Board Minutes May 2014: Difference between revisions

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'''''These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.'''''
'''''These minutes were approved by the board at the [ June 2014 meeting].'''''

== EBC Board Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2014 ==
== EBC Board Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2014 ==
Line 12: Line 12:
== Attendance ==
== Attendance ==
* Meeting Chair: Leila
* Meeting Chair: Leila
* Minute-taker: TBA
* Minute-taker: Matthew
* Food by: Kristen
* Food by: Kristen
* Board attendance:  
* Board attendance: Chris Corrigan, Caylie Gnyra, Steve Anderson, Matt Blimke, Carlos Bautista, Leila Sidi, Sarah Harold, Douglas Logan, Derek Yau
* Staff attendance:  
* Staff attendance: Chris Chan, Coreen
* Regrets: Bernadette, Anna
* Regrets: Bernadette, Anna, Kristen
* Absent:
* Absent: -
* Guests:
* Guests: Alex, Brett

== Call to Order ==
== Call to Order ==
* Meeting called to order by   at   pm.
* Meeting called to order by Leila at 6:40pm.

== Logistics for Next Meeting ==
== Logistics for Next Meeting ==
* Date: Wed June 18, 2014
* Date: Wed June 18, 2014
* Location: BikeWorks??
* Location: BikeWorks?? need to decide location
* Chair:
** Location will be determined pending discussion in coming days.
* Minute-taker:
* Chair: Caylie
* Food by:
* Minute-taker: Anna
* Regrets: Bernadette,
* Food by: Douglas!!!!!
* Regrets: Bernadette

== Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min) ==
== Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min) ==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve today's May 2014 agenda, [ April 2014 minutes], and reports as presented below. Motioned by . Seconded by . '''Motion Failed/Carried.'''
* Motion: To approve today's May 2014 agenda, April 2014 minutes, and reports as presented below.
* Consent Agenda:
**Discussion of logistics to confirm review and comment on reports via cell phone
**Discussion of Financial Reports
** <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve Consent Agenda, [ April 2014 minutes], and reports as presented below. Moved by Caylie, seconded by Sarah. '''Motion Carried.'''

=== President's Report ===
=== President's Report ===
*[President's April 2014 Report]
* May 19: "Essentially all of my work this month has been HR related so I'll present that in the HR committee report. As such, I won't be submitting a President's Report this month."

=== Treasurer's Report ===
=== Treasurer's Report ===
*[ Financial Report March 2014] - submitted April 15 by Neil (tabled in April)
*[ Financial Report March 2014] - submitted April 15 by Neil (tabled in April)
*[ Financial Report April 2014] - submitted May 14 by Neil  
*[ Financial Report April 2014] - submitted May 14 by Neil  
* Discussion:
**Question by Sarah re: certain YCR2 items on report.
*** <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Chan''' will follow up with ATB and YCR2 with report/thank you for donations.
** Steve notes Program Materials YTD expenses is about $10,000 over budget. Chris Chan clarifies this is because this budget line includes YCR2 adaptive bikes
** Carlos question about location of detailed budget in GDrive.

=== Executive Director's Report ===
=== Executive Director's Report ===
*[ Executive Director's Report March 2014] - submitted April 15 (not yet approved)
*[ Executive Director's Report March 2014] - submitted April 15 (not yet approved)
*[ED April 2014 Report]
* No report submitted for April 2014

=== BikeWorks Report ===
=== BikeWorks Report ===
Line 49: Line 59:

=== Advocacy Committee Report ===
=== Advocacy Committee Report ===
*[Advocacy Committee April 2014 Report]
* No report for April 2014.

=== H.R. Committee Report ===
=== H.R. Committee Report ===
*[H.R. Committee April 2014 Report]
* No report for April 2014.

=== Policy Committee Report ===
=== Policy Committee Report ===
*[Policy Committee April 2014 Report]
*[ Policy Committee April 2014 Report] - submitted May 19 by Kristen

=== Strategic Planning Committee Report ===
=== Strategic Planning Committee Report ===
*[Strategic Planning Committee April 2014 Report]
* No report for April 2014.

=== Volunteer Appreciation Ad-hoc Committee Report ===
=== Volunteer Appreciation Ad-hoc Committee Report ===
*[Volunteer Appreciation ad-hoc Committee April 2014 Report]
* No report for April 2014.

