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'''''These minutes were approved at the [ February 2014] board meeting.'''''
== EBC Board Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2014 ==
Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.
* Location: Romm 262 Education South, University of Alberta main campus
* Start Time: 6:30pm
Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!
== Attendance ==
* Meeting Chair: Caylie
* Minute-taker: Anna
* Food by: Justin
* Board attendance: Caylie, Kristen, Matthew, Sarah, Chris Co, Meghan, Bernadette, Steve, Justin (Resignation), Anna (645)
* Staff attendance: Coreen, Chris
* Regrets: Douglas
* Absent: None
* Guests: None
== Call to Order ==
* Meeting called to order by Caylie at 6:36pm.
== Approval of Agenda ==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve agenda with noted additions. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Kristen. '''Motion Carried.'''
== Approval of Last Month's Minutes ==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve December 2013 minutes. Motioned by Anna. Seconded by Steve. '''Motion Carried.'''
== Logistics for Next Meeting ==
Board Development Workshop
* Friday January 31 @ 7pm - 10pm @ room 262 Ed South
* Saturday February 1 @ 9am - 4pm @ room 262
* '''confirm attendance''': Leila away, Megan works Sat, Matt may not be avail Sat
* '''BYO lunch on Sat.'''
* '''Anna''' to buy lunch for 2 facilitators.
February Board meeting:
* Date: Wed Feb 19
* Location: room 262, Education South, U of A
* Chair: Sarah
* Minute-taker: Anna
* Food by: Chris Corr
* Anna has invited Phil (Spoke Coordinator) to present an update on the spoke program
== Reports ==
=== President's Report (5 min)===
[ President's Report January 2014]
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the January 2014 President's report as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Matt. '''Motion Carried.'''
=== Treasurer's Report (5 min)===
* [ November 2013 Financials] from our bookkeeper, Neil
* [ December 2013 Financials] from our bookeeper, Neil
* [ January 2014 Treasurer's Report] from Megan
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the Jan 2014 Treasurer's report and associated financial statements as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Bernadette. '''Motion Carried.'''
=== Executive Director's Report (5 min)===
* [ ED December 2013 Report] and associated [ email/intro] covering Nov 18 - Dec 12, submitted Dec 13
* [ ED December 2013 Report] covering Dec 18-31, submitted Jan 21, therefore will not be approved until Feb meeting.
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the December 2013 (Nov 18-Dec 12) ED report as presented. Motioned by Megan. Seconded by Matt. '''Motion Carried.'''
=== BikeWorks Report (10 min)===
[ BikeWorks Manager December 2013 report] submitted January 6th 2014
* Discussion notes:
** Don has been helping out so much time, energy, skill to the renos at BWS. Coreen would like to give him a gift of appreciation - perhaps a gift cert for a massage.
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the purchase of a gift certificate and lifetime EBC membership for Don. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Chris. '''Motion Carried.'''
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the December 2013 BikeWorks report as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Chris. '''Motion Carried.'''
=== Strategic Planning Committee Report (2 mins)===
*[ Strategic Planning Committee January 5, 2014 Report]
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the January 2014 Strategic Planning Committee report as presented. Motioned by Sarah. Seconded by Leila . '''Motion Carried.'''
=== Advocacy Committee Report (1 min)===
* Meeting next week!
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Steve''' to put future meeting info on EBC Event calendar (which shows up on website).
=== Policy Committee Report (10 min)===
* Please review the [ draft Policy Development and Implementation] for discussion
* Suggested amendment to EBC Bylaws, [ Election of the Board of Directors] section (b):
** Current wording: "The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member '''in good standing''' who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve."
** Proposed wording: "The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM.  Any member may nominate from the floor any member who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve."
* Discussion notes:
** Kristen reviewed the proposed policy. Sarah likes the expiration of policies. Steve suggests making only the political policies expired since they are more likely to change over the years. Kristen suggests that all policies should be reviewed to keep up to date. Putting expiration date puts motivation to review policies.
** Kristen, Bern, Heather W were at last policy meeting.
<span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the following changes to 2013 EBC Bylaw 'Election of the Board of Directors' (b) to read: <em>"The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM.  Any member may nominate from the floor any member who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve."</em> This shall be presented to EBC members at the 2014 AGM for approval. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Leila. '''Motion Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Kristen''' bring this bylaw change to AGM 2014. '''Board''' to review proposed policy by Wed Jan 29 so committee can move forward. '''Committees''' to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on EBC Events, other committee meetings go on EBC Internal calendar.
