Board Minutes April 2014: Difference between revisions

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=== BWS Reno Budget (20 min)===
=== BWS Reno Budget (20 min)===
* BikeWorks Manager report has pointed to a number of expenses outside of the approved budget. Financial assessment is required before any further expenses are incurred.
* BikeWorks Manager report has pointed to a number of expenses outside of the approved budget. Financial assessment is required before any further expenses are incurred.
* Chris updated the [ Reno Budget]:
** approved budget of $16,500
** actual budget $16,115 but still must complete:
***Doors ~$2,000
***Door installation ~$1,000
***Fencing ~ $850
***Window coverings ?
***Vending machine $7,338
* Discussion notes:
* Discussion notes:

Revision as of 23:51, 16 April 2014

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for April 16, 2014

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room 262, Education South, University of Alberta main campus
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Doug
  • Minute-taker: Anna (Matt back up)
  • Food by: Carlos
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets: Caylie
  • Absent:
  • Guests:

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Wed May 21, 2014
  • Location: BikeWorks North??
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:

Approval of Agenda, Minutes, Reports (5 min)

  • Motion: To approve April agenda, March 2014 minutes, and reports as presented (below). Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

President's Report

Executive Director's Report

BikeWorks Report

H.R. Committee Report

Policy Committee Report

Reports (not approved)

Treasurer's Report

Executive Director's Report

Advocacy Committee Report

  • no report submitted

Strategic Planning Committee Report

  • no report submitted

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your 2014 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Committee chairs to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar. Ongoing.
  • Oct 2013: Anna to make record of what to do for next AGM.
  • Nov 2013: Executive Committee (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Carlos) will pursue a Servus credit card for EBC in the name of the Executive Director.
  • Nov 2013: Chris Corrigan to change email name back to "Chris Corrigan" (not "EBC Board Mail").
  • Dec 2013: Sarah will create a google doc for charitable status barriers & needs (strategic planning collaboration).
  • Jan 2014: Kristen present proposed bylaw change at AGM 2014.
  • Feb 2014: Anna, Carlos, Matt, Sarah to take pics and write bio for website.
  • Feb 2014: Carlos and Caylie to investigate options and associated costs for Electronic Transfers with Servus.
  • Feb 2014: Kristen/Policy Committee will incorporate petty cash max in future Financial policy.
  • Feb 2014: Strategic Planning Committee will continue to gather info to bring a proposal regarding EBC name change to the board in July.
  • Feb 2014: Sarah, Bernadette, Doug will be on ad-hoc Volunteer Appreciation committee. Matt is interested in knowing specific roles when they are determined.
  • Feb 2014: Caylie, Carlos, Neil will meet to review treasurer role and get signing authority names updated.
    • Anna has submitted updated Board of Directors list to Corporate Registries. Once approved, Servus will accept new signing authorities.
  • Feb 2014: Carlos, Derek, Anna will meet to do a mini-orientation.
  • Mar 2014: Doug will contact commercial bike repair applicant by phone by March 21.
  • Mar 2014: name will print out meeting motion to approve Carlos as signing authority and admin to online bank accounts, have it signed by all signing authorities, and fax it to Servus by March 21.


Casino Advisor (10 min)

  • Bernadette raised this topic via email.
  • The advisor (not count room person) is now working an extra 2-3 hrs per day. AGLC has denied the request to allow the advisor to get paid more from the casino account. But groups can transfer money into the casino acct from general funds and pay more.
  • EBC's advisor requested that we transfer money to pay them for the extra hours. The request is an additional $255+gst= $267.75. The total payment would be $1,785 (divided between the day and night advisors).
  • EBC's advisor requested us to petition AGLC this issue and ask about how the casino funds will be divided. There are 5 casinos in the city. The profits are divided evenly between the charities. Not all the casinos are accepting the new hours, so some groups have up to 6 hours more shifts to cover but they all get the same payout. No rules or guidelines have been put in place.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To ___. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

New Business

BWS Reno Budget (20 min)

  • BikeWorks Manager report has pointed to a number of expenses outside of the approved budget. Financial assessment is required before any further expenses are incurred.
  • Chris updated the Reno Budget:
    • approved budget of $16,500
    • actual budget $16,115 but still must complete:
      • Doors ~$2,000
      • Door installation ~$1,000
      • Fencing ~ $850
      • Window coverings ?
      • Vending machine $7,338
  • Discussion notes:
  • Action Items: Anna will book meeting space for May-Dec by next meeting.