=== AGM Ad-hoc Committee Report ===
=== AGM Ad-hoc Committee Report ===
*[AGM ad-hoc Committee April 2014 Report]
* No report for April 2014.

== Current & Completed Business ==
== Current & Completed Business ==
Line 73: Line 83:
* Oct 2013: '''Anna''' to make record of what to do for next AGM.
* Oct 2013: '''Anna''' to make record of what to do for next AGM.
* Nov 2013: '''Executive Committee''' (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Carlos) will pursue a Servus credit card for EBC in the name of the Executive Director.  
* Nov 2013: '''Executive Committee''' (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Carlos) will pursue a Servus credit card for EBC in the name of the Executive Director.  
** No update this month.
* Jan 2014: '''Kristen''' present proposed bylaw change at AGM 2014.
* Jan 2014: '''Kristen''' present proposed bylaw change at AGM 2014.
* Feb 2014: '''Anna, Sarah''' to take pics and write bio for website.
* Feb 2014: '''Anna''' to take pics and write bio for website.
* Feb 2014: '''Kristen/Policy Committee''' will incorporate petty cash max in future Financial policy.
* Feb 2014: '''Kristen/Policy Committee''' will incorporate petty cash max in future Financial policy.
** Policy Committee Report says committee is working on proposal at next Board meeting (June)
* Feb 2014: '''Strategic Planning Committee''' will continue to gather info to bring a proposal regarding EBC name change to the board in July 2014.
* Feb 2014: '''Strategic Planning Committee''' will continue to gather info to bring a proposal regarding EBC name change to the board in July 2014.
**Douglas: information is in, hasn’t been analyzed. July date seems doable.
* April 2014: '''Carlos, Chris Chan, Neil''' to start drafting Sept 2014-Sept 2015 budget.
* April 2014: '''Carlos, Chris Chan, Neil''' to start drafting Sept 2014-Sept 2015 budget.
** In progress.
* April 2014: '''Bernadette''' will get further details on procedure to submit a letter to AGLC or sign onto a group letter.
* April 2014: '''Bernadette''' will get further details on procedure to submit a letter to AGLC or sign onto a group letter.
* April 2014: '''Anna''' will draft a response to patron about EBC current and proposed practices re inclusion/accessibility.
* April 2014: '''Anna''' will draft a response to patron about EBC current and proposed practices re inclusion/accessibility.
* April 2014: '''Chris Co''' will draft an Advocacy Coordinator description by April 25 and pass to Chris Chan for posting.
* April 2014: '''Chris Co''' will draft an Advocacy Coordinator description by April 25 and pass to Chris Chan for posting.
** Draft Done. May go through further drafting.
* April 2014: '''Doug''' will coordinate to get promo material from Chris Chan for Good 100 event.
* April 2014: '''Doug''' will coordinate to get promo material from Chris Chan for Good 100 event.

* Feb 2014: '''Sarah''' to take pics and write bio for website.
* April 2014: '''Coreen''' will forward the reply to patron to board. '''Done'''  
* April 2014: '''Coreen''' will forward the reply to patron to board. '''Done'''  
* April 2014: '''Anna''' will book meeting space for May at UofA. (Future meeting locations TBD once BWS is open.)
* April 2014: '''Anna''' will book meeting space for May at UofA. (Future meeting locations TBD once BWS is open.)
Line 90: Line 106:
* April 2014: '''Leila''' will circulate a draft HR letter to board for review. '''Done'''
* April 2014: '''Leila''' will circulate a draft HR letter to board for review. '''Done'''

=== Business Item 1 (__ min)===
=== Update on Contractor in BWS Space ===
*Douglas sent a letter in reply to proposal, has not received any response yet.
* Discussion notes:
* Chris Corrigan suggests he will make a personal follow-up.
* Chris Chan spoke with proposer - at that time the proposal was low on his priority list, had other projects or possibilities. May not be concerned about results of proposal.
* Caylie: EBC should ensure it remains on good terms with its valued volunteers, especially in situations where a decision must be made.

* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To ___. Moved by  , seconded by    . '''Motion Failed/Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Corrigan''' will follow up with the proposer.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''name''' will ____ by (date).

=== Business Item 2 (__ min)===
=== Board member report review ===
*May meeting - agreed to write name at bottom of report documents to indicate that the member reviewed the report. Notes there is a barrier depending on the electronic device the person is using to view the report. Smartphone apps exist.
* Discussion notes:
*Douglas and Steve: understood this measure was for personal accountability to ensure materials are reviewed ahead of time.
**Intent of this agreement could be met in various ways, including response to email
*Leila notes with introduction of consent agenda this accountability is more important. Would prefer to understand this as a requirement.
*Matt: be careful this doesn’t become a governance requirement. Personal accountability goal might become more smooth as we go forward.
*Carlos: discussion in document comments before the meeting is time consuming, but gives him the comfort that budget documents are being reviewed and he is getting appropriate guidance from the Board.

Line 114: Line 131:
*Could there be a policy for this process?
*Could there be a policy for this process?
* Discussion notes:
* Discussion notes:
**Sarah: cheque approval/signing process can be time-consuming,
**Carlos: Neil tells me when there are cheques, emails signing authorities, and first ones available will sign.
**Pink folder at BWS for reciepts to be dropped (and Neil to pick up for approval). Chris Chan: No problem to do this at BWN.
**Caylie proposes we create an info sheet outlining the process
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Executive Committee''' (Leila, Sarah, Carlos, Anna) will create an info sheet outlining the expense reimbursement process.
=== Policy Committee Training Fees for Staff (10 min)===
* From report: "Bernadette will look into the potential for a hazard assessment of the shops and the cost of first aid training for staff and volunteers. Kristen will raise incorporating training fees for staff in the upcoming meeting."
* Discussion notes:
**Leila: Question to Coreen about feasibility of providing training to volunteers. Coreen thinks it’s a great idea, good perk, and good for EBC to have trained persons available.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Doug''' will follow up with Bernadette re: Hazard Assessments and coordinate to get this done. Report progress to Board by June meeting.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Sarah''' will research organizing First Aid classes for staff and shop volunteers.
=== BikeWorks South Grand Opening (10 min)===
* What is the budget for this event?
* How can board members help with promotion? How can board members help with set up, during event, and clean up?
* Discussion notes:
**Coreen: the shop has been VERY RIDONCULOUS since the soft opening. We need as many hands on deck as possible this Saturday. Lots of different jobs to do.
**May need to set up temporary bike parking in front of the shop.
**Caylie suggests everyone wear red shirts to be identifiable. Coreen: Please wear EBC name tags.
**Hours: 10am - 5pm.
**Please note your attendance on the BWS calendar, but don’t let that stop you from showing up!!!
**We need a ramp built by Saturday (ie come do it tomorrow or Friday)
**Chris Chan re Promotion: Both shops are beyond capacity currently. In general, follow Facebook, and click “attend” to boost our FB visibility.
=== July Board Retreat (5 min) ===
* Last year, board had a "mid year goal check in" on July 7 from 10am-3pm as a half-way point in the year from our annual goal setting.
* Can we reschedule the July 16th board meeting to be a full day weekend retreat?
** If so, which weekend date is best? Sat July 12, Sun July 13, Sat July 19, Sun July 20?
* Discussion:
** Saturdays no good for Caylie. Steve is out all July and August. Sundays appear to be the preference.
**We are going to do this, on July 13, 10am-3pm!!!! Outside location, please.

* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To ___. Moved by  , seconded by    . '''Motion Failed/Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Anna, Sarah''' will plan retreat.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''name''' will ____ by (date).

