
Established as a non-profit society in 1980, we operate two volunteer-run community bike workshops, provide cycling education for people of all ages, host events with community partners year-round, and represent you at City Hall. We work to make cycling accessible for everyone because we believe that an Edmonton where anyone can choose to cycle is an Edmonton that’s better for all.

Bike Edmonton has over 1700 paid members. Join or renew today and be a part of the growing community in Edmonton! Your membership adds your strength to our collective voice, building more powerful and effective representation.

Your support also provides Bike Edmonton with stable, predictable funding to run and expand our services, including education and youth programming.

Membership benefits also include:

To check the status of your current membership and renew it, please look up your current membership here:

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If you don’t have a current membership, you can purchase a new one below:

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Want to support us beyond your membership? Include a one-time donation amount here!
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Our newsletter may contain commercial content promoting our sponsors & partners as well as our own services, events, and updates about cycling in Edmonton. You can unsubscribe at any time.