Advocacy Committee Minutes February 2012: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 03:47, 29 February 2012

Call to Order

Time: 7:10 pm Attendance: Duncan Kinney, Michael Cenkner Staff attendance: n/a Guests: n/a Minute-taker: Duncan

Date, Location & Food for Next Meeting

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at Bikeworks South


Review TOR notes and level of authority The Advocacy Committee is working under the auspices of the Spokesperson Policy. Adam can appoint a spokesperson at any time on any policy.

If the board ratifies a policy proposal then we can ask Adam for permission to speak on the issue raised.

Budget update - Audra Jones - Meet w/ Audra, find out her priorities given budget

Ward rep

What is it? Taken from Bike Calgary We're looking for volunteers to serve as Ward Representatives. As ward rep, you'd be the liaison between EBC and your ward. You'd alert the EBC of Directors to cycling-related issues in your ward, and work with the Board and your councillors to resolve them. Perhaps you could even contact the community associations in your ward, help organize local bike events, and generally be the go-to person for cycling in your part of town. In all of this, you'd of course be supported by the Advocacy Committee and if the need arises we'll get a team together to work with you. But in the first instance and in the short term, really we just would like to have a set of eyes and ears in every ward.\\

The ward reps would be raising issues as members of EBC and as concerned citizens in their community not as any kind of official or quasi-official spokesperson for EBC.

LRT Community Conversations

Put out call to community to show up and raise cycling issues. Bike-transit integration is a huge opportunity: bikes on LRT, bike parking at station, easy bike routes to stations, bike routes along rail lines, etc.

Questions to ask How are you integrating bikes into these new lines? How are bikes going to be integrated into the LRT? Can we take our bikes on the train? How? When? How much secure, intentional bike parking is planned for? Are you planning bikes routes to and from station? Do they connect with existing bike infrastructure? We really like the bike lane on 102nd Ave. Tell the city this.


How do we use this is advocacy opportunity? The aim is to raise the profile of the event among Edmontionans, City of Edmonton staff and councillors. If we are able to organize a contingent, I would love to invite Councillor Diotte along for the ride and offer to pay for his ticket.

Bring up Velo_City in meeting with Audra. Ask her to appoint a delegate or raise it among her staff as an education opportunity. Raise it as an education opportunity in Transportation and LRT departments as well.

Sponsor Kerry Diotte's trip to Velo-City. If he can't go we will send an EBC board member. Fundraising goal of $1500. In the process of fundraising use it to educate Councillors and the general public on bike infrastructure. Why are we sending people to this?

Call Diotte's and Caterina's office and ask if he's interested in going.

Bike-Bike is at the same time. Find out if anyone is going from Edmonton. Add them to Vancouver delegation.

Meeting Schedule Last Tuesday of every month.

Follow up with Moving Beyond the Automobile people on Facebook to engage potential members.

Say what the Advocacy Committee is and some of the specifics of what we are looking for in people who show up to Advocacy Committee meetings. Frame the goals and objectives as achievable and winnable. We need to ensure that some resources that are already in play happen. This is not some kind of Sisyphean struggle. These are winnable battles.

Contact Bikeology. Ask about movie nights/movie festivals.

Add members who ticked off Advocacy to Advocacy Google Group

Make joining Advocacy Google Group easier. Add ability to join group to website.

We have as a resource. Currently sitting dormant.