Studding Tires for Winter Cycling

Studding Tires for Winter Cycling

 Registration is closed for this event
Make your own studded tires to grip icy winter streets & paths, for only $20!

In this hands-on session, you'll make a studded tire for winter cycling. Learn how to put sheet metal screws into your tire and add a layer to protect your tube from punctures. We’ll discuss how the studded tire works for you and whether you should do one or both tires. Bring your own tires, buy some used ones (extra $5) from BikeWorks or buy new ones. All other materials and tools, including drills, screws, and tire liners, will be provided. We will have drills for everyone to share but you are encouraged to bring your own if you have one.

We strongly recommend that you bring your bicycle to the tire studding class to size the tires and studs appropriately.

Current EBC members get a $5 discount on Winter Cycling Workshop registration fees. Visit to get your discount code.

Register early to secure your spot! Please note that cancellations require 1 week notice for a full refund. Cancellations after that are non-refundable.

Visit for more information about BikeWorks.

November 3, 2017 from  6:30 PM to  9:00 PM
Bike Edmonton North Community Workshop
9305 111 Ave
Edmonton, AB T6G 0A2
Mobile: 780 433 2453 ext. 9001
Event Fee(s)
Registration, includes studs $ 20.00 + $ 1.00 GST (and/or gratuities)
Registration including studs and 1-year Bike Edmonton membership $ 35.00 + $ 1.75 GST (and/or gratuities)

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