) (10 min) - Leila?
    • Board member job description - Sarah
  • Discussion and decisions on meeting hand signals (10 min) - Sarah
  • Review of group agreement and accountability (10 min) - Anna


President's Report (5 min)

President's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Treasurer's Report (5 min)

Treasurer's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Executive Director's Report (5 min)

Executive Director's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

BikeWorks Report (5 min)

BikeWorks Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Retreat Committee Report (5 min)

  • Retreat Notes and Retreat Evaluations
  • Lee, Sarah, Anna suggest a mid-point check in on our board goals and personal goals. This could be a half-day (eg. similar to our Saturday retreat, 1-4:30) in end of May?
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Committee 2 Report (__ min)

Committee 2 Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (10 min)

From December meeting:

  • Everyone to calculate and report your board volunteer hours to President by January 22.
  • Paul to coordinate new signing authorities with bank.
  • Duncan will change password for backup board email address and make passwords available to board only.
  • Duncan will send Coreen another note of thanks and praise for another excellent report.
  • Anna will ask Carbon about monitors for the shop.
  • Leila will liaise with Coreen to see what she would like to see in terms of OH&S; bring recommendations to the board for next meeting.
  • Unassigned to review Bylaws and draft edits re: board election of members in good standing by (deadline).

From Retreat:

  • Anna will type up group notes from Retreat.
  • Sarah will type up and circulate the SMART goal for the Charitable status goal.
  • Duncan will type up and circulate the SMART goal for the financial goal.
  • Justin will type up and circulate the SMART goal for the HR goal.
  • Sarah will circulate the Non-Violent Communication handouts and consensus decision-making map
  • Duncan will contact Bikeology to initiate discussion around this year's partnership details. Staff can follow up. Board to review partnership details at Feb board meeting.
  • Leila will contact staff asking to complete a [Governance-Management-Implementation chart] to compliment the board one
  • Micah will send out info to board on how to use wiki and how to save folders/docs in Google Drive
  • Unassigned will discuss how Board can help Coreen with or take over the upcoming Volunteer Appreciation event to engage volunteers and give “face” to the board.

Board Job Descriptions (10 min)

(Ethical) Funding Committee (5 min)

  • December meeting we passed a motion to "start an Ethical Funding Committee." Who is Chairing/bottom-lining this committee?
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Sarah will chair the Funding Committee. First meeting date TBA.

Business Item 1 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business

Vision, Mission, Values (15 min)

  • Adam, Bernadette, Chris Corrigan to present final draft.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Calendar for 2013 (20 min)

  • In order to allow everyone on the board as well as committee volunteers (and potential committee volunteers!) to plan for full participation, we need to decide on and advertise dates (on EBC public and/or internal Google Calendar) for:
    • board meetings for 2013
    • board committee meetings: HR, Advocacy, Funding, etc.
    • Volunteer Appreciation event(s)
    • Mid-term evaluation session for our Board SMART goals (possibly a half day session)
    • Facilitation Workshop date (Sarah and Justin will book APIRG workshop)
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline).

Logging Board Volunteer Hours (5 min)

  • Spreadsheet to track board volunteer hours could include time spent on:
    • email and communications
    • preparation for board meetings (reading reports and preparing comments/questions, editing wiki with agenda items, etc) and attending board meetings
    • preparation for board committee meetings (chairing, submitting monthly report, volunteer engagement, etc.) and attending committee meetings
    • Note: service volunteer hours (i.e. shop volunteer or off-site event) should be logged
  • Spreadsheet could have 1 summary page (total hrs for easy staff use on grants) and 12 individual pages with details of date, total hours and nature of activity (similar to BW volunteer log)
  • President could review and report on total board volunteer hours in monthly report. As per the draft Pres job description, this hours log would also allow for individual board member evaluation, support, and appreciation.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will create and share a Board Member Volunteer Hours Log spreadsheet and share by January 30.

New Business Item 3 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion:
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

In Camera Session (__ min)

  • Review new process for In Camera sessions (from the Special Meeting) (10 min) - Paul from email? Anna?
  • Anna and Sarah's topic (20 min)
  • Motion:


  • Motion: