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Next Board Meeting: August 11
Next Board Meeting: August 11
[[Category:2009-2010 Board minutes]]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 24 November 2010

Board of Director's Minutes for EBC Board Meeting Thursday July 8, 2010 6pm


Voting: Chris Chan, Neil Carey, Keegan McEvoy, Jason Ponto, Derek Pluim, Erich Welz, Lauren Price.

Non-Voting: Alexa (Project Coordinator), David Feldman (Chair)

Action Items:

-Board will seek an operating agreement with Bike Month committee for next year.

-Staff will create a Bike Month report and submit by August 1 to the Board.

-Alex will add the maximum capacity of people able to work on their bikes on the main shop floor at any one time to BikeWorks policy.

-Derek will meet with Alex to get the bike rental program going ASAP.

-Chris will send out a Doodle poll to find out peoples’ availability for the hiring meeting.

1. Approval of the Minutes

Moved to adopt May and June minutes. David noted that the Chair and Secretary must sign the minutes for them to be offical.

2. Acting Executive Director’ Report (Chris Chan)

Chris went to the Westridge Community playground opening as an EBC representative. EBC received $70 in donations. Chris felt that this was a good event.

Chris raised issues form Bike Month and Alexa also discussed some of them. The Board decided it needs an operational agreement with the Bike Month committee for next year to ideally prevent some of the issues from this year.

3. Project Coordinator’s Report (Alexa)

This document was e-mailed out to staff and is likely on Google Wave

4. Review of Action Items from June Meeting

a. Board replenishment

Michael and Lauren met and discussed Board needs, but did not come up with descriptions for each position on the Board. The Board decided to remove board member descriptions, except for the executive committee. We discussed putting a minimum (7) and maximum number (11) of members into our bylaws.

b. Capacity at BikeWorks

Alex looked into the Capacity at BikeWorks for the June dance party. This resulted in a conversation at the board level about putting this capacity into official Board policy for safety purposes. This applies to the space as a whole, for special events.

MOTION: Keegan moved to adopt a policy that Bikeworks (at our current address)

has a maximum capacity of 75 people. SECOND: Lauren Motion passed with 4/7 in favor.

This is an interim policy while we investigate the fire code.

There was a long discussion about capacity of BikeWorks as a shop Chris wants Alex to look into the capacity during shop hours and add it to the BikeWorks policy.

c. The charitable objects

Were obtained and sent out to Board members

5. Old Business

a. Park(ed) event

happened same day as Bikeology festival. Next year we should be closer to the entrance of the Farmer’s Market.

b. Financial Report

Neil explained that we are in a good financial position. We are in a deficit this year but that is fine because we are in a non-casino year. He provided us with a profit and loss statement.

MOTION: Neil made a motion that discussions related to staff are considered in camera. SECOND: Keegan. Passed.

c. MEC Grant for Bike Rental program

Derek updated us that he spent the $ 1300 in product on panniers, racks, etc. for the bikes. We have received the first installment of the grant. There have been some issues in that BikeWorks has a lack of used bikes good enough to rent out. Derek raised the question of should we just buy new bikes from MEC? Discussion: General consensus was against buying new bikes. We would rather stick with used and pay Alex to coordinate the building up of used bikes for sale. Derek will meet with Alex to follow up on this.

6. New Business

a. Budget

Neil explained his budgeting for next year was largely based on spending this year.

Discussion around the budget:

i) Staff

Neil budgeted to keep 2 staff members full time throughout the winter. This was highly debated with some people wanting 1 full time and 1 part time staff in order to cut spending and because there may not be enough for them to do. Others thought it best to have 2 full time staff members to grow the organization. In the end the Board decided to keep the budget at 2 and wait until we hear from the staff if they want full or part time positions when they are interviewed.

ii) Bike Month

Budget an $1000 increase for next year. Much debate if we should increase to $5000 as per new budget, but we decided it will be contingent upon changes made to Bike Month. The idea of putting an in-kind labour donation into the budget would accurate reflect EBC’s contribution to Bike Month.

An ad-hoc committee was created to meet and discuss Bike Month. This committee will raise concerns and how issues can be fixed for next year as well as the ideas needed to do so. It will also look at staff hours needed because it should not be more than 40 per week during Bike Month. Committee members: Erich, Anna, Lauren and Chris

iii) Other changes

A “volunteer” budget line was created and $50/month was budgeted Insurance line: $200 increase Office supply line: increase by $250 for volunteer nametags Staff and board development: $400 for 2 people

b. Staff Hiring Process

All 4 staff member contracts end August 30. Instead of hiring for 2 positions in the traditional interview process the Board wants whichever current staff members want to continue to work for EBC to present to the Board about their goals, their deadlines for the work they want accomplish and number of hours per week they wish to work. They will present for 10 minutes and there will be 10 minutes for questions. The board will listen to these presentations and figure out our staff needs based on their goals.

This process needs to start right away to finalize the budget by mid August.

Derek will write up a rough draft of the process to send out to staff members. Chris will create a Doodle poll for the hiring meeting

c. Edmonton Archives

Derek moves to permit Edmonton Archives to obtain EBC documents and organize them as per archival standards. SECOND: Neil. Passed

d. Bike Bike Conference

Chris moved to pay for Alex’s registration of $40 for the BikeBike conference in Toronto. Seconded by Derek. Passed.

7. In Camera



Adjourn 10:30pm

Next Board Meeting: August 11