== Current & Completed Business ==
=== Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)===
* '''Everyone''' log your [ 2014 board volunteer hours] for the past month.
* Oct 2013: '''Anna''' to make record of what to do for next AGM.
* Nov 2013: '''Chris Corrigan''' to change email name back to "Chris Corrigan" (not "EBC Board Mail").
** shall do. Caylie can help.
* Nov 2013: '''Executive Committee''' (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Meghan) will pursue a credit card for EBC by December 1st, in the name of the Executive Director, with Servus Credit Union.
** wait til accounts are figured out... Megan will email Servus to ask about this sooner than later.
* Nov 2013: '''Coreen''', '''Justin''', '''Matt''' to review the board's S.W.O.T. analysis in the [ Notes from Retreat] file and provide additional points/comments.
* Dec 2013: '''Board''' to review Chris' comments on the S.W.O.T. anaylsis.
** review these at development workshop
* Dec 2013: '''Sarah''' will create a google doc for charitable status barriers & needs (strategic planning collaboration).
* Nov 2013: '''Chris Chan, Sarah, Coreen''' to submit proposals to the board for staff/board development for the Winter Cycling Congress. '''COMPLETE.'''
* Dec 2013: '''Anna, Matt''' mini board orientation before Jan meeting. '''COMPLETED.'''
* Dec 2013: '''Chris Chan''' will send board + Coreen the CFF email discussion points that were considered from 2010 board. '''COMPLETED.'''
* Dec 2013: '''Board''' will read the read the [ 2013 Bikeology Annual Report] and discuss funding in January. '''COMPLETE'''
* Dec 2013: '''Matt''' will look into CRA requirements for membership and voting and send to Kristen for further review. '''COMPLETE.'''
* Dec 2013: '''Chris Chan''' will call CFF to see what their timeline for decision is and email board with response. '''COMPLETE.''' Answer = end of Jan or Feb.
=== BikeWorks South Reno Budget (15 min) ===
* Floor plan [ image]
* Proposed new [ renovation budget]
** Chris Chan: I warned in the last Board meeting that I was estimating the budget might be about 50% over. With a clearer picture of the needs and numbers now, the budget I am requesting is $16,200, about 60% beyond the original $10k.
** Click on fields showing an orange tab to view further comments, including the explanation of the priority system.
** Most prices are conservatively high.
** All priority 1 items are critical to simply maintain operations at status quo, or else are very high priority items which would be cost-prohibitive to delay.
** Priority 2 items are very high priority. They replace existing aspects of our operations, though not strictly critical for operations. Not achieving them imposes significant and direct, non-recoverable costs
** Priority 3 items are high priority. Missing them will have moderate impacts on our business. They represent an improvement over our existing operations, but the new location gives us an opportunity to improve.
** Priority 4 items: Low-priority, not tied to the timeline of renovation.
** Most large items (including priority 4) are included in our CFEP grant application. If awarded in full, this 50/50 matching grant would provide nearly $15000 in funding. Any approved expenses made since December 15 would be eligible.
** Additionally, this budget assumes no grant funding, and no more IndieGogo funding.
** To summarize the priorities in one sentence: the only items I’d be interested in actually delaying on this budget are priority 4 items.
* Chris Chan: I spent a lot of time refining the physical plan for the new space. I think it’s worth the investment, as it’s unlikely that we’d be able to spend too much time planning our physical facility: the main risk in over-planning is by planning for uncertain aspects of the future (e.g. building capacity for something that we might want to do, but that we’re not sure we actually will); right now, the plan essentially only includes capacity for what we can justify based on current actual needs:
**at least 10 work stations,
**storage for at least as many bikes and at least as many parts as the old shop,
**keep the main floor area flexible (in case we do come up with new ideas), so we want to limit the number of fixed items (e.g. shelves) in the main floor area,
**easy entry for larger vehicles (i.e. a double door), which can only be accommodated through the rear,
**open hearing/sightlines to all areas (except the washroom, of course), especially entryways, for security & safety
**a kitchenette
**at least 2 volunteer computers and 1 staff computer
**a wash sink
**durable, attractive, easy to maintain floor
* Chris Chan: I could list more, but they’re all essentially an improved version of the status quo that boils down to: “a professional, functional, inviting space for all demographics that will help us to get more people on bikes through teaching, repairs, and sales, while creating an environment that will allow us to not only sustain our operations, but grow within the space”.
* Discussion notes:
** Chris wants to also add $300 for signage.
** IndieGoGo campaign is at appros $8500 today.
** Would like to approve budget of $24,200. Board formerly approved $10k. Breaks down to approving an additional $6500. Last year we were $36,000 ahead.
** Coreen: strategy to sell more bikes. Last year, success in pricing bikes
** Steve: Is this budget likely to change? Chris Ch: Would not expect major changes. Most quotes have been coming in under budget.
** Anna: CFEP grant is largely decided by MLAs - suggest that we write Notley.
** Leila: Would like more detail on security measures and costs - BW has had many recent break-ins (mostly to fenced areas). Coreen: What is deductible on window insurance. Chris Ch: deductible is $1k. Security is not in current budget as this budget is more of a capital budget vs an operational budget (ie security cameras). Did not include budget for bars on windows because it has a poor appeal... not sure of any other options for window security. Coreen: Have been researching info on other bike shop break ins due to smash-and-grabs. Can not find much info. Only one found instance and only 1 bike was taken. Landlord of new shop said all previous break-ins have been via rear door. Coreen thinks front door is biggest security risk. We could buy kick plate or lexan sheets to prevent front door break ins. Some concern on weekend vandalism. Matt: one option may be roll-down window shutters or bars that fold up during the day. Coreen: Some discussion about making some sort of security grid on windows like BWN. Steve: Maybe the landlord would take on cost or part of cost of roll shutters since they would become part of property.
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approve the $24,200 BikeWorks South renovation budget as presented. Motioned by  Bernadette. Seconded by Matt. Leila abstains. '''Motion Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Ch''' will get quote for roll shutters. '''Chris''' will submit an updated budget to CFEP.
=== Bikeology (5 min)===
* EBC approved a $5k donation to Bikeology in June as part of our 2013-2014 budget.
* They are requesting additional resources, monetary or labour, over and above the $5k already allocated.
* Extra funding from board?
* Resources (volunteers, equip, facilities, etc) from ED?
* Discussion notes:
** Chris Ch: Group may be having difficulty with their primary arts funder. We should probably consider resources (vs. funds) to support them, eg. Bike-A-Friend-To-Work Day (corporate challenge type of event), which would also be in line with our own mandate. Megan: Do we have the volunteer resources to support them? Chris Ch: Not really. We put out the call for mechanics for their events and general volunteers but not much success. Leila: Agree with Chris! Partnering with them seems most valuable. Sarah: Will the support (new event) help Bikeology since they have identified they are already struggling with current events? Chris Ch: Details are in my Jan report. Talked to Karly. The event is our priority and mandate. The event will have costs (staff time, resources, etc) so that value is going to Bikeology. Dont expect that this event will happen in 2014 but certainly for 2015. Contributions (prep for event) will certainly be in 2014. Sarah: Could we have more public presence at Bikeology events in 2014? Chris Ch: If Bikeology wants EBC signs, this probably wont impact their success. If Bikeology wants support on their balance sheet, this proposal of the event will help. Caylie: Could we have a pared-down version of the event in 2014 to show (public) commitment to supporting Bikeology? Chris Ch: Would be a different event if it was smaller. Megan: It is ok not to fulfil other organization's hopes and dreams. We will be busy at the shops this summer. If we have a realistic commitment to support for 2015, that is probably more valuable to them. Leila: Stretching our volunteer or funding resources is in our best interest this year. Our existing $5k contribution is substantial. Steve: Vancouver version of Bikeology ([ Velopolooza]) has a budget of $7-10K for a 2 week festival. Chris Ch: As I understand Karly's request of EBC, it is that they are having trouble with funding because their money comes from one significant group who seems to be pulling back. They seems to want help in balancing their financial statements to show that they are healthy.
** Update: Clarification from Chris on his points above...
***Velofest Edmonton League & Organization (VELO) currently gets most of its support from Edmonton Arts Council (EAC).
***EAC looks at VELO's financial statements, which includes in-kind contributions, and sees that most of VELO's support comes from EAC.
***EAC doesn't want to see that. They want to see that EAC is just one smaller part of VELO's budget, not the only major funder. EAC doesn't want to be in that position.
***VELO needs support from other organizations so that the proportion of each individual funder (specifically, EAC) is smaller.
***If EBC contributes to part of a project of VELO's (e.g. Bike-a-friend to work day), VELO gets to record all of those contributed resources (our staff time, any volunteer time, and any actual spending) in its own financials. If we find other sponsors to help support this project of VELO's (through time or money), they get to add that to their financials, too.
***EAC looks at VELO's financials next year, and sees that EAC's financial contribution (which hasn't changed) is no longer the majority of VELO's financial statements, and this makes EAC happy, so they continue to contribute in subsequent years.
***This is really largely a numbers game. My feeling is that if we're going to play the numbers game, we may as well use it as a chance to do something with great potential to be very effective and even self-sustaining.
** Kristen: Given we just approved the updated the BWS budget, we should probably hold off on additional funding requests.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Chris Ch''' will provide board with project updates as they are made.
=== Civil Forfeitures Fund (10 min)===
* Background info on CFF: []
* Chris submitted a Letter of Intent in December. Applications are currently being reviewed and decisions will be sent out by the end of February.
* Complete [ summary of email discussions] from 2010 EBC Board on CFF
* Discussion notes:
** Chris Ch: Tara is interested in the position if we get the funding. She is not aware of the funding controversy but will inform her so she understands.
** Coreen: 2010 emails cover many of my concerns. Seizing property without permission, civil vs criminal burden of proof, type of crimes targeted (which targets marginalized people), etc. EBC may be used as an example if we accept this money. Megan: We could write a public statement to address our concerns with the funding if we receive it. Steve: Public letter would be awkward since we also accept other forms of controversial monies such as casino. Matt: Morality of program... it is an attempt at restorative justice. ...People who are criminalized by the system vs. justice for the people who have been victims of the actions of those who are being criminalized.
** Leila: If we do complete a grant application, would like to see changes to what the funding goes toward. Eg. An evaluation process of the program itself (open to everybody vs. referral of individuals who are marginalized or at risk). Funding should support the program becoming more robust in quality not size. Chris Ch: It is really hard to get funding for wages, so that is why it is currently written to that end. Coreen: State of Spoke is that it is not sustainable because current volunteers keep it going.
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To have Chris apply for CFF if the opportunity arises and accept the funding. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Steve. Leila, Megan, Sarah all abstain. '''Motion Carried.'''
=== Winter Cycling Congress budget (5 min)===
* Chris Chan, Sarah, Coreen attending congress Feb 12-14 in Winnipeg. [ Budget] requested is $970.
* Discussion notes:
** Matt: Could some of costs be moved to Advocacy or something in our budget?
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To approved the proposed Winter Cycling Congress budget. Motioned by Matt. Seconded by Bernadette '''Motion Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Megan''' will look at options for splitting the budget into various line items by Feb meeting.
=== Casino April 5-6 (5 min)===
* Bernadette updating info on casino volunteers so far and more sign ups.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Sarah, Caylie, Kristen, Steve, Matt, Chris Ch, Chris Corr''' will volunteer.
== New Business ==
=== CSL Non-profit Board Internship (3 min)===
* [ Community Service Learning at the University of Alberta]
* [ Statement of Interest] due March 31, 2014
* Discussion notes:
** Caylie: We could do 1 student as board intern or 2 students if it was credit-based for a course. This would time well with our Strategic Plan!
** Steve: have had very poor experience with 3 CSL interns (course-based) over 5 years. Caylie: If we do the board internship option we have a better chance of getting valuable work and time from this.
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Caylie''' will take on paper work to apply and go forward with the CSL internship. '''Sarah''' is interested in leading with any mentorship that is involved.
=== Board Visibility (5 min)===
* Arising from ED's report and from Sarah during November strategic planning committee meeting
* Should we have a similar profile for volunteers?
* Discussion notes:
** Caylie: video of the board to show who we are? Chris Ch: Proposal to have headshots and bios on website. Will give a face to the org and help with future recruitment. Leila: Hate writing bios. How about we write each others'?
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Board''' to take pics and write bios for website.
=== Board Appointment (5 min)===
* Based on last month's voting
* Discussion notes:
** Steve: received an email that he may not be in town for very long...
** If Derek does not accept position, we will discuss next actions in camera.
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To invite a board appointment to Derek Yau for the current vacancy. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Leila. '''Motion Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Steve''' will offer position to Derek via email this week and update board
=== Treasurer (5 min)===
* Meghan T has resigned as Treasurer via email January 26 effective immediately.
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To remove Meghan Thiessen and appoint Caylie Gnyra as Treasurer with full signing authority for our General and Casino bank account. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Kristen. '''Motion Carried.'''
* <span style="background: lime;">Action Items:</span> '''Caylie, Anna''' will go to Servus to remove Meghan and add Caylie to account as soon as possible.
== <i>In Camera</i> Session (20 min)==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To go <i>[ in camera]</i>. Motioned by Matt. Seconded by Sarah. '''Motion Carried.'''
* Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
** 10 min topic
== Adjournment ==
* <span style="background: yellow;">Motion:</span> To adjourn the meeting. Motioned by Leila. Seconded by Megan. '''Motion Carried.'''
[[Category:2013-2014 Board minutes]]
[[Category:2013-2014 Board minutes]]

