Board Minutes November 2023: Difference between revisions

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* Regrets: Alexandra, Charlotte, Stephen, John
* Regrets: Alexandra, Charlotte, Stephen, John
* Absent:
* Absent:
* Meeting Chair: Kelly
* Minute Taker: Andi

== Call to Order ==
== Call to Order ==

Revision as of 17:36, 15 November 2023

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

Bike Edmonton Board Meeting Minutes for November 2023

Board meetings are open to Bike Edmonton members and the public.

  • Location: Google Meet
  • Start Time: November 13, 2023 7pm

Please RSVP to if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Attendance: Kelly, Marcel, Matthew, Ceileigh, Maxine, Andi
  • Guests: Greg Glatz, Coreen, Nazz Baksh, Larry Sandulak
  • Regrets: Alexandra, Charlotte, Stephen, John
  • Absent:
  • Meeting Chair: Kelly
  • Minute Taker: Andi

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order at 7:06pm

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: November 26, board retreat. Details TBD.
  • Location:
  • Chair: Alexandra
  • Minute-taker:

Discussion of agenda (5 min)

Consent Agenda (5 min)

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

H.R. Committee Report

  • no meeting

Reports to be reviewed, not in the consent agenda

Executive Director's Report (10 min)

  • [ Executive Director's Report
  • Question/Comment: (Marcel) We need more than a balanced budget, we need a budget that will be increased revenue that will allow for the elimination of the deficit and to ensure that we have financials to cover rents in 2025. $77K has been deposited to our Casino account. We have about 11mos of rent covered. This means that this time next year, we will have exhausted that and the budget will need to cover that. This is estimated to be $40K
    • Reply: (Greg) are you open to using funds beyond our Casino account to cover rent to allow for that money to help carry us through winter 2025?

(Marcel) Yes. That is a good idea.

  • Question (Coreen): When is our next Casino?
    • Reply (Kelly): April 2025, at Rogers Place Casino.

2021-2022 Financial Year Audit - Final Report

  • Audit Final Report
  • Question (Coreen): Is this accessible to staff?
    • Reply: Yes, and it is publicly available. It will be attached to the Annual Report. Next year’s financials will not be audited as they are prepared now by a bookkeeper, so they will be reviewed and save us the cost of an audit

Governance Committee Report

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this November agenda, the October 2023 minutes, and reports as presented

Moved: Marcel
Seconded: Ceileigh
Aye No Abstain


Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting, Reminders (5 min)

  • Everyone log your volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to Bike Edmonton Events calendar (unless the event must explicitly be private: then use "Bike Edmonton Internal" calendar)
  • Committee Chairpersons to ensure wiki is up-to-date with committee TOR.
  • Reminder of our Code of Conduct
  • Reminder of conflict of interest policy

Staff/Volunteer appreciation event update (Stephen, Charlotte, Ceileigh) (10 min)

  • Staff have organized it, it will be happening this Friday

$200 Earth General Store GC is in Marcel’s name and is available for use for the event. Board participation is not requested, but as board members are volunteers as well, they are all invited.

AGM Planning

  • When is audit anticipated to be finalized? When is review of 2022-2023 financials expected to be complete?
  • Pick timing based on financials timing
    • Review unlikely to be done
    • Schedule for Saturday Nov 18, 2-5pm
    • Schedule retreat for Nov 26
  • Format - online
  • Tasks
    • Chat moderator: Charlotte
    • Notify membership of date and location: Greg
    • make a meeting in the event calendar with link to Google Meet: Kelly
    • attendance/RSVPs, confirmation of membership: Ceileigh, with staff help (or Chris?)
      • List of RSVP is available in the “Externally Shared > 2023 AGM” folder
    • tech assistance for attendees, like helping people find how to call in if they don't have a computer: will deal with on an as-needed basis
    • Running election: Andi
      • There are 8 open seats and two nominations have been received.
      • Comment (Andi): Seven seats are required to establish a board; Nominations will be taken from the floor
      • Kelly will set up the election in the election runner software, just in case. Andi and Kelly will connect on Saturday to go over last minute
      • Comment (Greg): Would you like me to put out the call for board nominations on socials?
      • Reply: Yes please.
    • Presentations by ED, President, Treasurer
    • Annual Report Preparation
      • reports by president, ED
      • Financials and budget update
      • Gratitude Report - Alexandra with assistance from Marcel, Robin, Greg

Tasks to be completed this week before meeting:

  • Set up election in election runner (just in case) - Andi
  • Send out meeting link, agenda, annual report in advance of meeting - Kelly
  • check RSVPs in advance for membership - Ceileigh, with help from staff

Budget - Propose Delay

  • With ongoing union negotiations, uncertainty in south shop location/rent, recommend board finalizes budget in new term
  • Not required to approve budget at a general meeting, the board may approve budget
  • Consent from Board Members

New Business

CEBA Loan Letter

  • Executive Director has signed CFIB petition to ask for extension to forgiveness period
  • In addition to signing the petition, we are proposing to send a letter, aligned with the CFIB ask of a 1 year extension to the forgiveness period
  • Letter to request extension
  • This letter will be public
  • Need to add for CC: Servus (ahead of reaching out to them to renegotiate our loan); Marie Claude-Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue
  • EDITING TO LETTER: change language from “cease operations” to “bankrupt”
  • Letter needs to be updated and signed and then will be sent early next week.
  • Any opposition to sending this out? No opposition

Retreat Planning and Organizing

  • Volunteers to chair and plan retreat for Nov 26? Must be people remaining on the board for next term
  • Alexandra willing to chair and plan with assistance from other remaining Board members.
    • Suggestion that Chris Chan be contacted to help onboard new board members: set-up their Google accounts prior to the retreat, give a brief description on how the Google drive is organized and the best ways to use it at the retreat, and a general briefing at the retreat on "how to be" a non-profit board member and what the responsibilities are, and a briefing on institutional knowledge of Bike Edmonton and how it came into creation.
    • Suggestion that Greg Glatz gives an operational run-down at the retreat how the shops work (hours, # of staff, # of volunteers, what services are offered, etc.), what "outside services" we do (rental of bike racks, etc.) and the current financial position of Bike Edmonton.

In Camera Session

To move into in camera session with Dr. Greg Glatz as guest

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Marcel
Aye No Abstain

  • Dr. Greg Glatz, 1 item, 15 min
To move out of in camera session

Moved: Matt
Seconded: Marcel
Aye No Abstain


Marcel: Who will be taking care of Financial needs until end of November? Kelly and Andi will continue to be available.

Adjourned at 8:33pm