=== New Business Item 2 (__ min)===
=== Meeting increased demand for programming of workshops (10 min)===
*Arising from Coreen’s report - "Every class we have scheduled is full, and waiting lists are also full." (Mechanical workshops, learn to ride workshops)
*Should EBC be considering hiring somebody to coordinate such programming for next year?
* Discussion notes:
* Discussion notes:
**Coreen thinks there is enough demand to create a job planning. Probably a summer position
**Chris Chan: skill sets for different courses are very different.
**Demand peaks in May, drops off quickly in July / August
**New online registration system has helped a lot, and may change demand patterns.
**Costs to offer courses vs. course fees: fairly good cost/revenue - positive. Moving the programming duties to a new staff member will increase the costs, but Coreen thinks there may still be enough revenue to make it worthwhile, especially if we can increase our offerings.
**Chris Chan: mechanical courses may not be a revenue-positive service considering mechanics’ hourly rate. Caylie: Are mechanical courses necessary? Coreen: yes, for reasons of accessibility, making classes available to people who are new to bikes, not familiar with bike shops, also brings new people into Bikeworks! A lot of women take the classes
**What about delivering these services by alternate methods? or alternate locations? Sarah: table discussion? Doug: this seems like something that has more value than just revenue, seems to be an important service and outreach for BWS
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Ch, Coreen''' to consider further, make future recommendations to Board
=== Women & Transgender Day at BWS (5 min) ===
* Caylie: we are having trouble staffing with volunteers. Also need to have assistance for volunteers in dealing with Public (ie turning away those who aren’t eligible to attend). Suggestion that female Board members attend once a month to help relieve volunteers?
* Discussion:
** Coreen to send renewed request to volunteers.
** Board members encouraged to get involved; discussion of optics of having male volunteers or board members “guarding” the door…
=== Neighbourhood Action Program (5 min) ===
*Chris Chan: Neighbourhood Action Program meeting at Strathcona Community League hall 6-9 pm. Looking to partner with Shareable neighbourhoods for a bike/bus program for school kids, or maybe other possibilities. Having one representative at this meeting is necessary to get funding from City of Edmonton Neighbourhood Action Plan.
**Steve: Could we deputize somebody (i.e. make somebody from the other group a member of EBC)?

* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Chan''' will send an email to see if anyone can attend.

=== Board Member Resignation (2 min) ===
* Derek has been accepted into grad school in Manitoba and must resign from the Board. His resignation will be effective June 30, 2014.

== <i>In Camera</i> Session (__ min)==
== <i>In Camera</i> Session (30 min)==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To go <i>[ in camera]</i>. Moved by , seconded by . '''Motion Failed/Carried.'''
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To go <i>[ in camera]</i>. Moved by Leila, seconded by Matt. '''Motion Carried.'''
* Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
* Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
** 15 min topic
** 15 min topic

== Adjournment ==
== Adjournment ==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To adjourn the meeting. Moved by , seconded by . '''Motion Failed/Carried.'''
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To adjourn the meeting. Moved by Leila, seconded by Steve. '''Motion Carried.'''

[[Category:2013-2014 Board minutes]]
[[Category:2013-2014 Board minutes]]

Latest revision as of 06:24, 21 July 2014

These minutes were approved by the board at the June 2014 meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2014

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room 262 Education South building, UofA main campus (confirmed by Anna May 12th)
  • Start Time: 6:30 pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Leila
  • Minute-taker: Matthew
  • Food by: Kristen
  • Board attendance: Chris Corrigan, Caylie Gnyra, Steve Anderson, Matt Blimke, Carlos Bautista, Leila Sidi, Sarah Harold, Douglas Logan, Derek Yau
  • Staff attendance: Chris Chan, Coreen
  • Regrets: Bernadette, Anna, Kristen
  • Absent: -
  • Guests: Alex, Brett

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Leila at 6:40pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Wed June 18, 2014
  • Location: BikeWorks?? need to decide location
    • Location will be determined pending discussion in coming days.
  • Chair: Caylie
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: Douglas!!!!!
  • Regrets: Bernadette

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

  • Motion: To approve today's May 2014 agenda, April 2014 minutes, and reports as presented below.
  • Consent Agenda:
    • Discussion of logistics to confirm review and comment on reports via cell phone
    • Discussion of Financial Reports
    • Motion: To approve Consent Agenda, April 2014 minutes, and reports as presented below. Moved by Caylie, seconded by Sarah. Motion Carried.

President's Report

  • May 19: "Essentially all of my work this month has been HR related so I'll present that in the HR committee report. As such, I won't be submitting a President's Report this month."

Treasurer's Report

  • Financial Report March 2014 - submitted April 15 by Neil (tabled in April)
  • Financial Report April 2014 - submitted May 14 by Neil
  • Discussion:
    • Question by Sarah re: certain YCR2 items on report.
      • Action Items: Chris Chan will follow up with ATB and YCR2 with report/thank you for donations.
    • Steve notes Program Materials YTD expenses is about $10,000 over budget. Chris Chan clarifies this is because this budget line includes YCR2 adaptive bikes
    • Carlos question about location of detailed budget in GDrive.

Executive Director's Report

BikeWorks Report

Advocacy Committee Report

  • No report for April 2014.

H.R. Committee Report

  • No report for April 2014.

Policy Committee Report

Strategic Planning Committee Report

  • No report for April 2014.