Latest revision as of 07:43, 8 July 2014

These minutes were approved at the February 2014 board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2014

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: Romm 262 Education South, University of Alberta main campus
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Caylie
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: Justin
  • Board attendance: Caylie, Kristen, Matthew, Sarah, Chris Co, Meghan, Bernadette, Steve, Justin (Resignation), Anna (645)
  • Staff attendance: Coreen, Chris
  • Regrets: Douglas
  • Absent: None
  • Guests: None

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Caylie at 6:36pm.

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion: To approve agenda with noted additions. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Kristen. Motion Carried.

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

  • Motion: To approve December 2013 minutes. Motioned by Anna. Seconded by Steve. Motion Carried.

Logistics for Next Meeting

Board Development Workshop

  • Friday January 31 @ 7pm - 10pm @ room 262 Ed South
  • Saturday February 1 @ 9am - 4pm @ room 262
  • confirm attendance: Leila away, Megan works Sat, Matt may not be avail Sat
  • BYO lunch on Sat.
  • Anna to buy lunch for 2 facilitators.

February Board meeting:

  • Date: Wed Feb 19
  • Location: room 262, Education South, U of A
  • Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: Chris Corr
  • Anna has invited Phil (Spoke Coordinator) to present an update on the spoke program


President's Report (5 min)

President's Report January 2014

Motion: To approve the January 2014 President's report as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Matt. Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report (5 min)

Motion: To approve the Jan 2014 Treasurer's report and associated financial statements as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Bernadette. Motion Carried.

Executive Director's Report (5 min)

Motion: To approve the December 2013 (Nov 18-Dec 12) ED report as presented. Motioned by Megan. Seconded by Matt. Motion Carried.

BikeWorks Report (10 min)

BikeWorks Manager December 2013 report submitted January 6th 2014

  • Discussion notes:
    • Don has been helping out so much time, energy, skill to the renos at BWS. Coreen would like to give him a gift of appreciation - perhaps a gift cert for a massage.

Motion: To approve the purchase of a gift certificate and lifetime EBC membership for Don. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Chris. Motion Carried.

Motion: To approve the December 2013 BikeWorks report as presented. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Chris. Motion Carried.

Strategic Planning Committee Report (2 mins)

Motion: To approve the January 2014 Strategic Planning Committee report as presented. Motioned by Sarah. Seconded by Leila . Motion Carried.

Advocacy Committee Report (1 min)

  • Meeting next week!
  • Action Items: Steve to put future meeting info on EBC Event calendar (which shows up on website).

Policy Committee Report (10 min)

  • Please review the draft Policy Development and Implementation for discussion
  • Suggested amendment to EBC Bylaws, Election of the Board of Directors section (b):
    • Current wording: "The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members in good standing, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member in good standing who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve."
    • Proposed wording: "The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve."
  • Discussion notes:
    • Kristen reviewed the proposed policy. Sarah likes the expiration of policies. Steve suggests making only the political policies expired since they are more likely to change over the years. Kristen suggests that all policies should be reviewed to keep up to date. Putting expiration date puts motivation to review policies.
    • Kristen, Bern, Heather W were at last policy meeting.

Motion: To approve the following changes to 2013 EBC Bylaw 'Election of the Board of Directors' (b) to read: "The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the names of the all nominees, who are members, which have been submitted to the committee for consideration at the AGM. Any member may nominate from the floor any member who is present at the meeting, or who has indicated in writing his/her willingness to serve." This shall be presented to EBC members at the 2014 AGM for approval. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Leila. Motion Carried.

  • Action Items: Kristen bring this bylaw change to AGM 2014. Board to review proposed policy by Wed Jan 29 so committee can move forward. Committees to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on EBC Events, other committee meetings go on EBC Internal calendar.

