Board Minutes March 2021: Difference between revisions

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'''''These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.'''''
'''''These minutes were approved at the April19, 2021 board meeting.'''''

== Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2021 ==
== Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2021 ==
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== Logistics for Next Meeting ==
== Logistics for Next Meeting ==
* Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
* Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
* Location:
* Location: Google Meet
* Chair: Sarah
* Chair: Sarah
* Minute-taker: Andi  
* Minute-taker: Andi  
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=== NPBI Update - Keith H. (10 mins) ===
=== NPBI Update - Keith H. (10 mins) ===
* Carmen and Shelah presented the policy review document to the Governance committee. In this they have also shared some observations and recommendations. They have finalized their project and are creating their spreadsheet that will act as a checklist for the policies that Bike Edmonton has when applying for grants.

==== Action Items ====
==== Action Items ====
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[[Category:2020-2029 Board minutes]]
[[Category:2020-2021 Board minutes]]

Latest revision as of 23:07, 3 May 2021

These minutes were approved at the April19, 2021 board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2021

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Date: Monday, March 15, 2021
  • Location: Google Meet To join by phone instead, dial ‪(CA) +1 778-732-6177‬ and enter this PIN: ‪‪387 835 066‬#
  • Start Time: 7:00pm

Please email if you cannot attend. Feel free to submit agenda items with a brief summary of what you would like to discuss. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Andi
  • Food by: n/a
  • Board attendance: Matt H, Roy C, Rachel K, Ken A, Keith H, Jarett S,
  • Staff attendance: Chris C, Molly T,
  • Regrets: Annya
  • Absent:
  • Guests: Michelle B, Shelah K, Carmen G,

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Sarah at 7:08 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
  • Location: Google Meet
  • Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Andi
  • Food by: n/a


  • Remember to record your volunteer hours!
  • Snow Warrior, a short docufilm about local bike messenger Mariah, is streaming for free on March 18, 2021

Approval of Agenda

To approve this March 15 agenda.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Rachel
Aye No Abstain


Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes

To approve the February 2021 minutes.

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Roy
Aye No Abstain



President's Report - Sarah R. (2 mins)

Treasurer's Report - Roy C. (2 mins)

Executive Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min)

HR Committee Report - Sarah R. (1 min)

  • Nothing to report - committee meeting had to be postponed and will be rescheduled as soon as possible

Governance Committee Report - Roy C. (2 min)

To approve the Governance Committee Terms of Reference as presented above.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Matt
Aye No Abstain


Volunteer Committee Report - Ken A. (2 min)

  • [ Volunteer Committee Report]
  • Matt and Sarah will meet with Ken to assist with establishment of formalized ToR for the committee.

Approval of Reports

To approve the President's, Treasurer's, Executive Committee, HR Committee, Governance Committee, and Volunteer Committee reports as presented above.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Keith
Aye No Abstain


Current & Completed Business

Action Item Follow Up

  • Posting Board Intros to the website
  • Sarah oriented Andi to the Secretary role on Sunday
  • Are we going to do a Bikes and Animals social media campaign?
    • Further discussion with Chris to be held over the next few weeks and results of which will be brought forward at the next meeting
  • Our interns Shelah and Carmen attended our first Governance Committee and met separately with Roy who gave them direction for their project

Final Decision on Downtown Shop Mural - Matt H. (5 min)

That the Board approves an expenditure of up to $4500.00 to commission a mural for the Downtown Shop to be designed by Edmonton artist Jason Blower and installed as a vinyl wrap at the earlier opportunity. The mural will be designed with the intention of providing opportunities for sponsorship by local businesses and individuals, along with opportunities for volunteer recognition. Sponsorships would be guided by a policy to be developed at a later date.

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Keith
Aye No Abstain


Action Items

  • Board will discuss donation policy via email
  • Plan to have contract in place by 15 April 2021

New Business

New Board Member Interest - Sarah R. (5 mins)

  • Introduction of Bike Edmonton volunteer Michelle Bourdon

I began volunteering with BE in Summer 2019, after several years of following and taking interest in the organization. An avid recreational cyclist myself, I use my bike in the summer to commute to the hospital where I work as a Registered Nurse. An advocate for safety, community outreach, and promotion of preventative health, I see organizations such as Bike Edmonton as amazing support resources with similar goals in mind - and much more! Although I do not have any formal experience on Not for Profit boards, I attend my condo AGM regularly, I sit as an executive member on my unions Local board, and I sit on several boards as a Clinical Nurse Educator for joint workplace decision making.

  • Thank you to both Molly and Chris for engaging with Michelle and encouraging her to join the Bike Edmonton Board!
To appoint Michelle Bourdon to the 2021 Bike Edmonton Board of Directors effective immediately.

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Roy
Aye No Abstain


Action Items

  • Sarah to orient Michelle to the Board

Board Approval for Edmonton Chamber of Volunteer Organizations (ECVO) Membership - Sarah R. (1 min)

  • Membership cost is tiered based on NPO's yearly budget
  • ECVO website
  • Confirm Bike Edmonton's membership tier
To approve the purchase of a one-year membership to ECVO.

Moved: Roy
Seconded: Michelle
Aye No Abstain


Membership Drive - Andi E. & Keith H. (3 mins)

  • Andi and Keith have sent a draft forward for Board review

Action Items

  • To be tabled for further discussion at the next Executive meeting

NPBI Update - Keith H. (10 mins)

  • Carmen and Shelah presented the policy review document to the Governance committee. In this they have also shared some observations and recommendations. They have finalized their project and are creating their spreadsheet that will act as a checklist for the policies that Bike Edmonton has when applying for grants.

Action Items

  • All board members are welcome to attend the graduation. Shelah and Carmen will forward the invitation to the board.

Staff/Operations Update - Chris C. (10 min)

  • Wiki site was hacked recently.
    • Chris has caught this and mitigated the risk.
    • No data breach was identified and web security has been updated
  • Grant update:
    • The tomorrow foundation wasn't successful on their $400,000 grant, for which we were a major partner
    • Grants will determine outreach activities this season to create stronger grant applications
    • New partnerships being developed with Africa Centre and Pride Centre
    • Grants we've applied for
      • Choosewell, Healthy Communities
      • Healthy Communities - CHCI - Federal
  • Events and Outreach
    • Flying Canoe Volant - Tabled for 5 evenings - lots of staff hours, but worth it
    • Reporting for Explore program due soon
    • On road education - I'll be running some sessions for teaching on road - adult who hasn't ridden a bike before and teaching her and her basic road skills
    • I was filmed by a NAIT student for a piece that will be on their Youtube channel. I'll circulate it when it's out.
    • Strathearn community league has booked us for a tune up event and a guided ride in June
    • Molly will be doing some online Cycling in the City presentations. These presentations are usually in person. Businesses ask us to do these. They are meant for people who are looking for information to start commuting or information on how to make their commuting easier and more fun.
  • Casino update
    • No table gaming yet due to Covid
    • Future unknown pending AGLC decisions

In Camera

To go in camera

Moved: Andi
Seconded: Keith
Aye No Abstain

To go out of camera

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Ken
Aye No Abstain


Board Volunteer Hour Tracking - ALL BOARD (2 min)


To adjourn the meeting.

Aye No Abstain

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