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Revision as of 03:33, 3 July 2017

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for July 2017

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room ED 221.
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Jeremy
  • Minute-taker: Geoff
  • Food by: Adrian
  • Board attendance: Jasmine, Jeremy, Alexey, Michael, Geoff, Adrian, Nancy, Mike
  • Staff attendance: Chris
  • Regrets: Derek, Dan
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by Jeremy at 6:35 pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date:
  • Location: Room 113, Education South
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

To approve this June meeting agenda, and the May 2017 minutes May Minutes, and committee reports as presented below.

Moved: Adrian
Seconded: Michael
Aye No Abstain
all 0 0


President's Report - Jon

Treasurer's Report - Geoff

H.R. Committee Report - Nancy

Administrative Committee Report -

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone sign reports that you have reviewed each month.
  • Committee Chairpersons to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.



Updated insurance policy to remove YCR2 coverage

Business Item 1 [Status Update from all Committees ] (Each Committee - 15 min)

  • Each committee to provide an oral update on status of projects in progress specifically
    • Work completed
    • Work remaining
    • Resources required
    • Percentage Completion anticipated by August 31 2017.
  • Discussion notes:

Admin committee

Jonathon and Alexey meeting with staff this week, discussing continuity while Jonathon on holidays

Finance committee

monthly checklist done, EFTs going, NOT done - managing payroll -> bookkeeper, need to start working on next year's budget soon

HR committee

OH&S arrange, steps in order, hazard assessments done; next coalating data and next steps, planned for August
Board eval - completed for AGM
Volunteer retention / appreciation - not started
Orientation manual - stalled

Adrian was considering working on working on hazard mitigation when shops were closed, but concerned staff would feel like they had to come in Chris thinks - if input is sought from staff ahead of time, it wouldn't be a problem to have work done while the shops are closed


Michael - Students didn't get involved at that level, don't have any extra committee work, interested in working in another area Charitable status? Jonathon thinks the first thing to do is review and revise the objects of the society - perhaps pursue educational objects, and have these ready for the next board retreat. Michael will take the lead on drafting objects

Strategic Planning Committee

Jonathon - Had a meeting, but nothing concrete has been done since then

New Business

New Business Item 1: Financial situation in detail (Geoff 30 min)



Michael: should we have a bike building blitz while the shops are closed

we are providing a service at cost, but we aren't reaching out to who is using the shop to contribute, 

Chris: thinks this is a discussion that should be taken with Coreen

Geoff should set something up for discussions on how to increase revenues, with board members that want to contribute and appropriate staff

Chris: Is bike building position making sense financially? More than breaking even, and we would count breaking even. Getting more bikes out there, and generating more revenue than if this was just done by volunteers, PLUS getting more volunteer training. This is the same model as last year.

Feedback from bike building volunteers is that they are learning a lot, feel that the are making valuable contributions, and building community. This invests in our volunteers.

New Business Item 2: Board Member Summer Vacations (All 15 min)

  • With key board members away at various times during the summer, let's make sure none of the board responsibilities are in jeopardy of being overlooked or unnecessarily delayed:
    • Issuing Cheques
    • Issuing EFT files
    • Depositing cash from BWS and BWN safes
    • Picking up, opening and distributing to the responsible party Canada Post mail,
    • Administrative committee support

Jon: July and August, back for a few days at end of July

Jon will still do deposits
Jon to show Geoff how to issue EFT
Picking up mail, every 2 weeks -> Chris will do this
Chris->Aug 19-27
Alexey will lead administrative committee while Jonathon is away

Geoff: June 23-July 21

double check on rent cheques before departure
Check books to Nancy before departure
Derek only other signing officer July 6-21st (need to confirm Derek is around)

Nancy: away 1st week of August

New Business Item 3: Staff and Finance To Dos (transition of YCR2 dated June 1st (Geoff 30 min)

  • Discussion notes:

What changes do we need to make to bank accounts, and staff hours/pay

Goodwill still working on the final agreement, reset transition date to July 1st

Molly's time

Molly reduced hours to 44, reconciling April hours, in June will be 10 hours/week
discussions of YCR2 covering  some of the bank time owed to Molly

Bank Account

YCR2 has a dormant account, with no funds in it. The will reactivate the account. For the moment, keep using accounts as before.
They may keep the YCR2 account open, and leave sufficient funds there to cover off Molly's for some period of time.
WHen moving to Goodwill, Janine and others will have to requesition cheques.

As of July 1st, we shouldn't be claiming assets or liabilities on our financial statements.

Goodwill keen on getting training for staff, so they can fix their own bikes or get training to be able to improve

Goodwill: Get guidance from us on how to set up a shop, get some training for their staff EBC gets access to the impact center - we can schedule our events there (big bike sale, function, etc.)

No financial arrangements between EBC and Goodwill - YCR2 becoming a program of Goodwill.

Jonathon will ask Janine what they are looking for financially on July 1st.

New Business Item 5: Internal communication with volunteers around events (Michael 5 min)

  • Discussion notes:

Volunteer appreciation event at BWN

Michael thought the invitation didn't go out to BWS volunteers (through google group), and think this is the second time

Chris reviewed - Molly sent it to BWS mailing list

Bike Works North - renovations, potential budget issues (Chris 15 min)

  • Discussion notes:

Received a large donation of fixtures, hardware, etc. from MEC (as they've moved) - almost everything we'd need to do a major renovation of bikeworks north. We are now storing a lot of materials, and we'd like to set them up soon.

Looking at early September to do the work, maybe some of it before then. Perhaps pay an honorarium so we can have a fixed timeframe for doing the work.

May need to consider a budget envelope around $5000 for the work.

Q: What is our ROI? more bike repair stands space for, better display space

Very different experience BWN vs S - distinct entrance, retail type entrance

Have a more welcoming space/entrance
More enjoyable space to be at
Make tools/parts more accessible
Solve some OH&S issues
Store over 90 bicycles in a 10/34' stretch
better display / merchandising - get better prices, less strinkage

In Camera: (Geoff 15 min)

  • Discussion notes:
To go in Camera

Moved: Jonathon
Seconded: Jasmine
Aye No Abstain
all 0 0



To adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.

Moved: Jonathon
Seconded: Nancy
Aye No Abstain
all 0 0