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your 2014 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Oct 2013: Anna to make record of what to do for next AGM.
  • Nov 2013: Chris Corrigan to change email name back to "Chris Corrigan" (not "EBC Board Mail").
    • shall do. Caylie can help.
  • Nov 2013: Executive Committee (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Meghan) will pursue a credit card for EBC by December 1st, in the name of the Executive Director, with Servus Credit Union.
    • wait til accounts are figured out... Megan will email Servus to ask about this sooner than later.
  • Nov 2013: Coreen, Justin, Matt to review the board's S.W.O.T. analysis in the Notes from Retreat file and provide additional points/comments.
  • Dec 2013: Board to review Chris' comments on the S.W.O.T. anaylsis.
    • review these at development workshop
  • Dec 2013: Sarah will create a google doc for charitable status barriers & needs (strategic planning collaboration).


  • Nov 2013: Chris Chan, Sarah, Coreen to submit proposals to the board for staff/board development for the Winter Cycling Congress. COMPLETE.
  • Dec 2013: Anna, Matt mini board orientation before Jan meeting. COMPLETED.
  • Dec 2013: Chris Chan will send board + Coreen the CFF email discussion points that were considered from 2010 board. COMPLETED.
  • Dec 2013: Board will read the read the 2013 Bikeology Annual Report and discuss funding in January. COMPLETE
  • Dec 2013: Matt will look into CRA requirements for membership and voting and send to Kristen for further review. COMPLETE.
  • Dec 2013: Chris Chan will call CFF to see what their timeline for decision is and email board with response. COMPLETE. Answer = end of Jan or Feb.

BikeWorks South Reno Budget (15 min)

  • Floor plan image
  • Proposed new renovation budget
    • Chris Chan: I warned in the last Board meeting that I was estimating the budget might be about 50% over. With a clearer picture of the needs and numbers now, the budget I am requesting is $16,200, about 60% beyond the original $10k.
    • Click on fields showing an orange tab to view further comments, including the explanation of the priority system.
    • Most prices are conservatively high.
    • All priority 1 items are critical to simply maintain operations at status quo, or else are very high priority items which would be cost-prohibitive to delay.
    • Priority 2 items are very high priority. They replace existing aspects of our operations, though not strictly critical for operations. Not achieving them imposes significant and direct, non-recoverable costs
    • Priority 3 items are high priority. Missing them will have moderate impacts on our business. They represent an improvement over our existing operations, but the new location gives us an opportunity to improve.
    • Priority 4 items: Low-priority, not tied to the timeline of renovation.
    • Most large items (including priority 4) are included in our CFEP grant application. If awarded in full, this 50/50 matching grant would provide nearly $15000 in funding. Any approved expenses made since December 15 would be eligible.
    • Additionally, this budget assumes no grant funding, and no more IndieGogo funding.
    • To summarize the priorities in one sentence: the only items I’d be interested in actually delaying on this budget are priority 4 items.
  • Chris Chan: I spent a lot of time refining the physical plan for the new space. I think it’s worth the investment, as it’s unlikely that we’d be able to spend too much time planning our physical facility: the main risk in over-planning is by planning for uncertain aspects of the future (e.g. building capacity for something that we might want to do, but that we’re not sure we actually will); right now, the plan essentially only includes capacity for what we can justify based on current actual needs:
    • at least 10 work stations,
    • storage for at least as many bikes and at least as many parts as the old shop,
    • keep the main floor area flexible (in case we do come up with new ideas), so we want to limit the number of fixed items (e.g. shelves) in the main floor area,
    • easy entry for larger vehicles (i.e. a double door), which can only be accommodated through the rear,
    • open hearing/sightlines to all areas (except the washroom, of course), especially entryways, for security & safety
    • a kitchenette
    • at least 2 volunteer computers and 1 staff computer
    • a wash sink
    • durable, attractive, easy to maintain floor
  • Chris Chan: I could list more, but they’re all essentially an improved version of the status quo that boils down to: “a professional, functional, inviting space for all demographics that will help us to get more people on bikes through teaching, repairs, and sales, while creating an environment that will allow us to not only sustain our operations, but grow within the space”.
  • Discussion notes:
    • Chris wants to also add $300 for signage.
    • IndieGoGo campaign is at appros $8500 today.
    • Would like to approve budget of $24,200. Board formerly approved $10k. Breaks down to approving an additional $6500. Last year we were $36,000 ahead.
    • Coreen: strategy to sell more bikes. Last year, success in pricing bikes
    • Steve: Is this budget likely to change? Chris Ch: Would not expect major changes. Most quotes have been coming in under budget.
    • Anna: CFEP grant is largely decided by MLAs - suggest that we write Notley.
    • Leila: Would like more detail on security measures and costs - BW has had many recent break-ins (mostly to fenced areas). Coreen: What is deductible on window insurance. Chris Ch: deductible is $1k. Security is not in current budget as this budget is more of a capital budget vs an operational budget (ie security cameras). Did not include budget for bars on windows because it has a poor appeal... not sure of any other options for window security. Coreen: Have been researching info on other bike shop break ins due to smash-and-grabs. Can not find much info. Only one found instance and only 1 bike was taken. Landlord of new shop said all previous break-ins have been via rear door. Coreen thinks front door is biggest security risk. We could buy kick plate or lexan sheets to prevent front door break ins. Some concern on weekend vandalism. Matt: one option may be roll-down window shutters or bars that fold up during the day. Coreen: Some discussion about making some sort of security grid on windows like BWN. Steve: Maybe the landlord would take on cost or part of cost of roll shutters since they would become part of property.
  • Motion: To approve the $24,200 BikeWorks South renovation budget as presented. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Matt. Leila abstains. Motion Carried.
  • Action Items: Chris Ch will get quote for roll shutters. Chris will submit an updated budget to CFEP.