Organizational Values and Patron Experience at Shops (10 min)

  • Email feedback from patron describes shops as unwelcoming and not accessible.
    • Separation of tasks (governance and operational) is required to address this issue...
    • Formal response to patron is required.
  • The Strategic Planning Committee has identified a need to establish organizational values and earlier in the year the board and staff had a brainstorm on what those might be.
    • The more difficult conversations come up and the more our membership grows, the more important it is for us to have values as part of our fundamental guiding statements to reference decisions, direction and priorities.
    • What are next steps?
  • Discussion notes:
  • Action Items: name will __ by (date).

Low Income Accessibility of Our Shops (10 min)

  • We have a beautiful new BWS that's about to open, but it has far less room than our previous locations. With limited storage space and no yard, the cheap department store bikes will likely be pushed out.
  • A policy of limiting which donations are accepted at the south shop (due to lack of space) has also been discussed.
  • These changes will be positive in a number of respects, but will also make bikes less accessible to low income patrons.
  • In addition, having one shop which may appear to be more upper scale than the other, in both its facilities and bicycles, may be divisive among our members and volunteers.
  • How do we want to address these issues?
  • Discussion notes:

Board meeting location May-Oct (5 min)

  • Our room booking at U of A ends in April. Typically we only meet at U of A during winter months, and meet at BWS or BWN during spring-fall.
  • Proposal: May, July, Sept meetings @ BWN; June, Aug, Oct @ BWS. Nov meeting could resumes at U of A.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Action Items: Anna will book meeting space for May-Dec by next meeting.

Annual General Meeting (10 min)

  • Need to determine AGM date, time, location.
    • Sunday Sept 28? Sunday Oct 5 = AB Bicycle Commuters Conference. Sunday Oct 12?
  • Need to strike ad-hoc AGM Committee to organize logistics, begin board recruitment, etc.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Accountability for Report Approvals (10 min)

  • Anna is concerned that staff and committee reports may not be getting reviewed adequately. This may be in part due to the consent agenda where no details of the reports are reviewed unless specified by the author(s). Would like to make a formal sign-off section at end of each report for directors and staff to sign (electronically) once they have read through the document.
    • Proposed format: Reviewed By (Name), (Date), Comments
    • The 'comments' would be for questions, concerns, etc about the entire report, not just particular topics. This would also be a space to flag a topic for further discussion at the next board meeting.
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To add a section to the end of all future EBC staff and committee reports for directors and staff to sign once reviewed. This will help inform the report approval at the following board meeting. Moved by Anna, seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: name will ____ by (date).

Advocacy Chair (2 min)

  • Steve will be out of town for a large part of the summer so if anyone is interested in taking over as Advocacy Chair he would be happy to pass the position to someone who can take a more active role.
  • Discussion notes:

Jane's Ride Edmonton for Jane's Walk weekend (10 min)

  • Combination of urban history, architecture, transportation design, and bikeability of Edmonton
  • Interim route uploaded to Jane's Walk website
  • Date, time, logistics: Saturday AM is usually popular with Jane's Walks. Any other suggestions?
  • How do we advertise to new and existing EBC members? Facebook? Twitter? BikeWorks?
  • Discussion notes:

EBC representation at Good100 May31/June1 (10 min)

  • EBC will get to spend a weekend with other YEG movers and shakers who work on local food, arts, activism, local business, social enterprise, government, advocacy, indigenous rights, social justice, charity, funding, design, alternative media and more.
  • There have been thoughts about promotions in the form of memberships or services for the attendees of Good100. We also may be able to give and/or gather information. Thoughts?
  • Any suggestions?
  • Discussion notes:

In Camera Session (20 min)

  • Motion: To go in camera. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:
    • 15 min topic


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Moved by , seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.