Volunteer Appreciation Ad-hoc Committee Report

  • No report for April 2014.

AGM Ad-hoc Committee Report

  • No report for April 2014.

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Ongoing: Everyone log your 2014 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Ongoing: Committee chairs to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.
  • Oct 2013: Anna to make record of what to do for next AGM.
  • Nov 2013: Executive Committee (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Carlos) will pursue a Servus credit card for EBC in the name of the Executive Director.
    • No update this month.
  • Jan 2014: Kristen present proposed bylaw change at AGM 2014.
  • Feb 2014: Anna to take pics and write bio for website.
  • Feb 2014: Kristen/Policy Committee will incorporate petty cash max in future Financial policy.
    • Policy Committee Report says committee is working on proposal at next Board meeting (June)
  • Feb 2014: Strategic Planning Committee will continue to gather info to bring a proposal regarding EBC name change to the board in July 2014.
    • Douglas: information is in, hasn’t been analyzed. July date seems doable.
  • April 2014: Carlos, Chris Chan, Neil to start drafting Sept 2014-Sept 2015 budget.
    • In progress.
  • April 2014: Bernadette will get further details on procedure to submit a letter to AGLC or sign onto a group letter.
  • April 2014: Anna will draft a response to patron about EBC current and proposed practices re inclusion/accessibility.
  • April 2014: Chris Co will draft an Advocacy Coordinator description by April 25 and pass to Chris Chan for posting.
    • Draft Done. May go through further drafting.
  • April 2014: Doug will coordinate to get promo material from Chris Chan for Good 100 event.


  • Feb 2014: Sarah to take pics and write bio for website.
  • April 2014: Coreen will forward the reply to patron to board. Done
  • April 2014: Anna will book meeting space for May at UofA. (Future meeting locations TBD once BWS is open.)
  • April 2014: Anna will share template with board and staff. Done
  • April 2014: Derek will create facebook event, share posters with board for further sharing. Done
  • April 2014: Leila will circulate a draft HR letter to board for review. Done

Update on Contractor in BWS Space

  • Douglas sent a letter in reply to proposal, has not received any response yet.
  • Chris Corrigan suggests he will make a personal follow-up.
  • Chris Chan spoke with proposer - at that time the proposal was low on his priority list, had other projects or possibilities. May not be concerned about results of proposal.
  • Caylie: EBC should ensure it remains on good terms with its valued volunteers, especially in situations where a decision must be made.
  • Action Items: Chris Corrigan will follow up with the proposer.

Board member report review

  • May meeting - agreed to write name at bottom of report documents to indicate that the member reviewed the report. Notes there is a barrier depending on the electronic device the person is using to view the report. Smartphone apps exist.
  • Douglas and Steve: understood this measure was for personal accountability to ensure materials are reviewed ahead of time.
    • Intent of this agreement could be met in various ways, including response to email
  • Leila notes with introduction of consent agenda this accountability is more important. Would prefer to understand this as a requirement.
  • Matt: be careful this doesn’t become a governance requirement. Personal accountability goal might become more smooth as we go forward.
  • Carlos: discussion in document comments before the meeting is time consuming, but gives him the comfort that budget documents are being reviewed and he is getting appropriate guidance from the Board.

New Business

Signing Authorities (10 min)

  • What is the current process for reimbursements?
  • What is the role of the signing authorities, treasurer, book keeper, and the person looking for reimbursements?
  • How can this process be improved?
  • Could there be a policy for this process?
  • Discussion notes:
    • Sarah: cheque approval/signing process can be time-consuming,
    • Carlos: Neil tells me when there are cheques, emails signing authorities, and first ones available will sign.
    • Pink folder at BWS for reciepts to be dropped (and Neil to pick up for approval). Chris Chan: No problem to do this at BWN.
    • Caylie proposes we create an info sheet outlining the process
  • Action Items: Executive Committee (Leila, Sarah, Carlos, Anna) will create an info sheet outlining the expense reimbursement process.

Policy Committee Training Fees for Staff (10 min)

  • From report: "Bernadette will look into the potential for a hazard assessment of the shops and the cost of first aid training for staff and volunteers. Kristen will raise incorporating training fees for staff in the upcoming meeting."
  • Discussion notes:
    • Leila: Question to Coreen about feasibility of providing training to volunteers. Coreen thinks it’s a great idea, good perk, and good for EBC to have trained persons available.
  • Action Items: Doug will follow up with Bernadette re: Hazard Assessments and coordinate to get this done. Report progress to Board by June meeting.
  • Action Items: Sarah will research organizing First Aid classes for staff and shop volunteers.

