Board Minutes December 2023: Difference between revisions

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**Alexandra: What happens to the ED'S work if we choose the budget that change's the ED's role? What are their responsibilites?
**Alexandra: What happens to the ED'S work if we choose the budget that change's the ED's role? What are their responsibilites?
**Greg: I will be honest, I don't think I can continue if we decide on that budget. I think you need to call it something different. I think you need to recast the role as an administrator, and redo the job description. The shop managers are very effective. It's a long discussion to recast the role, but if you go with that budget, the role would no longer be done by me.  
**Greg: I will be honest, I don't think I can continue if we decide on that budget. I think you need to call it something different. I think you need to recast the role as an administrator, and redo the job description. The shop managers are very effective. It's a long discussion to recast the role, but if you go with that budget, the role would no longer be done by me.  
**Marcel: It's possible we could do both budgets. We could change the ED role, and still get kicked out of our south shop (even if unlikely).
**Greg: Related to that, I would recommend that if we decide to keep the south shop, we talk to our landlord to figure out an agreement that goes beyond month to month.
**Matt: Didn't it have a 3 month termination?
**Greg: No, 30 day termination.