Bikeology (5 min)

  • EBC approved a $5k donation to Bikeology in June as part of our 2013-2014 budget.
  • They are requesting additional resources, monetary or labour, over and above the $5k already allocated.
  • Extra funding from board?
  • Resources (volunteers, equip, facilities, etc) from ED?
  • Discussion notes:
    • Chris Ch: Group may be having difficulty with their primary arts funder. We should probably consider resources (vs. funds) to support them, eg. Bike-A-Friend-To-Work Day (corporate challenge type of event), which would also be in line with our own mandate. Megan: Do we have the volunteer resources to support them? Chris Ch: Not really. We put out the call for mechanics for their events and general volunteers but not much success. Leila: Agree with Chris! Partnering with them seems most valuable. Sarah: Will the support (new event) help Bikeology since they have identified they are already struggling with current events? Chris Ch: Details are in my Jan report. Talked to Karly. The event is our priority and mandate. The event will have costs (staff time, resources, etc) so that value is going to Bikeology. Dont expect that this event will happen in 2014 but certainly for 2015. Contributions (prep for event) will certainly be in 2014. Sarah: Could we have more public presence at Bikeology events in 2014? Chris Ch: If Bikeology wants EBC signs, this probably wont impact their success. If Bikeology wants support on their balance sheet, this proposal of the event will help. Caylie: Could we have a pared-down version of the event in 2014 to show (public) commitment to supporting Bikeology? Chris Ch: Would be a different event if it was smaller. Megan: It is ok not to fulfil other organization's hopes and dreams. We will be busy at the shops this summer. If we have a realistic commitment to support for 2015, that is probably more valuable to them. Leila: Stretching our volunteer or funding resources is in our best interest this year. Our existing $5k contribution is substantial. Steve: Vancouver version of Bikeology (Velopolooza) has a budget of $7-10K for a 2 week festival. Chris Ch: As I understand Karly's request of EBC, it is that they are having trouble with funding because their money comes from one significant group who seems to be pulling back. They seems to want help in balancing their financial statements to show that they are healthy.
    • Update: Clarification from Chris on his points above...
      • Velofest Edmonton League & Organization (VELO) currently gets most of its support from Edmonton Arts Council (EAC).
      • EAC looks at VELO's financial statements, which includes in-kind contributions, and sees that most of VELO's support comes from EAC.
      • EAC doesn't want to see that. They want to see that EAC is just one smaller part of VELO's budget, not the only major funder. EAC doesn't want to be in that position.
      • VELO needs support from other organizations so that the proportion of each individual funder (specifically, EAC) is smaller.
      • If EBC contributes to part of a project of VELO's (e.g. Bike-a-friend to work day), VELO gets to record all of those contributed resources (our staff time, any volunteer time, and any actual spending) in its own financials. If we find other sponsors to help support this project of VELO's (through time or money), they get to add that to their financials, too.
      • EAC looks at VELO's financials next year, and sees that EAC's financial contribution (which hasn't changed) is no longer the majority of VELO's financial statements, and this makes EAC happy, so they continue to contribute in subsequent years.
      • This is really largely a numbers game. My feeling is that if we're going to play the numbers game, we may as well use it as a chance to do something with great potential to be very effective and even self-sustaining.
    • Kristen: Given we just approved the updated the BWS budget, we should probably hold off on additional funding requests.
  • Action Items: Chris Ch will provide board with project updates as they are made.

