Board Minutes February 2014: Difference between revisions

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* EBC website info about the spoke: []
* EBC website info about the spoke: []
* The spoke facebook page: []
* The spoke facebook page: []
* [ Internal folder for the spoke] on google drive
* [ Internal folder for the spoke] on google drive, notably the [ volunteer orientation presentation].
* Discussion notes:
* Discussion notes:

Revision as of 20:59, 23 January 2014

These minutes are not yet approved. They are scheduled for review and approval at the upcoming board meeting.

EBC Board Meeting Minutes for February 19, 2014

Board meetings are open to the EBC members and the public.

  • Location: room 262, Education South, University of Alberta main campus
  • Start Time: 6:30pm

Please RSVP to [] if you plan on attending. Please include a brief summary of any agenda item you would like to table. Thank you!


  • Meeting Chair: Sarah
  • Minute-taker: Anna
  • Food by: Chris Corrigan
  • Board attendance:
  • Staff attendance:
  • Regrets: Bernadette
  • Absent:
  • Guests: Tara & Phil (Spoke)

Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order by at pm.

Approval of Agenda

  • Motion: To approve agenda. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Approval of Last Month's Minutes

  • Motion: To approve January 2014 minutes. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.

Logistics for Next Meeting

  • Date: Wed March 19
  • Location: room 262, Ed South, U of A
  • Chair:
  • Minute-taker:
  • Food by:


President's Report (__ min)

President's Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) President's report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Treasurer's Report (__ min)

  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) Treasurer's report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Executive Director's Report (__min)

  • ED December 2013 Report covering Dec 18-31, submitted Jan 21, therefore be reviewed at Feb meeting.
  • [ED January 2014 Report] covering Jan 1-30
  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) ED report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

BikeWorks Report (__ min)

BikeWorks Report

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) BikeWorks report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Strategic Planning Committee Report (__ min)

[Strategic Planning Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) Strategic Planning Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

H.R. Committee Report (__ min)

[H.R. Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) H.R. Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Advocacy Committee Report (__ min)

[Advocacy Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) Advocacy Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Policy Committee Report (__ min)

[Policy Committee Report (Month) (Year)]

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To return/approve the (month)(year) Policy Committee report as presented. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Current & Completed Business

Updates on Action Items From Previous Meeting (5 min)

  • Everyone log your 2014 board volunteer hours for the past month.
  • Oct 2013: Anna to make record of what to do for next AGM.
  • Nov 2013: Chris Corrigan to change email name back to "Chris Corrigan" (not "EBC Board Mail").
  • Nov 2013: Executive Committee (Leila, Sarah, Anna, Meghan) will pursue a credit card for EBC by December 1st, in the name of the Executive Director, with Servus Credit Union.
  • Dec 2013: Sarah will create a google doc for charitable status barriers & needs (strategic planning collaboration).
  • Jan 2014: Board to review and comment on proposed draft Policy Development and Implementation by Wed Jan 29 so Policy Committee can move forward.
  • Jan 2014: Board to take pics and write bios for website.
  • Jan 2014: Committee chairs to post all committee meetings to EBC calendar - public ones go on "EBC Events", other committee meetings go on "EBC Internal" calendar.
  • Jan 2014: Anna to buy lunch for 2 facilitators at board development workshop.
  • Jan 2014: Kristen present proposed bylaw change at AGM 2014.
  • Jan 2014: Chris Chan will submit an updated budget to CFEP.
  • Jan 2014: Chris Chan will get quote for roll shutters.
  • Jan 2014: Megan will look at options for splitting the Winter Cycling Congress budget into various line items by Feb meeting.
  • Jan 2014: Caylie will take on paper work to apply and go forward with the CSL internship. Sarah is interested in leading with any mentorship that is involved.
  • Jan 2014: Steve will offer board position to Derek via email this week and update board


Business Item 1 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business

Overview of the spoke program with Tara, Phil - 6:45pm (25 min)

  • Motion: To . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

New Business Item 2 (__ min)

  • Discussion notes:
  • Motion: To . Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Action Items: Name will... by (deadline)

In Camera Session (__ min)

  • Motion: To go in camera. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.
  • Please list how long you believe your topic will take to discuss:


  • Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Motioned by . Seconded by . Motion Failed/Carried.