BikeWorks South Grand Opening (10 min)

  • What is the budget for this event?
  • How can board members help with promotion? How can board members help with set up, during event, and clean up?
  • Discussion notes:
    • Coreen: the shop has been VERY RIDONCULOUS since the soft opening. We need as many hands on deck as possible this Saturday. Lots of different jobs to do.
    • May need to set up temporary bike parking in front of the shop.
    • Caylie suggests everyone wear red shirts to be identifiable. Coreen: Please wear EBC name tags.
    • Hours: 10am - 5pm.
    • Please note your attendance on the BWS calendar, but don’t let that stop you from showing up!!!
    • We need a ramp built by Saturday (ie come do it tomorrow or Friday)
    • Chris Chan re Promotion: Both shops are beyond capacity currently. In general, follow Facebook, and click “attend” to boost our FB visibility.

July Board Retreat (5 min)

  • Last year, board had a "mid year goal check in" on July 7 from 10am-3pm as a half-way point in the year from our annual goal setting.
  • Can we reschedule the July 16th board meeting to be a full day weekend retreat?
    • If so, which weekend date is best? Sat July 12, Sun July 13, Sat July 19, Sun July 20?
  • Discussion:
    • Saturdays no good for Caylie. Steve is out all July and August. Sundays appear to be the preference.
    • We are going to do this, on July 13, 10am-3pm!!!! Outside location, please.
  • Action Items: Anna, Sarah will plan retreat.

Meeting increased demand for programming of workshops (10 min)

  • Arising from Coreen’s report - "Every class we have scheduled is full, and waiting lists are also full." (Mechanical workshops, learn to ride workshops)
  • Should EBC be considering hiring somebody to coordinate such programming for next year?
  • Discussion notes:
    • Coreen thinks there is enough demand to create a job planning. Probably a summer position
    • Chris Chan: skill sets for different courses are very different.
    • Demand peaks in May, drops off quickly in July / August
    • New online registration system has helped a lot, and may change demand patterns.
    • Costs to offer courses vs. course fees: fairly good cost/revenue - positive. Moving the programming duties to a new staff member will increase the costs, but Coreen thinks there may still be enough revenue to make it worthwhile, especially if we can increase our offerings.
    • Chris Chan: mechanical courses may not be a revenue-positive service considering mechanics’ hourly rate. Caylie: Are mechanical courses necessary? Coreen: yes, for reasons of accessibility, making classes available to people who are new to bikes, not familiar with bike shops, also brings new people into Bikeworks! A lot of women take the classes
    • What about delivering these services by alternate methods? or alternate locations? Sarah: table discussion? Doug: this seems like something that has more value than just revenue, seems to be an important service and outreach for BWS
  • Action Items: Chris Ch, Coreen to consider further, make future recommendations to Board

Women & Transgender Day at BWS (5 min)

  • Caylie: we are having trouble staffing with volunteers. Also need to have assistance for volunteers in dealing with Public (ie turning away those who aren’t eligible to attend). Suggestion that female Board members attend once a month to help relieve volunteers?
  • Discussion:
    • Coreen to send renewed request to volunteers.
    • Board members encouraged to get involved; discussion of optics of having male volunteers or board members “guarding” the door…

Neighbourhood Action Program (5 min)

  • Chris Chan: Neighbourhood Action Program meeting at Strathcona Community League hall 6-9 pm. Looking to partner with Shareable neighbourhoods for a bike/bus program for school kids, or maybe other possibilities. Having one representative at this meeting is necessary to get funding from City of Edmonton Neighbourhood Action Plan.
  • Discussion:
    • Steve: Could we deputize somebody (i.e. make somebody from the other group a member of EBC)?
  • Action Items: Chris Chan will send an email to see if anyone can attend.

Board Member Resignation (2 min)

  • Derek has been accepted into grad school in Manitoba and must resign from the Board. His resignation will be effective June 30, 2014.

In Camera Session (30 min)

  • Motion: To go in camera. Moved by Leila, seconded by Matt. Motion Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • 15 min topic


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Moved by Leila, seconded by Steve. Motion Carried.