Civil Forfeitures Fund (10 min)

  • Background info on CFF:
  • Chris submitted a Letter of Intent in December. Applications are currently being reviewed and decisions will be sent out by the end of February.
  • Complete summary of email discussions from 2010 EBC Board on CFF
  • Discussion notes:
    • Chris Ch: Tara is interested in the position if we get the funding. She is not aware of the funding controversy but will inform her so she understands.
    • Coreen: 2010 emails cover many of my concerns. Seizing property without permission, civil vs criminal burden of proof, type of crimes targeted (which targets marginalized people), etc. EBC may be used as an example if we accept this money. Megan: We could write a public statement to address our concerns with the funding if we receive it. Steve: Public letter would be awkward since we also accept other forms of controversial monies such as casino. Matt: Morality of program... it is an attempt at restorative justice. ...People who are criminalized by the system vs. justice for the people who have been victims of the actions of those who are being criminalized.
    • Leila: If we do complete a grant application, would like to see changes to what the funding goes toward. Eg. An evaluation process of the program itself (open to everybody vs. referral of individuals who are marginalized or at risk). Funding should support the program becoming more robust in quality not size. Chris Ch: It is really hard to get funding for wages, so that is why it is currently written to that end. Coreen: State of Spoke is that it is not sustainable because current volunteers keep it going.
  • Motion: To have Chris apply for CFF if the opportunity arises and accept the funding. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Steve. Leila, Megan, Sarah all abstain. Motion Carried.

Winter Cycling Congress budget (5 min)

  • Chris Chan, Sarah, Coreen attending congress Feb 12-14 in Winnipeg. Budget requested is $970.
  • Discussion notes:
    • Matt: Could some of costs be moved to Advocacy or something in our budget?
  • Motion: To approved the proposed Winter Cycling Congress budget. Motioned by Matt. Seconded by Bernadette Motion Carried.
  • Action Items: Megan will look at options for splitting the budget into various line items by Feb meeting.

Casino April 5-6 (5 min)

  • Bernadette updating info on casino volunteers so far and more sign ups.
  • Action Items: Sarah, Caylie, Kristen, Steve, Matt, Chris Ch, Chris Corr will volunteer.

New Business

CSL Non-profit Board Internship (3 min)

  • Community Service Learning at the University of Alberta
  • Statement of Interest due March 31, 2014
  • Discussion notes:
    • Caylie: We could do 1 student as board intern or 2 students if it was credit-based for a course. This would time well with our Strategic Plan!
    • Steve: have had very poor experience with 3 CSL interns (course-based) over 5 years. Caylie: If we do the board internship option we have a better chance of getting valuable work and time from this.
  • Action Items: Caylie will take on paper work to apply and go forward with the CSL internship. Sarah is interested in leading with any mentorship that is involved.

Board Visibility (5 min)

  • Arising from ED's report and from Sarah during November strategic planning committee meeting
  • Should we have a similar profile for volunteers?
  • Discussion notes:
    • Caylie: video of the board to show who we are? Chris Ch: Proposal to have headshots and bios on website. Will give a face to the org and help with future recruitment. Leila: Hate writing bios. How about we write each others'?
  • Action Items: Board to take pics and write bios for website.

Board Appointment (5 min)

  • Based on last month's voting
  • Discussion notes:
    • Steve: received an email that he may not be in town for very long...
    • If Derek does not accept position, we will discuss next actions in camera.
  • Motion: To invite a board appointment to Derek Yau for the current vacancy. Motioned by Kristen. Seconded by Leila. Motion Carried.
  • Action Items: Steve will offer position to Derek via email this week and update board

Treasurer (5 min)

  • Meghan T has resigned as Treasurer via email January 26 effective immediately.
  • Motion: To remove Meghan Thiessen and appoint Caylie Gnyra as Treasurer with full signing authority for our General and Casino bank account. Motioned by Bernadette. Seconded by Kristen. Motion Carried.
  • Action Items: Caylie, Anna will go to Servus to remove Meghan and add Caylie to account as soon as possible.

In Camera Session (20 min)

  • Motion: To go in camera. Motioned by Matt. Seconded by Sarah. Motion Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • 10 min topic


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Motioned by Leila. Seconded by Megan. Motion Carried.