Advocacy Committee Minutes February 2013: Difference between revisions

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February 28, 2012 – EBC Advocacy Meeting

7 pm at Bikeworks South


1) Complete Streets Strathcona update/next steps 2) Recap/next steps from Oliver meeting 3) Plan of action for Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meeting on March 13 4) Check-in on long term strategy 5) Bike shop outreach/Should the next meeting be at United Cycle

Attending – Chris Chan, Adam Burgess, Duncan Kinney, David Hohm, Anthony Dubuq

1) Complete Streets Strathcona update/next steps Reach out to Varscona, Packrat Louies, Fringe Theatre Adventures, Strathcona Farmer’s Market, Suite 69, The Youth Coop – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN General idea of the reaching out would be “Hi, I’m with Complete Streets Strathcona, we are x, we are working towards y. Here’s why this is a good idea. Parking might be affected.” Will be an open house in April or May – Whenever it gets warm out and a lot of cyclists can come We’re building a coalition and starting the parade here We’re not building bike infrastructure for us, for the people who already ride in traffic, it’s for the interested but concerned Follow up with group and confirm that the spring open house is happening and that we will need to do door knocking, postering and a literature drop before the open house. Check in with the design group to see how far along they are – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN Check in with Murray Davison of the Old Strathcona Business Association. – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN

2) Recap/next steps from Oliver meeting 105 Ave Streetscape redevelopment – Andrew Dubuq will reach out to city staff to gather information on what the plan for this project is. It’s already in the design phase and the public information sessions are until Fall 2013 – ACTION ITEM FOR ANTHONY DUBUQ

Reach out to Westmount Community League, Glenora, North Glenora, Inglewood, Grovenor, McQueen, Crestwood, West Edmonton Communities Council – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN KINNEY

Next meeting is March 28, 7 pm at the Oliver Community League Hall – Email the list of people who showed up to the meeting with the details and also invite the community leagues as well –

Ciclovia (street closures for all but local traffic) on the planned Bike Boulevard routes that we are organizing around, specifically 83rd ave and 102 ave. Perhaps liaise with City of Edmonton for Park(ed) events – Dot Laing is the city contact – ACTION ITEM – CHRIS WILL PITCH THIS TO DOT LAING

Work with Oliver and Strathcona Leagues, their CRCs and the city and to make this happen both this year and next. Ideally the long term goal is to get the bike boulevard as permanent weekly ciclovias

Reach out to Shafraaz and make some connections with Grant MacEwen in regards to 105th ave. We would like their participation, support and feedback. – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN

3) Plan of action for Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meeting on March 13

Call Mayor’s chief of staff to get the lay of the land in regards to the March 13 TIC meeting – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN

Request a meeting with Amarjeet Sohi prior to the TIC meeting p – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN

WHAT DO WE WANT TO TELL THE TIC? Why bike lanes are good, period – Safety, health, economics Why Edmonton needs it - Hammer home the survey data include the stats from the High Level Bridge and 76 ave and 106 st have both seen 30% increases year over year in the past two year Hammer home safety data – target the school argument Ask Elaine Hyshka or Kim Mcrae or @drdagly to provide a public health perspective – ACTION ITEM for DUNCAN Reach out to Campus2Campus public health students to speak – ACTION ITEM FOR CHRIS CHAN Business speakers – Jason Bots of United and Aldo Zanoni – ACTION ITEM FOR CHRIS CHAN Reiterate to council that the 2013 on-street bike routes make vital connections to existing bike infrastructure and will complete a network Chris Chan and Duncan Kinney will meet on March 10th to discuss the TIC meeting Send out a blast to get speakers to come. Email, facebook, Twitter – ACTION ITEM for CHRIS CHAN

4) Check-in on long term strategy Getting people excited about bikes Start a Cash Mobesque group which goes into communities and sets up fun bike rides More, better and publicly available data on cyclists – Set up a meeting with Chris Moore The survey that we reference – Needs to be on the City of Edmonton cycling website and the Public Data Catalogue as well as ours – ACTION ITEM FOR DUNCAN More community outreach

5) Next meeting 6:30 pm at United Cycle – Set up the meeting, contact Jason Bots -